Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 444: Tailed beast jade


Ling Lie's gust of wind condensed from Shouhe's mouth, forming a huge wind ball that fell on the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him at a violent speed.

Facing the unexpected attack, even the [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz] couldn't react in time.

The evil Buddha behind him subconsciously stretched out his Buddha's palm to block the [Wind Dun·Liankong Bomb], but the violent wind ball penetrated the huge Buddha's palm in an instant, causing a violent wind to hit the [Wind Dun] in front of him. Ultimate creature].

With a crisp sound of bone shattering, the body of [Ultimate Creature] flew out in a very different and twisted posture, smashing into the grocery store opposite the martial arts hall, and then castrated unabated. Continuing to fly and smash through several walls to offset the terrifying power of [Wind Dun·Liankong Bomb].


With one mouthful of [Wind Dun·Liankong Bomb], the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him was knocked out, and the movements of Shouhe's body did not seem to stop. Under the condensation, it became even bigger and hideous, turning the eyes of the orange beast pupils to notice the Avengers beside him, and then let out a roar.

"Who can tell me, what kind of meaning does [Shouhe]'s cry represent?"

Controlling the steel suit on his body to avoid the electric current of Doctor Doom, Tony looked up at the ever-expanding Shukaku, and then asked.

"I don't know."

Holding Thor's Hammer in hand, Sol heard Tony's question, turned his head and glanced at the somewhat familiar giant monster, and then frowned and guessed: "Maybe we can try and say hello to it."

As he spoke, Sol raised his head and pointed in the direction of Shouhe and shouted: "Hey, Master Ye, can you still hear me?"


Noticing Saul's shouts under his feet, Shouhe instinctively lowered his head, looked at this tiny figure without hesitation, opened his mouth and sent a 【Wind Dun·Liankong Bomb】.

"Looks like it's not on our side."

The shield that raised his hand blocked Dio's attack, and Steve looked at Sol's figure flying out and said involuntarily.

One [Wind Dun·Lian Kong Bomb] blasted Sol out, and Shouhe turned his huge body, and the place where he raised his palm and dropped was the location of the martial arts hall behind him.

"Damn, the kid is still inside?!"

Noticing this move of Shouhe, Tony immediately thought of Abao who kept the martial arts hall, and the expression under the steel helmet became more and more anxious.


Seeing that Shouhe's huge claws were about to fall on the martial arts hall, with a roar, Hulk the Hulk immediately jumped out of the ruins of the wall, and rushed over Shouhe's huge body into the martial arts hall. Inside, he saw Hulk clasped his hands together, protecting a small figure in his arms, and cautiously rushed out of the martial arts hall.


Just the second after Hulk rushed out of the martial arts hall, Shouhe's huge claws landed on the roof of the martial arts hall, directly crushing the entire building into ruins.

"Well done, Hulk!"

Looking at Po in Hulk's arms, Tony's face under the steel helmet was slightly relieved, and he immediately praised the Hulk.

"Hulk, Avengers, Superheroes!"

Holding his hands, he put Po carefully down. Hearing the praise from his mind, Hulk quickly opened his mouth and replied.

"Master Ye, the martial arts hall..."

Turning his head to look at the martial arts hall that was instantly in ruins under Shouhe's attack, A Bao couldn't help but muttered.

"Hulk, protect, take revenge."

Seeing Po's sad look in front of him, Hulk's dark green pupils changed a bit, he turned his head to glance at Shouhe who was destroying unscrupulously in Chinatown, and then stretched out his thick fingers and carefully touched Po's little head , shouted.


Hearing Hulk's comfort, A Bao raised his head and looked at the tall green body in front of him.

"Hulk, attack!"

After comforting A Bao, without any hesitation, Hulk turned his body to look at Shouhe who was not far away, lowered his body and jumped towards Shouhe's huge body.


With the huge impact force of the jump, Hulk landed heavily on Shouhe's body, causing a lot of gravel to fall on Shouhe's body.

Hulk looked down at the yellow sand monster covered with textures in front of him, raised his huge fist and fell towards Shouhe.

bang, bang—

The fist carrying the powerful power of the Hulk fell on Shouhe's body like raindrops, and a large amount of yellow sand flew out in an instant, and Shouhe's original destruction action was also stopped by Hulk's attack. It turned its head to look at the Hulk who was constantly attacking from behind, let out a roar in its mouth, and then stretched out its huge claws and grabbed towards Hulk's position.

Compared with the huge body of ordinary people, Hulk seemed a little smaller when it fell on Shouhe. Therefore, looking at Shouhe's outstretched claws, Hulk immediately stopped his fist and grabbed the sand on Shouhe's body. His arm suddenly exerted force, and his entire body swayed away from Shouhe's falling claws and jumped to the opponent's shoulder.


Shouhe's huge claws landed on his back and made a dull slamming sound. At the same time, a large amount of sand and gravel fell down due to this slap, forming a thin layer of yellow sand on the ground of the entire Chinatown.

One blow did not hit the Hulk on the back, Shouhe couldn't help opening his mouth and let out a deafening roar, then turned his claws and grabbed the Hulk on his shoulder.

Due to the limitation of the huge size, even though Shouhe's movements were extremely fast, there was still a certain degree of sluggishness in Hulk's eyes.

The Hulk after Banner's transformation not only has great strength, but also has superhuman endurance and speed.

Therefore, under Shouhe's claws, Hulk's reaction was also very fast. While attacking Shouhe, he kept changing positions on Shouhe's body. He was obviously a huge giant full of muscles. , Leng is giving a flexible illusion.

He kept reaching out his claws but couldn't catch the bugs on his body. Shouhe's huge face began to show an angry expression. He turned his orange beast pupils, and turned the yellow sand on Shouhe's body with his thoughts. Act as if you have life.

He lifted his legs and landed heavily on Shouhe's body. Hulk looked at the outstretched claw and was about to jump away again, but in the next instant, Hulk found that he had stepped on Shouhe. I don't know when the thigh was tightly wrapped and fixed by two **** of yellow sand.

This kind of fixation is not too strong for the Hulk to hinder, and even it only needs a little strong force to break free.

However, it was precisely the appearance of these yellow sands that made the Hulk stop on Shouhe for a moment. Shouhe seized the opportunity, and the huge claws suddenly grabbed the annoying Hulk. in hand.


Being caught by Shouhe in his claws, Hulk immediately made a struggle.

Under the influence of superhuman strength, in just a few seconds, Shouhe's claws appeared a lot of cracks and yellow sand fell.

Turning his huge head to look at the struggling Hulk in his hands, Shouhe opened his mouth, and the next moment a pitch-black energy ball began to condense in its mouth.

"Mr. Stark, I detected a powerful force condensing in the mouth of the extraterrestrial demon [Shouhe]. According to the analysis of this energy, the destructive power of this energy ball is enough to raze the entire Chinatown to the ground. "

The blue light in his eyes flickered for a moment, and Ao Chuang looked at the [Tailed Beast Jade] that was constantly forming in the mouth of the guard and then made a report.


Seeing that, the [Tailed Beast Jade] in Shouhe's mouth was about to condense.

From not far away, Thor's Hammer flew up with lightning speed, and smashed straight into Shouhe's mouth, directly knocking his huge head off a bit, and even his body The jaw made of gravel was also beaten to sand.

As Shouhe's chin collapsed, the originally condensed [Tail Beast Jade] in his mouth naturally collapsed.

Raising his hand again to summon the flying Thor's Hammer back, Sol looked at the [Tailed Beast Jade] that was successfully interrupted by him, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

Just now, he sensed from Shouzaku's mouth that the more dangerous and powerful power of [Wind Dun·Liankong Bullet] that he used to attack him before was condensed there, so he waved Thor's Hammer to stop it without hesitation. .

Shaking his head, the impact force of Thor's Hammer is extremely powerful, and the impact force generated by even the strongest blow is comparable to the explosion of an atomic bomb, which is why the Doctor Doom controlled by [Ultimate Creature] before When the arm blocks the power of Thor's Hammer, it takes a lot of damage.

Although the power of the tailed beast [Shou Crane] is powerful, it is only the ability of the B-rank character card [Gaara] after all.

Fortunately, now due to the restrictions of the earth, Sol cannot freely exert his power as he did in Asgard.

And before he waved Thor's hammer to block and because of hasty reasons, the impact force he carried was not strong.

In just a few seconds, the chin that was smashed by Thor's hammer on Shouhe's face recovered again under the filled gravel.

Opening his recovered chin, Shouhe's eyes flashed with anger, looking at the Hulk who was struggling in his claws, he directly opened his mouth and planned to swallow Hulk directly into your stomach.

"Hurry up and stop, Master Ye!"

Seeing that, Hulk was about to be swallowed by Shouhe in front of him.

Sol clenched the Thor's Hammer tightly and wanted to swing it again. At this moment, Po's slightly immature figure suddenly rang.


Because of Po's voice, Shouhe, who had opened his mouth originally, cooperated and stopped.

"I know that the big monster in front of me is Master Ye, you changed it."

Looking at Shouhe who stopped moving, Abao took a deep breath, a firm expression appeared on his round face, looked up at Shouhe's huge body, and continued to shout: "Master Ye, you taught me Through me, there is no difference between good and evil, so even the most evil power, as long as the person who masters the power has a good heart, the power will also become the ability to help people, so don't be defeated by the power in your body. Now, Master Ye, you promised me that you would continue to teach me Wing Chun."


In the face of A Bao's tender but firm cry, and under the watchful eyes of the Avengers, Shouhe's huge and ferocious face immediately showed a struggling expression.

Along with this change, a large number of black incantations on Shouhe began to change, and a vague word 'love' gradually began to appear on Shouhe's forehead.

And as the word 'love' became clearer, the black incantation on Shouhe's body began to regress, and the huge body composed of yellow sand began to collapse. As the text disappeared, dense cracks appeared.

Click, click—

After just a few seconds, the entire arm seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the Hulk in the claws any longer. Now, what gradually emerged was Ye Wen himself, who was wrapped in a pale face.

The last gravel on his body also fell, and Ye Wen stumbled to the ground, and the dense black incantations on his body shrank and finally converged on his forehead to form a clear 'love' 'The word eventually faded away without a trace.

"Teacher Wu Tian."

Raising his hand and touching his forehead where the word "love" disappeared, Ye Wen cooperated and made a murmuring appearance.

"Master Ye!"

On the other side, looking at Ye Wen reappearing, A Bao's little face quickly showed an excited expression, stepping on his calf, he wanted to rush towards Ye Wen's position.

"A Bao."

Hearing A Bao's voice, Ye Wen turned his head and showed a faint smile on his pale face.

However, before A Bao ran to Ye Wen, the familiar figure of [Ultimate Creature] appeared in front of Ye Wen again in a twist.

"A Bao, be careful!"

Looking at A Bao who appeared in front of him, Ye Wen's pale expression suddenly changed. He supported his weak body and rushed in front of [Ultimate Creature], spreading his arms in an attempt to block the investigation below. Extreme creature.


However, in the face of Ye Wen's blocking, the [Ultimate Creature]'s handsome face like a Greek statue showed a disdainful expression.

He stretched out his arm and transformed into a sharp spike that penetrated Ye Wen's body in an instant.

"Master Ye..."

A large amount of blood splashed out from the hole in Ye Wen's chest and fell on A Bao who was in front of him.

Looking at Ye Wen who was facing him and the piercing spikes on his body, the expression on A Bao's face immediately froze.

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