Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 438: broken arm

"Have to stop him!"

The expression of [Ultimate Creature] made Tony's expression in the steel battle suit suddenly change. He thought of the opponent's terrifying devouring ability, and said quickly.

If [Ultimate Creature] were to incorporate Steve into his body, it would not only reveal Po's position, but even Captain America himself would have no chance of surviving.

Aware of the crisis of the situation, Sol waved Thor's Hammer without hesitation, condensing a large amount of lightning to attack the location of the [Ultimate Creature].


However, at this moment, Dr. Doom's eyes flickered under his steel mask, and then he controlled the current in his body to form a dense power grid, thereby attracting the violent lightning on Thor's hammer to deviate from the original attack position.

"The one you gave me just now was really painful."

He stretched out his hand and ripped off the black cloak that had been charred under the impact of the violent electric current, revealing his completely metalized silver-white body. Under the wrapping of the electric current, Doctor Destruction's entire body looked even more hideous and dazzling. He looked in front of him. Sol, said in a cold tone.

"Natasha, inform Ah Xing and leave New York with Po immediately!"

"What's wrong, Tony?!"

In the Avengers Building, facing the message from Tony, Natasha couldn't help frowning, and a strong sense of unease emerged in her heart.

"[Ultimate creature] was not sealed. He parasitized Doctor Doom, not only swallowing Jiuyou's power, but also getting a scepter. Now he is planning to swallow the captain to find A Bao's position."

Inside the steel suit, Tony looked at the situation in Jinbian Building, but the expression on his face calmed down.

"Natasha, if we fail, tell Pepper for me, I'm sorry, and I love..."

"You'd better stay alive and talk to Pepper yourself."

In the Avengers Building, Natasha felt a strong will to die from Tony's message, and interrupted the other party without hesitation.

"Banner, contact the Fantastic Four, and prepare, it's the big guy's turn to appear."

"I see."

The connection between Tony and the Avengers Building is not concealed, so Banner clearly heard what he left behind.

Reaching out to hold his glasses, Banner took a deep breath and spoke silently.

"In fact, Hulk has already come out without my preparation."


As Banner's voice fell, the next moment, a deafening roar suddenly sounded from the Avengers Building.


"Have you left your last words, Tony?"

Inside the steel suit, Tony couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard Natasha's last words.

However, he didn't wait for him to react.

Dio took a step and came to Tony with an agility that was far superior to just now. He grinned, showing the sharp teeth in his mouth, looking at Tony, who was wrapped in a steel suit, and said mockingly.

"Looks like you've gotten used to your identity pretty quickly."

Feeling the more powerful Dior in front of him, Tony flashed a dignified look in the eyes of the steel helmet, but he still rudely countered: "The so-called king of vampires is just a lackey of [Ultimate Creature] in the end. ."

"Whatever you say, Tony..."

Tony's counterattack made Dior's scarlet eyes flash with a stern look, and he put away the teeth at the corner of his mouth, and he said coldly: "You can't change the outcome of your doomed death, maybe I lost it because of [Ultimate Creature]. It is possible to become a king, but it is better than your avengers, and finally succeed in the food in each other's mouth."

"At least we resisted, even if the final outcome is as you said."

"Who will remember that this world is a ruthless and forgetful existence, even if your avengers were once incomparably great, but as long as you die, it has no meaning. The so-called memory, commemoration, in my opinion, is just for the sake of human beings. The reason for overcoming anxiety and fear in order to live with peace of mind is to deceive yourself in this way. All the nostalgia is just an excuse for peace of mind. This world belongs to the victors and the last survivors. "

"Even if no one remembers, at least we fought hard."

"Then go to **** with those efforts, Tony."

He opened his hands, and instantly stretched out his sharp nails from his fingertips. Dio looked at the steel battle suit in front of him, and the whole figure turned into afterimages, wrapping Tony in the center.


"team leader!"

Seeing that both Sol and Tony in the Avengers were restrained from action, the only person in the entire building who could still fight was himself.

Falcon looked at the tall and oppressive body of the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him.

It comes from the horror at the top of the food chain on [Kaz]. As a human falcon, the feeling is the most obvious. He can even clearly feel that when he is facing the gaze of [Ultimate Creature], the cells in his body are constantly screaming. People instinctively began to tremble.

Controlling the metal wings on his back, Falcon gritted his teeth and dragged his body with difficulty, trying to ignore all kinds of abnormalities in his body, and rushed towards Steve's position as he went forward.


However, before the Falcon rushed to the face of Captain America.

[Ultimate Creature] He waved his arm and stretched a heavy hammer, which directly knocked the flying falcon into the sky.

"Hmph, over-the-top guy."

Looking at the Falcon whose whole body was blown away, a look of disdain flashed in the eyes of [Ultimate Creature].

He turned his body to look at Captain America in front of him, with a eager expression on his face, and stepped forward: "Then, then you will tell me where the immortal reincarnation is..."


Seeing that [Ultimate Creature] was getting closer and closer to Steve's footsteps, Captain America's situation was at stake. Not far away, the expression on Sol's face became more and more irritable, and he kept waving the Thor's Hammer in his hand to burst into a frenzy. Lightning, but has been blocked by Doctor Doom.

Tony was trapped in the center by the afterimage transformed by Dio. After absorbing the blood of the [Ultimate Creature], the vampire's increasingly powerful agility and strength made his movements extremely difficult.

"Tony Stark, let's make a..."

However, at this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from the afterimages around, causing Tony's frowning brows in the steel suit to change subconsciously.

"Cough, captain..."

Falling in the ruins full of gravel, Falcon looked at Steve who was motionless in front of [Ultimate Creature], struggling to stretch out his arms, the metal wings behind him were under the powerful attack of [Kaz] Broken, has lost the ability to fly.

"Be part of my body..."

Coming to Steve, [Ultimate Creature] looked down at Captain America's body, stretched out his arm and was about to grab him.

At this moment, there was a sharp smashing sound from behind, and then I saw Agent Carter grab a dagger in his hand and pierce [Kaz]'s back with a painful expression.


Carter's attack naturally could not cause the slightest damage to the powerful [Ultimate Creature], and the damage caused by just a dagger was not even a damage to [Kaz] at all.

However, Carter's action was obviously full of provocation when he looked at the [Ultimate Creature].

He stopped the arm he stretched towards Steve and turned to look at Dio not far away, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"No, I didn't do it."

Feeling the huge oppression from the [Ultimate Creature], Dio stopped his movements, revealing the scratched steel battle suit in the afterimage, and said with a stunned expression: "I didn't control her to do anything. , the attack just now, she should have done it herself after breaking free from the control of the granulation."

Having said that, Dio's face showed a look of surprise at the right time, as if he was surprised that Carter was able to break free of control by his own will.

"My own actions."

Taking a deep look at Dio, [Ultimate Creature] turned his head to look at Carter, who had a painful expression behind him, reached out and grabbed her neck and lifted her up, and said with a cold expression: "It seems that you are still trying to save her. Get this guy, but with this dagger alone..."

Twisting his arms and pulling out the dagger on his back, [Ultimate Creature] opened his mouth and put the dagger in his mouth, easily biting and swallowing it: "If this is your last resort, then unfortunately, this kind of The method not only can't save him, but it will only anger me even more, after all, I can ignore the screams of the insects but I can't tolerate the insects jumping on me, and they even tried to bite me."

While speaking, the [Ultimate Creature] grabbed Carter's palm and slowly disappeared, merging into her neck at a speed visible to the naked eye.


In the face of [Carter] who was in crisis, Steve, who was fixed there by the power of the scepter, began to show obvious fluctuations in the original empty eyes, and even the originally immobile body, the fingertips began to slightly start. twitched.

However, compared to the situation on Steve, the [Ultimate Creature] merged into Carter significantly faster.

In the blink of an eye, half of his arm had already entered the opponent's neck.



Seeing that, it won't be long before the [Ultimate Creature] will integrate Carter into his body like Darcy.

Steve's palm began to shrink slowly, but he was still unable to move.

At this moment, the shock wave that counted to the blue was launched from outside the Jinnian Building, and it hit the arm of the [Ultimate Creature] that was grabbed by Carter's neck.

The powerful power of the shock wave far exceeds the defense of the creature, and even the [Ultimate Creature] cannot form a powerful defensive force in an instant.

Looking down at his arm that was smashed by the shock wave, a thought of [Kaz] flashed, and then he watched a brand new arm grow again from the broken arm.

Turning the fingertips adapted to everything in the new arm in just a few seconds. [Ultimate Creature] ignored Carter, who was interrupted by the shock wave on the ground, and turned to look at the location of Ultron.

"This blow is a retaliation for the previous blow."

Supporting his broken arm body full of scars, Ultron's eyes flickered with dim blue light, and he responded to the gaze cast by [Ultimate Creature].

As Ultron's voice fell, a large amount of steel armor entered from the broken window outside the building, and the weapons on the control body were aimed at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him.

"Looks like this is the last resort you plan to use against me."

Turning his head and sweeping the surrounding steel armor that is constantly pouring into the building, the outer surface of the [Ultimate Creature] quickly generates a carapace with twisted spiral spikes, which is wrapped in these dark carapace [Kaz] There was a ferocious expression on his face: "I'm really disappointed, I thought you would come up with some new tricks this time."

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed."

In the face of the words of [Ultimate Creature], the blue light in Ultron's eyes gradually extinguished, and the next moment, a black-shelled steel armored head drooped, and a blue light flashed in his eyes, the gentleness and rationality of artificial intelligence. 's voice sounded immediately.

In line with Ultron's answer, a large number of steel armors fired intensive shock wave rays, all of which fell on the [Ultimate Creature] wrapped in pitch-black carapace under the powerful computing power of artificial intelligence.

The power of the beam attack of a large number of steel battle suits is gathered, and its power is enough to cause indiscriminate damage to a small village.

However, the damage that fell on the [Ultimate Creature] did not work as expected.

The [Ultimate Creature] that combines two B-rank character cards is still incomparable to A-rank cards in terms of strength, but the defense is undoubtedly greatly enhanced, especially Dalxi as a fighting world "Street". The powerhouses in "Ba", although they are slightly lacking in their own defense compared to other characters in the series, are only compared to other characters in "Street Fighter".

As a yoga master, Darcy's control of the body has almost reached the limit, and on top of this, he is cooperating with the control power of [Ultimate Creature], which is already subtle to the cell. The strength of the carapace formed on its body is comparable to that of steel, or even a bit more.

The dense laser rays left pits with white smoke on the body of the [Ultimate Creature], but in the next instant, these pits were restored to their original state by their powerful self-healing ability.

Turning his neck, [Kaz] looked at the Ultron in front of him and the steel army controlled by it in the eyes wrapped in the carapace: "Are you scratching me, such a weak attack, even this one on my body. Even layers of carapace cannot be penetrated. Do you think I [Kaz], who devoured the nine secluded ascetic monk, will still be as fragile as before? My power is now several times stronger than before, and now I am in the true sense. The [Ultimate Creature] of my [Ultimate Creature], and as long as the so-called immortal reincarnation in your mouth is reincarnated into the body, maybe I [Kaz] will surpass the limit of the [Ultimate Creature] and become a real-God! "

"Then cry, howl, sing sad songs and die in agony for the birth of a new god! Avengers!"

As the voice of [Kaz] fell, the next moment his figure was distorted, and he appeared in the steel army. He opened his mouth and a hot flame emerged from his mouth.

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