Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 437: surrender

"Do you feel that your body can't move?"

In front of Ultron, the space on [Kaz]'s body was distorted, and he instantly appeared behind Dio.

He looked at Dio who was motionless in front of him, and asked with a smile that was half a smile on his face.

Feeling the stronger sense of oppression coming from behind, Dior turned his neck with difficulty, looked at the tall figure behind him, and asked word by word, "Who are you?"


Facing Dio's questioning, [Kaz] opened his arms and made a twisted and weird posture: "I am the most perfect and powerful [Ultimate Creature] in the world, and also the maker of vampires. ."

"You created the stone ghost face?!"

Hearing [Kaz]'s answer, Dio's face matched with a shocked expression.

"Ghost face, is this the name you gave to the mask I made?"

"What a terrible name."

With a look of disdain on his face, [Caz] clearly showed his attitude towards the name of the stone ghost face in Dio's mouth.

"The so-called stone ghost faces in your mouth are just some inferior products left over from the process of becoming [Ultimate Creature]. These masks cannot stimulate the potential of being a super creature of [Pillar Man], but Unexpectedly, it is compatible with humans, so that humans who wear these masks can transform into vampires in your eyes. Of course, whether it is humans or vampires transformed by wearing masks, it is just me [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz] Even compared to ordinary humans, vampires transformed by masks are more in line with my appetite."

"You mean to say..."

In the face of the history vaguely revealed by [Caz] from the description, Dior's original bewitching face became more and more hideous, he grinned at the corners of his mouth to reveal sharp teeth, and his scarlet eyes were full of grimness: " As the king of vampires, I, Dio, who surpasses the limits of human beings, are just food in the eyes of [Ultimate Creatures].”

"It looks like you don't really accept this outcome."

"But unfortunately, this is the truth of history. Vampires are just a kind of food that I made."

"So, what experience do you have of being killed by food!"

Opening his sharp claws, Dio twisted his body, 'breaking through' the feeling of oppression from [Kaz] in an instant, and suddenly waved behind him.

"[Ultimate creature] is an undead existence."

Twisting his body, the figure of [Kaz] disappeared from behind Dio in an instant and appeared aside.

"And vampires, at best, are just inferior [Pillars of Men]. Although they have abilities close to that of [Pillars of Men], they are only close. With the abilities of these vampires alone, I want to be able to deal with the current Fighting for me, who devoured your Jiuyou power, is simply wishful thinking."

Lift a finger and tap Dio's body lightly.


Immediately afterwards, I heard Dio fall to the ground in pain, and a large amount of blood infiltrated from the body of the king outside the vampire to form a huge blood trail on the ground.

"As long as I am willing, I can easily deprive you of the power of vampires, so if you don't want to lose your power, just do as I say."

[Kaz] Putting away his fingers, Dio, who fell to the ground, ended his pain and wailing. He panted and shook his head. Under the suppression of the creatures, it seemed extremely weak.

"Have you made a choice, whether to surrender or die."

Looking down at the powerless Dio, [Caz] questioned in a voice without the slightest emotion.

"I choose... surrender..."

Facing the persecution of [Kaz], Dio shook his body and lowered his head, gritted his teeth and made a slow and difficult choice.

"Very well, you made the right decision."

Looking at Dio who bowed his head in front of him, [Kaz] nodded slowly.

The next moment, he stretched out his fingers into sharp spikes and slid across his arm, and a drop of blood that seemed to have life flowed out and said to Dio: "Open your mouth."

Hearing [Kaz]'s order, Dio subconsciously opened his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the [Ultimate Creature] flicking his finger, and a beating drop of blood from the fingertip crossed the air and fell accurately into Dio's mouth.

"This power!"

The blood entered the body, and Dior immediately cooperated to make the appearance of soaring strength.

At the same time, Li Ran in the antique shop also timely passed the power of other cards.

"Jarvis, report the situation inside the 'dome'."

The [Ultimate Creature] that appeared in the Jinnian Building was undoubtedly beyond the imagination of the Avengers.

Looking at the [Ultimate Creature] who easily oppressed Dio and surrendered, Tony tried his best to suppress the shock in his heart and asked Jarvis.

"Everything is normal in the 'dome'."

Connected to the satellite, Jarvis passed the picture captured by the camera in the 'dome' to Tony in the steel suit.

Looking at the microwave oven still intact in the video, Tony fell into confusion.

If the microwave that sealed the [Ultimate Creature] was not damaged, then the [Ultimate Creature] in front of me was again.

"Doctor Doom, Mr. Stark."

In Tony's doubts, Ultron opened his mouth and pointed out the key people in everything that happened in front of him.

"Doctor Doom!"

Ultron's reminder instantly sorted out Tony's chaotic thoughts. Hearing the analysis of artificial intelligence, Tony's previous intelligence about the other party's escape immediately emerged in his mind.

"Perhaps, Doctor Destruction did not escape by himself, but with the assistance of [Ultimate Creatures]."

It's just that the current situation, no matter what kind it is, will not be a very good thing.

The [Ultimate Creature] appeared in the Jinning Building, but there was no Ip Man on the Avengers side.

Taking his eyes away from Dior, who felt the surging power in his body, the [Ultimate Creature] looked at the avengers in front of him, especially on Tony's body for a while.

"To be honest, your seals were very successful before, and you were almost able to defeat me as a [Ultimate Creature], if I hadn't left a hand before and separated part of my body into a Other creatures parasitic on the body of the invisible female Susan, maybe it is really completely sealed."

"Looks like we weren't lucky enough."

Hearing the description of [Ultimate Creature], Tony's expression in the steel suit was a bit complicated.

In order to prevent the [Ultimate Creature] from having the slightest possibility of escaping, the Avengers took great pains, and even built a cosmic prison 'dome' for the other party.

However, it now seems that everything the Avengers have done before is in vain.

Inside the steel helmet, Tony Fei looked at Captain America Steve on the side and Thor on the other side.

The Avengers knew each other that in this dangerous situation, the only thing they could rely on was the scepter in the hands of Ultron.

"Ultron, do it well..."

Inside the steel suit, Tony attempted to contact Ultron using the communication device inside the Avengers.

However, at this moment, the figure of [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz], who had been standing facing Dio, appeared beside Ultron for a while, ignoring the obstruction of Mr. Fantastic Reed, and stretched his arm to Like a flexible long snake, it constantly twists and changes its direction, forcing Ultron to make evasive actions.

With the powerful computing power of artificial intelligence, under the attack of the [Ultimate Creature], Ultron was so perfect that it avoided all the opponent's attacks without the slightest mistake.

However, after finding that his outstretched arm was unable to **** the scepter from the place's hand. [Kaz]'s figure was twisted again, and he came to the side of Ultron who was evading in an instant. He no longer gave the artificial intelligence a plan to avoid, and stretched out his hand to directly entangle Ultron's mechanical body.

click, click-

The huge power from the arm, in an instant, a lot of sunken marks appeared on Ultron's hard metal body. With the continuous increase of power, the blue tone in Ultron's eyes began to dim. a bit.

The hot [Yoga Flame] spewed out of his mouth, melting Ultron's arm tightly gripping the scepter into two pieces.

Looking at Ultron's broken arm that fell to the ground, Doctor Doom also subconsciously touched the position of his original broken arm. The eyes under the steel mask flickered a few times involuntarily.

Extend the other arm to grab Ultron's fused arm and the scepter, and feel the terrifying power surging from the scepter.

Li Ran in the antique shop couldn't help but raised his eyebrows.

The power of the mind gem at the top of the scepter was more powerful than he imagined. Even if he was separated by a clone, Li Ran could already feel the huge terrifying power of the gem.

To be honest, as long as Li Ran is willing, he can completely take the power of the mind gem in the scepter as his own.

However, considering Thanos, who was eyeing the Infinity Stones, Li Ran gave up his impulse to the power of the gems.

The power of the mind gem is powerful, but it has not been used so powerfully that Li Ran will not let go.

For him, although the Mind Stone is tempting, as long as he collects enough fame, it will be a matter of time before he can open an item that does not lose the power of the Mind Stone.

"Just now, the abilities used by [Ultimate Creatures] are the abilities of the ascetic monk from Jiuyou India."

Holding the Thor's Hammer tightly in his hand, Sol looked at the [Ultimate Creature], especially the scepter held in the opponent's hand, with an obvious solemn expression on his face.

"More than that, it now has the power of the scepter."

Looking at everything that happened in Jinbian Building, Falcon's expression was indescribable.

"Right now, are there any worse possibilities than this development?"

"Looks like it should be gone."

The change of ownership of the scepter, especially when it fell into the hands of the [Ultimate Creature], obviously brought great pressure to the Avengers.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is obviously impossible for the Avengers to defeat [Kaz].

"You can never take the scepter away!"

The scepter is related to the life-threatening life of Johnny the Torch in the Fantastic Four, so seeing the scepter that [Kaz] grabbed from Ultron's hand, Mr. Fantastic Reed no longer hesitated and compressed his body Transformed into a sphere, then bounced and turned to [Kaz] with the scepter in his hand.

"It's not up to you."

Looking at Reed who rushed forward, [Kaz] directly waved the scepter in his hand and landed on the opponent's body, sealing the dead mind of Mister Fantastic just like the opponent Darcy before.

Take down Mister Fantastic Reed.

[Ultimate Creature] He lowered his head and glanced at the scepter in his hand, his eyes swept over the mind gem at the top, and then turned his body to look at the avengers in front of him: "Incorporating the extraordinary power of the nine secluded ascetic monks, Now I have the scepter that you rely on again, Avengers, and now you have no chance of defeating me."

"Then, the Avengers..."

The space in front of him was distorted, and [Ultimate Creature] skillfully displayed the [Yoga Teleportation] that originally belonged to Darcy, and he came to Steve's when the other party was caught off guard. He immediately fixed Captain America's body: "Are you ready for death?"

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing that, [Ultimate Creature] is about to take the Captain America who was fixed in place.

Dior hurriedly opened his mouth to stop: "I need to know the location of the reincarnation of the immortal through the Avengers."

"The immortal reincarnated?"

Hearing Dio's cry, [Caz] instantly stopped his arms that were constantly stretched around Steve's neck, put away his fingertips just a few centimeters away from Captain America, and looked at Dio.

"The reincarnation of immortals is the target that Jiuyou has been looking for."

In response to the gaze cast by [Kaz], Dio immediately spoke up.

"It is said that the reincarnation of the immortal in Penglai has extremely powerful power, so in order to prevent the reincarnation of the immortal from returning to Penglai, we must first solve this reincarnation. In fact, I have launched an attack on the Avengers before. At one point, I succeeded in finding the reincarnation of the immortal."

"strong power?"

Hearing Dio's description, the expression of [Ultimate Creature]'s original indifference changed immediately.

"So, where is this immortal reincarnated?"

"Only the Avengers know this. The reason why I used Carter to threaten Captain America before was to force the Avengers to bring the reincarnation of the fairy over, but obviously, I was deceived by the Avengers."

As he spoke, Dio turned his head and glanced at the motionless figure of Mr. Fantastic Reed in the building.

"Why so troublesome."

Hearing Dio's answer, [Caz] twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Captain America Steve, who was also incapacitated by the Mind Stone in front of him.

"The location of the immortal's reincarnation, I can know all this through the other's brain..."

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