Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 401: undead creature

"Tony, Tony..."

In the Hydra base, the constant voice of Captain America's calling brought back Tony's hallucinating thoughts.

After returning to his senses, looking at the messy research room in front of him and Mark48 standing beside him doing his duty, Tony was silent for a while before connecting to the contact device, looking at the information displayed on the computer screen in front of him and murmured: " Captain, it looks like we're in big trouble..."


"how is the situation?"

New York, Avengers Building.

Steve looked at Mr. Fantastic Reed with a frustrated expression and asked.

"same as usual."

Recalling the somewhat unhappy conversation between himself and Johnny before, Reed couldn't help shaking his head and sighed, and said, "Everything that happened in the Hydra base has dealt a great blow to Johnny. I don't even dare to disclose the content of the materials to him, lest he do anything impulsive again."

Although he was talking about Johnny, the blow that Reed suffered was not much smaller than that of Johnny. It was only because of his relatively introverted personality that there was no runaway situation like the Human Torch.

"Doctor, trust me..."

Noticing the emotional change on Reed's face, Steve's expression changed a bit. He thought of the information the Avengers got from the Hydra base, and his mind flashed, and then he comforted in a firm tone: " No matter what kind of opponent you face this time, the Avengers will save Susan, I promise."


Faced with Captain America's assurances, Reed's expression fell silent.

Judging from the information obtained from the Hydra base, Reed is not optimistic about Susan's next possible encounter.

Even, it's quite possible that Susan has...

However, no matter whether it is extravagant or unwilling to accept it, Reed always maintains a trace of hope in his heart, hoping that Susan is still alive and not eaten by that monster.

Therefore, after a long silence, Reed took a deep breath and looked up at Captain America in front of him: "Not just the Avengers, Captain, but also the Fantastic Four."


"NATO only gave us a three-day deadline..."

"The problems caused by Strucker in Europe are no less than that of New York. NATO believes that there are at least ten wars behind the shadow of Hydra, and they hope to know the existence of Hydra through Strucker's mouth. The rest of the latent groups within NATO, so we don't have enough time."

"In fact, not only NATO, but also the United Nations organization also hopes to share..."

On the third floor of the Avengers Building, in the interrogation room, Agent Hill looked at the information from NATO and made a report to Nick Fury in front of him.

"It seems that our prisoner is more sought-after than expected."

Hearing the information from Agent Hill, Nick Fury turned his head to look at Strucker in the interrogation room, the only intact one eye flashed a strange look, and said in a low tone.

"I think it's more because he's done so many bad things that everyone wants to hold him in their hands."

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Tony turned his head and glanced at Strucker behind the glass, and raised his eyebrows to correct.

"No matter what," Natasha, a former SHIELD super agent who was on the side, said after hearing the conversation between the two, she looked at Strucker with a calm face in the interrogation room, and said, "The rest of us Time is running out, we must get information about the Hydra base from him as soon as possible, especially the information about [Ultimate Creatures].”

"[Ultimate creature]."

Hearing the name that came out of Natasha's mouth, Nick Fury repeated it secretly, looking back at Strucker behind the glass.

Strucker in the interrogation room also raised his head as if he had noticed something, pointed in the direction of Nick Fury and the others, grinning and showing a rather strange expression on his face.


"Then, Baron Strucker..."

In the interrogation room, Natasha looked at Strucker who was buckled in the chair, raised her slender eyebrows, and exerted her professional ability as a former super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.: "As an old opponent, I know The S.H.I.E.L.D. set won't play a big role in you, so let's put aside these time-consuming and laborious processes and tell me, what exactly is [Ultimate Creature]..."

While she was talking, Natasha's eyes were firmly on Strucker's expression, and the subtle changes on the other party's face were used to determine the accuracy of the information the other party said next.

Unconsciously, his expression twitched. Facing Natasha's questioning, Strucker subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch his aching brain, but the handcuffs on his wrist directly prevented him from doing so. Unconsciously twisting his shoulders, Strucker looked at Natasha in front of him, and asked blankly, "[Ultimate creature], I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Mr. Strucker, you should know that such a lie won't do you any good."

Staring closely at Strucker's face in front of her, Natasha took out the evidence she had prepared for a long time, and pushed one of the photos with a blurry image to the other side.

"This is the information obtained from the Hydra base, which shows the appearance of the [Ultimate Creature] and the damage caused to the Hydra. More than two-thirds of the Hydra soldiers died in the [Ultimate Creature]. It is precisely because of this accident that you will be powerless to face the Avengers, although, even in your prime, I don't think you guys will be the opponents of the Avengers."

Looking down, looking at the photo Natasha handed over.

In the photo, the tall and fuzzy figure seemed to instantly arouse some kind of fear in Strucker's heart, and the originally indifferent expression on his face changed a little, and his breathing became quicker.

Noticing the change in Strucker, the look in Natasha's eyes changed, and she immediately seized the opportunity to start asking questions.

"It seems that the figure in the photo has brought you quite a bad memory, Mr. Strucker, so can you tell me why?"


Hearing Natasha's questioning, Strucker felt the pain in his brain a little more intensely, as if there was really a hand moving in his head.

"You have no idea what you are facing..."

Raising his head, Strucker gasped violently, looked past Natasha who was facing her and looked at the Avengers outside the glass behind her, and said in a hoarse voice: "[Ultimate creature] That's a real monster, A terrifying undead monster unwittingly unleashed from a meteorite by Hydra..."

In the interrogation room, following Strucker's description, the last battle scene between Hydra and the [Ultimate Creature] in the Hydra base could not help but emerge in his aching mind.



Amidst the loud explosion, the entire Hydra base shook violently.

During the vibration, a large number of cracks climbed up the building of the base. Doctor Doom clutched his broken arm and looked at the position Wanda was attacking. Through the power of the scepter, Wanda's ability almost reached what she was able to play. The limit of , a large amount of red energy formed a terrifying beam that fell on [Kaz], the power generated at this moment even surpassed the high-temperature power formed by Johnny when Doctor Doom and Fantastic Four fought before.

A few seconds later, as the earthquake and dust formed by the terrifying power of Wanda dissipated, the huge pothole on the ground of the laboratory with a depth of more than ten meters was revealed.


The destruction caused by Wanda's power shocked everyone in the laboratory, but when they thought that the target of the attack was [Kaz], the [Ultimate Creature], everyone's hearts seemed less optimistic.

With the flickering red light in his eyes, from the bottom of the pit, a piece of charred black coke that could not be seen was lifted out under the influence of Wanda's power.

"Is this the last part of [Kaz] left?"

Looking at the appearance in front of him that could no longer be seen as a human figure, and only fist-sized coke was left, the hearts that Doctor Doom and the others were originally holding finally relaxed a little.

"It looks like he really died under the last attack."

Under the steel mask, Doctor Doom used his only remaining arm to generate electric current to hit the coke in front of him. Looking at the completely shattered charcoal block, the last trace of vigilance in Doctor Doom's eyes disappeared.

Hearing Doctor Doom's judgment, the red light in Wanda's eyes flickered for a while. As his mind loosened, the continuous power in the scepter in his hand also stopped. The next moment, the whole person seemed to have lost all power. Usually, swaying and falling behind.


Looking at the crumbling Wanda, Kuaiyin let out an exclamation in his mouth, propped up his body and wanted to rush over.

However, the injury on his leg made it difficult for him to do even the simplest movements.

Fortunately, at the moment when Wanda was about to fall, Susan, who was standing beside her, stretched out her hands and immediately supported the weak Wanda.


Looking down at Susan behind him, a complicated look flashed across Wanda's face, and finally he gave a soft thank you in a faint voice.


With the "death" of the [Ultimate Creature], the Hydra soldiers who were unable to intervene because of the battle beyond their level finally raised their courage. With a look of awe, he immediately came to Strucker and waited for instructions.

Looking at the Hydra soldiers in front of him, a trace of displeasure flashed in Strucker's heart at the way they cowered.

But he remembered the terrifying gesture shown by [Kaz] before, suppressed his inner dissatisfaction, and showed an indifferent expression on his face, swept over the corpses of soldiers and researchers in the laboratory, and ordered: "Confirm. Casualties, collect the bodies of these fallen soldiers..."

"Yes, sir."

Following Strucker's instructions, the remaining Hydra soldiers in the base began to converge on the corpses of their companions in the laboratory in order.

Although most of the corpses that fell on the ground were companions of the soldiers who were collecting the corpses, there was not much sadness on their faces. Under the brainwashing of Hydra, the feelings of these soldiers became extremely indifferent to each other, and even if they were in the same base, they did not establish too many feelings.

Turning over the corpse of a lying researcher in front of him, a Hydra soldier lowered his head and swept the blood on the corpse's chest with a cold expression on his face.


He turned his head and was about to pick up a corpse on the other side, when he suddenly noticed a change in the bloodstain on the researcher's chest.

"Attention, there is a situation here..."

Noticing this strange situation, the soldier instinctively turned the submachine gun hanging on his chest to face the corpse on the ground, and shouted loudly with his mouth open.

However, before the soldiers fully informed their findings.

In the next instant, the blood in the researcher's chest jumped up as if alive, and rushed towards the soldier's body.


A shrill scream came from his mouth, and with the blood seeping into his body, the soldiers of the Hydra felt that their whole body was beginning to It seemed that a big mouth was constantly gnawing in his body. food, devoured his internal organs, and in just a few seconds, his entire body was devoured and empty.


The whole process, from the soldiers discovering the abnormality to the blood infiltrating into the body, only took a few seconds.

When Wanda and the others reacted, they saw that not far away, the skin of the soldier who screamed was torn apart like clothes, and then [Kaz] appeared in front of them again in an intact appearance.

As Li Ran judged, the power of the mind gem in the scepter has far exceeded the endurance limit of [Ultimate Creature]. As one of the six most powerful gems in the universe, even if it has not fully erupted its full power, The attack power generated at that moment also created a fatal threat to the clone [Kaz].

Although, at the moment of contact with the attack, [Kaz] desperately made evolution, trying to find the ability to resist this power through this method.

But there is no doubt that although [Kaz], who is the [Ultimate Creature], already possesses the genetic information of the evolution of all creatures on earth, he is still no match for gem energy.

In just one second, all the protections built by [Kaz] were destroyed, even the diamond-like protective armor he simulated would not support Wanda's power for one second.

Seeing that he was about to be wiped out under this terrifying force, Li Ran made a decisive decision, and let [Kaz] change his way of coping, from first resisting to escaping.

Using the powerful evolutionary ability to generate layers of armor as a barrier, while the body controls a trace of blood to drill into the ground, the creature that transforms into an earthworm moves rapidly, and finally gets into the laboratory for research before Wanda smashes the ground. among the corpses of the personnel.

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