Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 400: scary hallucination



Raising his arms, the fiery flames hit the iron gate in front of him, and Johnny the Torch walked through the laboratory of the Hydra base with an anxious expression.

However, apart from messy experimental equipment and scattered equipment, there are no other traces in the laboratory.


"Why at this time!"

Hydra Base, in a secret laboratory, Strucker covered his still aching head, looked at the battle data displayed on the screen and said with a gloomy expression.

"Damn Avengers!"

He turned his head and glanced at Wanda and Quicksilver in the laboratory. Because of the previous battle, the situation of the two experimental subjects was not very good, and it was not enough to support the battle with the Avengers.

"Dr. Zola, destroy all data, we can't let the Avengers get our experimental data..."

"Including [Ultimate Creatures]?"

On the screen, Dr. Zola's image appeared and asked.


In the face of Dr. Zola's question, Strucker was silent for a few seconds, touched the position where he had been directly integrated by the [Ultimate Creature], and then replied: "Including the [Ultimate Creature], no... "

In the middle of the conversation, Strucker seemed to suddenly think of something, changed his original decision, and said: "Delete all the weapon research data about the scepter and the Hydra, leaving only the data related to [Ultimate Creature]. , especially with regard to his history as the Man of the Pillar, and the whereabouts of Susan, the Invisible Woman."


After getting Strucker's reply, Dr. Zola nodded on the screen, and then a large amount of data began to appear on the screen of the base computer.

"Let's go fight!"

In the base, facing the decision made by Strucker, Wanda supported Quicksilver who was limping beside him, gritted his teeth and showed a look of hatred on his face.

The purpose of the brothers and sisters joining Hydra is to take revenge like the Iron Man who killed their parents. Now that the Avengers have appeared, they naturally do not want to miss this opportunity.

"No, you are not the opponents of the Avengers yet, especially now that you are injured and your strength is severely damaged."

Facing Wanda's request, Strucker held his head and swept over the scarred two people in front of him.

He and [Ultimate Creature] consumed too much of their strength, especially Quicksilver who was seriously injured in that battle, even if the healing ability of the Hydra was combined with the recovery ability of the other party as an extraordinary person, it was still the same. Couldn't get up and running again in a short period of time.


Hearing Strucker's answer, Wanda and Quicksilver's expressions fell silent.

They clenched their fists, but they knew that what Strucker said was the truth, so they could only try to suppress the hatred in their hearts.

Looking back from the clenched fists of Wanda and Quicksilver, as the leader of the scepter experiment, Strucker naturally knew the purpose of the two joining Hydra, including the twins' hatred for Iron Man. In this regard, Strucker not only did not feel that there was any problem, but was quite happy to see it. Therefore, only such hatred can prevent the twins from betraying Hydra's control.

"Stracker, the situation is not optimistic, we have too many soldiers casualties, and the remaining soldiers alone cannot stop the Avengers for too long."

Knowing the situation of the battle through the installation of Hydra in the fort, Dr. Zola's image flashed on the screen, giving Strucker a very pessimistic result.

With the combat power of the soldiers in this base, even the attack of the Avengers in the heyday may not be able to resist, not to mention the huge loss of personnel today.

To be the leader of the Hydra base, Strucker is undoubtedly a very decisive existence.

Therefore, the moment he heard what Dr. Zola told him, he had already made a decision: "Prepare for consciousness evacuation immediately, Dr. Zola, Hydra needs your wisdom, and the follow-up research on Hydra also needs you. to lead.”

Giving Dr. Zola the order to evacuate, Strucker turned his head again to look at the twins on the other side, looking at Wanda's slightly pale face, and made arrangements expressionlessly: "Hide, if you can. , implanted the illusion about the [Ultimate Creature] into the mind of the Avengers..."

"I think the Avengers should be very happy about it."

The reason why Strucker asked Dr. Zola to leave the data about the [Ultimate Creature] is not because of how great it is. In fact, on the contrary, he hopes to use these data to attract the attention of the Avengers, so as to help the Nine Heads Snakes buy time to breathe.

Hearing the words [Ultimate Creature] uttered from Strucker's mouth, Wanda's originally pale expression obviously changed a little.

However, he quickly restrained it, nodded with a clear expression, and then Wanda reached out and grabbed the Kuaiyin in his hand, accompanied by a faint red mist flashing, the two people in the laboratory The figure disappeared instantly.

Watching where Wanda and Quicksilver disappeared, the eyes in Strucker's spectacles flickered.

In the next instant, the violent explosion sounded from above his head, causing the expression on Strucker's face to change immediately.


In the sound of the explosion, Tony controlled his Mark48 to fall from the hole.

"Looks like I accidentally disturbed your dark party."

Suspended in the air of the laboratory, Tony scanned all the figures in the laboratory through the helmet of the steel suit, and quickly locked the position of Strucker.

"Baron Strucker, Hydra's premier super villain, didn't expect to see the big man in Hydra here."

Turning his eyes slightly, he swept across a computer screen somewhere in the laboratory, confirming that Dr. Zola had successfully evacuated, and Strucker breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing Tony's sarcasm, Strucker Immediately raised his head and looked at Tony in Mark48 with his eyes with single-sided glasses: "Iron Man, if it wasn't for the previous accident that caused serious damage to this base of Hydra, you Do you think you avengers can invade my base so easily?"


Strucker's words are undoubtedly the most doubtful part of Tony's heart at this moment.

Entering the Hydra base, he has seen a lot of weirdness about this base, so listening to Strucker's words, Tony in Mark48 immediately frowned and asked: "Tell me, Baron Strucker. , what happened in this Hydra base, and the invisible female Susan, where is she?"

"Invisible Susan?"

Hearing the name that appeared in Tony's mouth, Strucker touched his head, with a strange smile on his face: "Her situation is not under our control, if you Avengers want to save her If you come out, then you have to hurry, maybe a little later, you will never see her again, I said no, it's the kind of real..."

"What did you do to Susan!"

In the laboratory, before Strucker could finish the second half of his words, the angry Johnny of the Human Torch rushed in.

The scorching flames that erupted from Johnny made the Hydra members in the entire laboratory wailed in pain, but Johnny ignored the situation, stretched out his hand to grab Strucker's neck, and ignited the blazing high-temperature fire from his arm. Aiming at his face, he asked sternly, "Tell me where Susan is."

Human Torch searched all the locations in the Hydra base, but couldn't find the figure of his sister Susan.

As a result, Johnny, who was already a little out of control, began to get excited.

"Calm down, Human Torch!"

Seeing Strucker who was held in his hand by Johnny with a painful expression, Tony in the steel suit changed his expression and immediately stopped.

Judging from the information disclosed by Strucker before, it is obvious that the Hydra base here has encountered a situation that the Avengers did not know. Therefore, in order to further understand what happened here, they must leave St. trak.

"You seem very concerned about your sister..."

Johnny grabbed his neck tightly, feeling the scorching heat coming from the opponent's arm, the expression on Strucker's face didn't show a trace of fear. After experiencing the integration of [Kaz] into his own brain before, Strucker felt that his senses were obviously abnormal, and some emotions that he could perceive, fear, or anger, had begun to gradually distort. .

"Tell me where Susan is."

Strucker's attitude of not caring about his own threat obviously further angered Johnny of the Torch in front of him.

An angry question came out of his mouth, and the flames on his arms began to spread and cover half of Johnny's body.

"Jarvis, prepare to put out the fire."

Looking at the rapidly spreading flames on Johnny's body, Tony in Mark48 knew that he needed to do it himself.

If Johnny is allowed to continue to make trouble, Strucker is likely to die directly at the hands of the other party.

Although Tony didn't have any pity for the leader of the Hydra, but for the information about this Hydra base, he at least couldn't let the other party die so early.

As Tony's voice fell, two special muzzles protruded from both ends of Mark48's shoulder armor, and then under his control, a large amount of carbon dioxide was sprayed out of it and fell on the Human Torch and Steroid in front of him. on Lack. Tony learned from Mr. Fantastic that the flame burning on Johnny's body is similar to natural fire, so as long as he loses oxygen or encounters a large amount of water, it will go out directly.

Right now, in order to calm down the emotional Johnny, Tony had to stop it.

With the emergence of a large amount of carbon dioxide, the entire laboratory was covered by a vast expanse of white, and Strucker in Johnny's hand also began to cough violently.

After more than ten seconds, when the carbon dioxide dissipated, only Johnny and the others were left in a coma in the laboratory.

"Okay, all these people calm down."

Looking at the fallen figures in the lab, Tony in Mark48 raised his eyebrows and controlled the steel battle suit on his body to fall.

"What to calm down?"

On the other side, in the forest, the Hydra soldiers who attacked them were successfully subdued. Steve heard the figure from Tony and immediately asked.

"No captain."

In response, Tony pouted, ignoring the situation about Johnny losing control of his emotions, and stepped out of the steel suit.

While issuing warning instructions to the battle suit, he started intrusion work on the computer in the laboratory.

"Jarvis, download all the data in the base, don't forget to transmit a copy to Agent Hill..."

Connecting the prepared device to the computer in the Hydra base, Tony quickly moved his fingers on the keyboard while not forgetting to report to Steve on the other side.

"Captain, I caught Baron Strucker. Judging from what the other party said, it's obvious that the Hydra base here has encountered something we don't know about..."

"Sir, you should probably take a look at these."

Just as Tony was reporting, Jarvis, who had invaded the Hydra data, suddenly spoke up, and at the same time displayed some special information on the screen in front of him.

"What is this? [Ultimate creature]? [Kaz]...The man of the pillar..."

Looking at the information displayed on the screen by Jarvis, the calm expression on Tony's face immediately became serious. , the whole expression began to become extraordinarily serious, and even panicked.

However, in the laboratory of the Hydra base, all of Tony's attention was on the screen, when Strucker let Dr. Zola deliberately leave the information behind him, Wanda's figure appeared loomingly there. Under the faint red mist covering her body, even Mark48, who was standing on the other side and entered the alert mode, did not find her figure.

Looking at Tony who was engrossed in front of her, a look of hatred flashed in Wanda's eyes, but when she saw Strucker who fell to the ground, she finally suppressed the hatred in her heart and stretched out her hands to generate red energy and began to surge. into Tony's mind.

With the activation of Wanda's ability, a red light flashed in Tony's eyes, who was staring at the screen.

The next moment, Tony saw that in a dilapidated and unknown ruin, a large number of people he knew, members of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, Defenders and even Ah Xing, Master Ye fell in the ruins In the position of life and death, and standing in the center of the ruins, a tall figure with stone-like muscles but with blood and luster appeared there, and half of Captain America Steve's body was integrated into his body. Above the body, behind him, an arm of the little spider appeared there.

"team leader!"

What happened in front of him was undoubtedly quite strange, and even if Tony was a little vigilant, he would feel something was wrong. However, under the influence of Wanda's ability, Tony obviously did not perceive the strangeness of this hallucination, on the contrary, he was fully invested in it.

"Tony, be careful, be careful [ultimate creature]..."

Looking at Tony in front of him, Steve in the figure opened his mouth to give a final warning, and in the next instant, the figure was completely integrated into his body.

"Tony Stark."

After digesting the Captain America on his body, the figure raised his head, revealing his handsome face like a Greek statue, looking at Tony in front of him, grinning with a dangerous smile.

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