"You don't need to be polite to me. In fact, I know exactly what's on your mind."

Chang Amir swept across Ulysses Crow with his turbid eyes, especially stopped on his severed arm, and said expressionlessly.

Compared with a few days ago, Chang Emir's body is even thinner, and even his back is slightly hunched, but the feeling of the whole person is more dangerous, even in a trance, to Yuli Sith Crowyu was not a human being standing in front of him, but a monster made of twisted and weird scarabs.

Under such a situation, Ulysses Crowyu would not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

Facing Chang Amir's reply, he quickly pulled the corner of his mouth and forced a smile: "How is it possible, I welcome you from the bottom of my heart, in fact, I have long been dissatisfied with the self-righteous guys in Wakanda For a long time, I thought I possessed Zhenjin and did whatever I wanted, even if you didn't speak, I would attack them sooner or later..."

In front of him, Ulysses Crowyu was still chattering and making his own defense.

However, Chang Amir apparently did not listen to any more interruptions. He turned his skinny cheeks to look at Berning Zana, and a complicated look began to flash in his turbid eyes.

"I'm back, Wakanda..."

Lowering his head to cover his face in the shadows, Chang Emir suppressed the color in his eyes and murmured in a voice that only he could hear.

"...And this time, no one wants to expel me, not even your Tchaka!"

With Chang Emir's faint voice falling, a large number of scarabs emerged from his body in the next instant, forming a dense black mist and roaring towards the place where Berning Zana, the capital of Wakanda, was located not far away. Location.


The scarab shadows filled the sky made the faces of the mercenaries present show a look of fear, and the leading mercenary unconsciously asked Ulysses Crowyu.

"What are you doing all the time!"

Tackling the corners of his eyes and looking away from the scarab's shadow, Ulysses Crowyu touched his severed arm, and immediately urged loudly, "Don't let me start!"


Under the night, the capital Berning Zana still maintains a brightly lit and prosperous scene.

As the capital and largest city of the Kingdom of Wakanda, Berning Zana gathers almost all the resources of Wakanda, and is also a rare city in northeastern Africa that has achieved complete modernization.

Although they still wear Wakanda's traditional uniforms, the citizens walking in the city show extremely healthy postures both physically and mentally.

Relying on the huge resources brought by Zhenjin as a guarantee, the level of medical technology in Wakanda has reached a very high level, and even the average life expectancy of residents living in Wakanda far exceeds that of other tribes in Africa. Even above the level of most countries on earth.

"Confirm the situation?"

Armed with a special weapon made of vibranium, the captain of the Guards, Okoye, led a team of members to patrol the route where vibranium theft has been frequent recently. Frowning his brows and scanning the surrounding situation, Okoye immediately raised his arm and asked in a low voice at the bracelet-like equipment at his wrist.

KimoyoBeads are high-tech equipment developed and designed by the highest scientific research department in Wakanda. In addition to being used as a daily communication device for patrol teams, they also have the function of analyzing the holder's health status at any time and giving health care advice.

It can be said that the reason why the citizens of Wakanda can always maintain a healthy body, the role played by the bracelet is self-evident.

"...Everything is normal in the fourth area."

A few seconds later, the report from another team made Okoye frown subconsciously.

Because, according to the requirements, the members of the complex training team must report immediately upon receiving the inquiry.

Frowning tightly, Okoye stopped his patrol and questioned the bracelet again.

"I need accurate information, soldier!"

"Sorry, Captain." Faced with the question, the patrol team members on the other side of the bracelet immediately explained: "We just found something suspicious and are confirming so..."

"No, wait a minute!"

However, before the words fell, the tone of the patrol members on the other side of the bracelet changed extremely quickly: "... enemy attack, enemy attack, we have encountered an attack, and an abnormal situation has occurred in the fourth area, please ask for support!"

"hold onto!"

Looking down, looking at the wristband that quickly displayed a red warning light, Okoye left words with a solemn expression, and immediately clenched the spear in his hand and rushed towards the area where the problem occurred.

"All patrols on alert!"

As the leading existence in the Guards, Okoye is far beyond the existence of ordinary people in terms of physical speed and reaction ability.

With her superhuman physical strength, she had already arrived at the area where the situation occurred in just a few minutes.

Immediately, I saw the mercenary team attacking around the members of the patrol team, and the strange-looking bugs surrounding them.

Bang, bang!

The bullets cooperate with the strange bugs to form a violent attack and fall on the energy shield of the patrol team. Compared with the KimoyoBeads used by ordinary citizens in Wakanda, the bracelets used by the patrol team have obviously undergone special upgrades. Squad members engage in moderate combat.

However, even under the swift and violent attack in front of him, the energy shield formed by the team's bracelet appeared to be in jeopardy.

Especially those weird bugs, after finding that they could not penetrate the defense of the energy shield in the hands of the patrol team, they immediately began to change their flight direction and began to attack the gaps that the patrol team could not defend.

Seeing that the members of the team were in crisis, Okoye did not hesitate at all, and immediately pressed a button on the wristband to form a translucent energy shield in front of him, and then clenched the spear in his hand, without hesitation. rushed into the battle.

"Everyone, cooperate with my attack!"

Using the shield in his hand to block the fierce fire on the opposite side, Okoye swung the Zhenjin spear in his hand to hit the beetle flying in the air.


However, the strange touch of the spearhead hitting the beetle made the face of this excellent Wakanda warrior suddenly change.

The bodies of these beetles flying and attacking indiscriminately are harder than she originally expected. Even if the spear in her hand is a weapon specially crafted by Wakanda through vibranium, it still takes a lot of effort to penetrate it. Moreover, these pierced beetles fell to the ground, and they did not remain unchanged like ordinary insect corpses, but directly turned into fine black dust and dissipated.


The various strange scenes in front of him made Okoye's inner unease spread like a tide.

However, the rapidly changing battle situation in front of her made her too late to think about it.

Using the energy shield to fly the scarabs rushing in front of him, Okoye swung his spear in front of the patrol team with agile strides and shouted loudly.

With the arrival of Okoye, the patrol team, which had been exhausted under the siege of mercenaries and scarabs, seemed to have found the backbone in an instant. A tight yet flexible combination.

"On the left, ninety degrees of protection!"

Being able to stand out from the female warriors of many tribes and become the captain of the King's Guard itself represents the extraordinaryness of Okoye.

Using the Zhenjin weapon in his hand and the energy shield on the bracelet, after getting rid of the initial chaotic stage, the entire patrol team gradually returned to its original fighting style. As Wakanda, which has been fighting between tribes all the year round but always maintains a high status, the people of its tribes themselves have quite a wealth of combat experience.

Especially their hard-trained patrol team members, if it weren't for the way the scarabs flying all over the sky were too weird.

The members of these mercenary squads in front of them alone cannot cause too much damage to everyone.

After all, not only on the combat experience, but also on the technological equipment of various combats.

Wakanda's patrol team is much higher than these mercenaries.

"Damn, how long will it take to get rid of these guys!"

Covered at the back of the team, Ulysses Crowyu looked at the mercenaries who were unable to end the battle for a long time, and the expression on his face gradually became anxious.

"You know, boss, Wakanda is not an ordinary African tribe. Some of the weapons they control are quite advanced even for us."

"Why would a mere African tribe actually control such a powerful technological strength?"

As a businessman who turned out to be an arms dealer, Ulysses Crowyu can't say a lot about various weapons, but he also has a clear understanding of it. Before he came to Wakanda, he always thought that the most advanced weapons and equipment on the whole earth, except for those guys who flew from outer space, would be Tony Stark's steel battle suit.

After all, it is a weapon that even the military is envious of.

However, after frequent contact and understanding of Wakanda, Ulysses Crowyu realized how narrow his thinking was in the past.

What Wakanda has mastered is a technological strength that is completely comparable to that of Tony Stark.

After all, because of his control over Vibranium, Wakanda's technological weapons are even more powerful than Tony Stark's in some ways.

After all, even Tony Stark can't use vibranium to create weapons and equipment like Wakanda.

Only, with the change of position.

The weapons and equipment of Wakanda, which he was amazed at in the past, have now become the biggest obstacle for them to invade and attack the kingdom.

His eyes twitched across the stalemate in front of him, Ulysses Crowyu hesitated for a moment, then turned around with gritted teeth and asked, thinking of the thin and hunched figure beside him, "It seems that the situation in front of you still needs you to do it again. Take action to take down this patrol team..."

If possible, Ulysses Crowyu had a thousand thoughts that he would not do it.

After all, according to the previous order, he must let the mercenaries under him break through the protection of Wakanda and enter the capital to carry out destruction.

Who would have thought that everything was only in the outer action, and encountered obstacles.

"I see."

Glancing at Ulysses Crowyu, who was restless in front of him with gloomy eyes, Chang Amir turned to look at Okoye who was resisting not far away, and the eyes on his face flickered.

In the next second, more and more scarabs rushed out of his body, and the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand also flashed a faint red light.

Turning the spear to open the facing mercenary, Okoye turned the spear in his hand to shatter the opponent's submachine gun, and clenched the spear in his hand. The ignorance of the aggression existed, and the sudden whistling sound in her ears made the movements of her hands stop.

When I looked up, I saw a denser number of insect shadows rushing towards the patrol team's location~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Raise your shield to prevent..."

In the face of these surging scarabs, Okoye subconsciously raised the energy shield in his hand and shouted with all his strength.

However, Okoye hadn't finished his words yet.

The huge force generated by the gathering of scarabs has already slammed into Okoye's shield. The wrist is developed and manufactured by the top scientists in Wakanda. In theory, even an adult elephant can strike hard. The energy shield that can also be resisted, facing the surging scarabs, only lasted for less than half a second, and then collapsed and shattered.

Immediately afterwards, under the huge impact of the scarab, Okoye was directly smashed away like a broken rag doll.

A few seconds later, the patrol squads that had caused great obstacles to the mercenaries.

Just under Chang Amir's scarab beetle, he lost his resistance like a destructive force.


Looking up at the Wakanda patrol team who lay dead on the ground, Ulysses Crowyu involuntarily swallowed.

Obviously, even if he had already imagined Chang Emir's power, the power displayed by the other party at this moment was still far beyond his imagination.

"Cough cough—[fo]—"

On the ground, Okoye coughed with a painful expression, feeling the severe pain on her body as if being crushed by an elephant. Even without professional medical treatment, she knew that most of her bones were broken. In the face of the dense scarab beetle attack, the energy shield acted as a protection against the first and most powerful wave of power, but the remaining impact force still brought Okoye unbearable huge damage.

Under such huge damage, even if Okoye still had the will to fight again, her body could no longer respond.

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