His eyes swept across Ulysses Crow and the others in front of him.

Chang Amir knew very well that everyone was not really willing to cooperate with him. The reason why they were so obedient was simply because they were afraid of their scarabs.

However, it doesn't matter, all he needs is their strength.


Thinking of the king who made the decision to expel him from the tribe, Chang Amir's eyes flashed a stern look.

In the next instant, scarabs that filled the sky emerged from his body, and under the terrified gazes of Ulysses Crow and others, they turned into a dense black mist and disappeared.

"Boss, what should we do next?"

Watching the disappearing black mist, a mercenary approached Ulysses Crow.

"What else can be done, of course, to do as the guy said."

Covering his bitten arm, Ulysses Crow's face paled.

The scarab that Chang Amir left on top of his head was undoubtedly the best threat, even if the beetle had not moved since the other party left. However, Ulysses Crow still did not dare to act rashly, after all, he did not dare to use his own life to block.


Gritting his teeth, Ulysses Crow looked down at his **** broken arm, and said with a grim expression: "Why don't you find someone to show me, this **** old guy, wouldn't it be easy first? Threat?"

Cursing in a low voice, Ulysses Crow immediately thought of the scarab beetle still on his head, his face turned into a forced smile, and explained carefully: "That, you know, I just Complaining casually, I didn't mean to say so without intention..."


The black insect mist formed by the scarab beetles that controlled the dense body enveloped his body.

In the desert, the expression on Chang Amir's face suddenly changed.

Immediately afterwards, the entire body fell from the air as if uncontrollably.


"Cough cough..."

Extending his arm from the deep pit full of gravel, because of the protection of the scarab beetle and the cushioning of the sand, Chang Amir's body did not suffer much damage.

However, the scarab beetle that disappeared quickly made Chang Amir's face gloomy.

He could clearly feel that with the disappearance of the scarab, the seemingly unparalleled power he had controlled before began to gradually decline.

"I already reminded you..."

Right here, the dark [Scarab Seal] on the back of Chang Amir's hand began to flash red, and a majestic voice sounded from the depths of his mind.

"The power of the scarab is not endless, no, it should be said that for me, the power of the scarab is endless, but as a mere mortal, your fragile body has become the limit of the scarab's power. Using the power of the [Scarab Seal], this will happen. So, remember my humble servant, I still have important things waiting for you to do, but I don't want you to be stupid because of your own stupidity. , and died in the extraction using the power of the scarab..."

"If this is the case, after you die, the soul will never have a very good end..."

"I understand, great high priest, that I am a little too impulsive."

Although it is clear that what is left on the [Scarab Seal] on his palm is just a trace of Imorton's consciousness sealed in the pyramid.

However, Chang Amir still did not dare to show any overstepping.

"Please forgive my ignorance."

"Better, I don't have so much mercy to give."

The dark [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand flashed a red light again, and the voice left a huge roar in Chang Amir's mind.

Looking down at the peaceful [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand, Chang Amir raised his head and glanced at the desert where he fell.

After a moment of silence, he started to move forward and chose a direction.

With the previous lessons learned and Imorton's warning, he obviously did not dare to use the scarab's power excessively like before.


Wakanda, capital Berning Zana.

Different from the backward and primitive African tribes in people's impression.

Wakanda is a very technologically advanced country.

They not only have the most precious metal vibration gold in the world, but also have quite advanced technology and education level, and even have their own intelligence agencies. If it weren't for the isolationism that Wakanda has always maintained in isolation, perhaps Wakanda would have a place in the world.

In the capital, in the Berning Zana Chamber, the current King Tchaka is listening to the report of the captain of the Guards, Okoye.

"Zhenjin stealing?"

As a king who has been in the numbers for ten years, although Tchaka has entered old age in terms of age, his appearance still maintains the appearance of middle age. Instead of giving him the slightest feeling of old age, the gray on the temples makes him feel old. He looked more majestic.

Sitting high on his king's throne, he heard the situation told by the captain of the escort, Okoye.

Tchaka's eyes narrowed slightly.

"That's right, recently," Okoye said hurriedly when he noticed the gaze cast by the king, "There have been cases of the loss of vibranium in all aspects of Wakanda. The situation inside Kanda is familiar to me, and the location of the case is often the loophole of our patrol..."

Different from ordinary tribes, Wakanda's personal guards belong to the fundamental strength of the king. They come from outstanding women selected by major tribes. They have strong fighting strength and are good at the use of various weapons. The most powerful force in the hands of the King of Wakanda.

"Looks like there's an internal whistleblower in all of this?"

The control of vibranium has always been the most important policy of the successive kings of Wakanda.

Therefore, even within Wakanda, there are extremely strict regulations on the use of vibranium.

Tchaka is very clear that for Wakanda, vibranium is a gift from God, and it is precisely because of the emergence of vibranium that Wakanda has the power that surpasses many tribes today, but no matter how great the gift is After all, it was a day that was exhausted, and all he could do was to make this day come as late as possible.

"I have arranged for members of the PRIDE (intelligence organization) to search for this, and I believe there will be results soon."

"hope so."

Nodding lightly, although the captain of the Guards, Okoye, had already assured that everything would be desolate quickly, there was a vague feeling in T'Chaka's heart that this might not be as simple as he expected.

After explaining the recent affairs of Wakanda, Tchaka saw Okoye, who had a serious face in front of him, suddenly change the conversation, with a slight smile on his face, and said: "Speaking of which, it will be a college vacation in a while. , T'Challa may come back by then."

For his son T'Challa, T'Challa obviously had extremely high expectations. Not only did he arrange for him to go abroad to study the civilization of the outside world, but he also worked hard to educate him about all the history of Wakanda, including the most important one among the tribes. The legend of the patron saint of the Black Panther.


Hearing King T'Chaka's reminder, Guard Captain Okye subconsciously showed a smile on his originally serious face, but he immediately reacted to the situation in front of him, and quickly restrained his smile and replied solemnly: "If special Chara's return is naturally a fortunate thing for Wakanda, and I think Princess Suri should be very happy too."

Suri is T'Challa's half-sister and one of the top technical geniuses in Wakanda. At present, some of Wakanda's protection procedures have been repaired and upgraded by her hands.

At the same time, although they are half-siblings with T'Challa, the relationship between the two is extremely deep and there is no gap.

Listening to Okoye mentioning his daughter, T'Chaka's originally smiling expression became even stronger.

Standing up from the throne, he looked at the huge patron saint carved behind him, and said with a silent expression: "Did you know, Okoye, the development of this world is faster than we imagined, although on earth there are tiles Kanda's technology is not inferior to any country, but this is just the earth. What happened in New York made me realize that when faced with threats beyond the stars, neither New York nor Wakanda actually have much. The difference, so I sent T'Challa to the UK, hoping to change T'Challa's view of the world and lead Wakanda to achieve transformation..."

"But what if Wakanda doesn't need to change?"

As the king's personal guard, Okoye has absolutely no objection to what T'Chaka did, but she still has some concerns about the changes in the king's mouth.

"Relying on Wakanda's technology, even if it is an enemy from outside, we are enough to fight against it."

"The world is wider than you think. Even on Earth, I don't think Wakanda can conquer everything." As a king, T'Chaka has enough channels to let him know the changes in the outside world. The Avengers, Nine The head snake, and even more flying existences, have terrifying power in the face of these oddities. Even as the guardian of the entire Wakanda, Tchaka did not report enough self-confidence.

"The next world may be an era of rapid changes, so Okoye, you must be prepared to cope with these changes. Although T'Challa is good enough, he is still young after all. All I can do is to do my best. Possibly paving the way for him, giving him enough time to lead Wakanda on a new path."

T'Chaka thought he had plenty of time to prepare for his son.

However, he absolutely did not expect that there would be less time than he had imagined.


Late at night, Wakanda.

Ulysses Crowe wrapped his wounded arm and looked out at Berning Zana, the brightly lit capital of Wakanda not far away.

The mercenary squads behind him were fully equipped, and the expressions on their faces were full of suffocation.


The constant pain from the broken arm made Ulysses Crow frown. Although simple bandaging and treatment allowed him to avoid subsequent wound infections, the feeling of losing an arm still made Ulysses. S Crow was full of resentment. He knew very well that his arm would never come back. After all, he had seen his arm being devoured by those **** scarab beetles with his own eyes.

Thinking of the severe pain that the scarab devoured his arm at that time, Ulysses Crow's body shuddered subconsciously.

He raised his eyes, thinking of the scarab beetle that was still sitting quietly on top of his head, and all the thoughts of resentment or revenge in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Maybe I can go and install a robotic arm, like Stark's steel suit?

Suppressing his inner emotions, Ulysses Crow looked at his severed arm and thought for a while.

"Boss, our people are all ready, when exactly will we start to act?"

Looking up at the silent Ulysses Crow in front of him, one of the leading mercenaries could not help but ask ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Do you really want to act? "

Facing the question from his subordinates, Ulysses Crow glanced at him coldly.

To be honest, for this action, Ulysses Crow was a thousand and one hundred unwilling in his heart.

After all, as long as he takes action, no matter what the outcome is, his original Zhenjin business is impossible to continue. Even though Ulysses Crow has accumulated a lot of vibrating gold resources through the channels in the past, who would think that he has little goods in business, especially precious resources like vibrating gold, no matter how much Yuli Sith Crowe didn't think it was enough.

Although there were thousands of reluctance in his heart, considering his own life, Ulysses Crow obediently chose to cooperate.

"It's just, that guy, why not..."

Thinking of the result he would face, Ulysses Crow swept over the mercenaries behind him with a little irritability, and complained involuntarily.

However, before he could finish his complaint, in the next instant, the sound of rustling movement suddenly came to mind from the place where everyone was hiding.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of Ulysses Crow, a large number of pitch-black bugs emerged.

Seeing these gushing scarabs, whether it was Ulysses Crow or those mercenaries who had experienced it before, showed a stiff look involuntarily.

Pulling the corners of his stiff mouth, revealing a forced smile, Ulysses Crow looked at the figure that appeared from the direction of the scarabs, and quickly raised his only remaining arm and said, "You just came here. Well, we are just getting ready, just waiting for you to issue an order to start the operation."

Although, in fact, Ulysses Crow and others have been waiting here for nearly half an hour, but in the face of the numerous scarabs in front of him, he decisively made a welcome welcome.

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