Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 301: looking for vampires

Unlike the half-hearted Skye.

Melinda May is, after all, a specially trained professional agent.

Therefore, even in the face of the legendary Avengers in S.H.I.E.L.D., he still maintains his usual calm attitude.

Glancing at Captain America, who frowned deeply in front of him, Agent May continued to talk about his previous experience: "...I once hoped that Peggy Carter would come back to S.H.I.E.L.D. with me, but she categorically rejected my suggestion, and liked I showed the control Dior planted in her, and Peggy told me that Dior didn't come to New York for a simple purpose, he had a bigger conspiracy behind him, and, before he was discovered, I saw him through Peggy Ji Carter's hand gave a mask-like thing to an organization called Spider..."

"Ghost face."

Hearing the mask mentioned by Agent May, Steve's eyes flickered and he couldn't help muttering.

"Ghost face?"

Noticing Steve's unusual reaction, Agent May instinctively asked, "It seems that you know a lot about this mask."


In the face of Agent May's questioning, Steve was silent for a while, and then he made a gesture of memory and said: "During World War II, I once broke into the Hydra base with Dio for a rescue mission, and it was there that we found At first, we didn’t know the function of this mask, but Dior cracked the secret of the stone ghost and successfully transformed himself into a vampire.”

The memory of the stone ghost face is not far away for Steve.

Even after 70 years, he still clearly remembers the scene where Dio put on a stone ghost face in an evil and crazy manner and turned himself into a vampire in the base of Hydra.

"So, what the spider organization got is the stone ghost face that Dio used?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. maintained a secrecy attitude regarding World War II, especially many information related to Hydra, so even Agent May, who had a high level of secrecy in S.H.I.E.L.D., was the first to know the information about the stone ghost face.


However, regarding Agent May's guess, Steve shook his head without hesitation: "The original stone ghost face has already been destroyed by me, so the stone ghost face that Peggy was holding is absolutely impossible. That's what it used to be."

"Are there many more masks like this that convert people into vampires?"

Steve's answer made Agent May frown subconsciously.

However, the existence of the stone ghost face reminded Steve of an item-container.

He speculates that maybe the stone ghost face is also a kind of containment, so it has this unusual ability.

There are still many speculations about the existence of the Stone Ghost Face, but Agent May is very clear that it is not a good time to do research, so she suppressed her inner doubts, and then turned the topic to her own information: "... After being reminded by Agent Peggy Carter, I have been trying to search for clues related to vampires in New York. Finally, after investigation and inference, I found traces of vampires' activities in Hell's Kitchen. According to some sporadic clues at that time , It was mentioned that Harlem in Hell's Kitchen had a brief rumor of vampires haunting, and then a civil superhero organization called the Defenders League took action on the vampire incident, that is, after the Defenders League finished its action, Rumors of vampires in Hell's Kitchen also dissipated."

"The Defenders' League?!"

Steve is no stranger to the Defenders.

He had briefly cooperated with members of the Defenders in the previous fight against Godless.

The invulnerable **** man and the free-flying woman left a deep impression on him.

Before, during the formation of the Avengers, Steve also proposed members of the Defenders, but Nick Fury seemed to have his own ideas and did not adopt his opinions.

Keeping the clues about the Defenders in mind, Steve turned his gaze back to Agent May in front of him. He could sense that the other party was clearly telling him the information on purpose. Looking at the calm agent in front of him, he hesitated before saying, "Why, your attitude towards the whole incident is obviously different from other agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? You seem to hope that I can find Peggy."


Faced with Steve's question, Agent May's calm face was silent for a while, and then he turned his eyes to the resolute Captain America in front of him, and said solemnly, "Agent Peggy Carter used to be my idol. And teacher, so, captain, you must save her from Dio's hands!"

Hearing Agent May's request, Steve's eyes changed.

He looked at the female SHIELD agent in front of him and nodded with a firm expression: "I promise."


"Buddha's light is emerging!"

With a low shout, the golden palm prints transformed by the Sanskrit sound hit Ah Xing's wave and hit the huge body of 'Jin Bing' in front of him.

Looking at the exposed machinery inside the broken robot in front of her, Jessica pouted and said coldly, "Is it a fake again?"

For some time now, members of the Defenders have been fighting each other in Hell's Kitchen against these gold-clad, 'pacifist' droids.

During this period, they had several times in contact with the main body of the robot, that is, the real Jin and, but in the end, they were cunningly escaped by the other party.

At the same time, with each escape, Jin Bing's trace becomes more and more difficult to find.

Stretching out his arms against the light waves of the 'pacifist - Jin Bing' in front of him, Luke Cage clenched his teeth and grabbed the opponent's arm, and at the same time, he exerted superhuman strength with both hands. With the strength, the arm grabbed in his hand was twisted in an instant, making a harsh creaking sound.

Trying to twitch his arm, he can't break free.

'Jin Bing' turned his head to face Luke Cage in front of him, and opened his mouth to reveal the dark muzzle condensing light waves in his mouth.


In the face of the threat from the mouth of 'Pacifist - Jin Bing', Luke Cage shouted behind him without hesitation.


Hearing Luke Cage's words, Ah Xing, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately stepped forward, raising his arms and lying on his chest, and raising his other palm above his head, the sound of the Sanskrit was resounding, and countless swastikas all over his body formed behind his back. A faint golden Buddha statue, with kindly brows and a kindly purpose, made a move that was ready to go.

"Fo moves mountains and rivers!"

In an instant, the ignoring palm prints appeared from behind A Xing along with the Buddha Light, and hit the 'Jin Bing' held by Luke Cage, instantly dispersing the huge robot.

[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Luke Cage...]

[From the legend of Jessica...]

Looking at the machine parts flying in the sky under the power of "Tathagata's Palm", even if it is not the first time to see the power of this move, but every time they see it, the defenders are still somewhat shocked.

It is indeed a fairy method from Penglai.

Frowning to avoid the parts that flew towards her, she didn't know whether it was her feet or what parts. Jessica looked down at the 'pacifist - Jin Bing' who was forcibly smashed by Ah Xing's "Tathagata Palm". ', but the expression on his face was not very good: "Have you noticed that recently, no matter what pacifists with the appearance of 'golden union'... seem to have become secretive."

When the name 'pacifist' was mentioned, Jessica subconsciously pouted, with a disdainful expression on her face, apparently thinking of Jin and calling these identical robots 'pacifists' I don't have a cold, a former underworld emperor can actually say the word peace.

Of course, the name is only on the surface, Jessica is more concerned about the recent development of the situation, which is quite unfavorable for the defenders.

"Do you remember what he said when we played against Jin Ping before?"

Hearing Jessica's words, Luke Cage also spoke and said silently: "According to him, this time he returned to New York again, in addition to wanting to regain the rule of Hell's Kitchen, he also brought other Purpose?"

Jessica raised her eyebrows and said, "What purpose, isn't it to avenge us?"

Shaking his head, Luke Cage pondered over the trivial details that Jin and revealed in the conversation before, and replied: "It seems that it is not so simple, if he wants to avenge us, he can completely let him All the robots appeared together, instead of just sending a few scattered robots to fight us like now, what he did is not so much revenge, but more like a kind of us..."


Then Luke Cage guessed, and Matt, who was silent on the side, frowned and noticed that something was wrong.

"Kim wants to use these robots to restrain our actions," being able to be admitted to a lawyer, especially when he has obvious shortcomings compared to ordinary people. Obviously it shows Matt's extraordinaryness, so when he heard Luke Cage's doubts, he reacted: "Before, he has successfully regained his lost dominance over Hell's Kitchen, if he wants to To get revenge on us, we can use the power of robots and gangs together."

"Listening to what you said, I seem to remember it. Most of the mercenary taverns in Hell's Kitchen have put up bounties. They seem to be looking for something?"

Matt's remark clearly reminded Jessica of the unusual place she'd recently discovered.

As for the development in front of him, A Xing had a blank expression on the surface.

However, Li Ran, who was the main body on the other side, nodded his head with satisfaction.

The members of the Defenders are more sensitive than he originally expected. Originally, he also thought that if they didn't notice, he would remind them through Ah Xing's mouth, but now it seems that he obviously does not need to speak. People have already noticed Jin's unusual behavior.

"So, what is the purpose of Jin Bing?"

Although the unusual things about Jin Bing have been seen, the defenders are still a bit at a loss as to why Jin Bing is doing this.

After all, the clues in hand are so little, and being able to speculate that there is a problem with gold is already the limit of the defenders.

Looking at Matt and the others who were obviously confused again, Li Ran was hesitating whether to use Ah Xing's subtle reminder.

I saw Matt frowned suddenly, turned his head slightly to the side, and shouted in a deep voice.

"who is it?!"

Under the influence of ripples and super senses, Matt noticed that a tall figure was moving towards their location.

"Looks like it's not the right time for me to come."

With Matt's reminder, Jessica and Luke Cage also put on alert expressions.

As they watched, Steve appeared in front of the defenders with his shield in hand. He looked down at the robot parts scattered on the ground, and the defenders in front of him, and said in a low voice.

"Captain America?"

The iconic shield in Steve's hand makes the defenders quickly recognize each other's identities.

The most legendary soldier of World War II, a member of the Avengers - Captain America Steve.

"Why did you appear in Hell's Kitchen?" Looking at the well-known superhero in front of him, the defenders' expressions were stunned, but Luke Cage was the first to react, looking at the other party and saying, "The Avengers shouldn't be Are you busy every day on a mission to save the world?"

Although both are superhero organizations, Luke Cage is very clear that the Avengers is the real superhero group compared to the petty actions of the defenders.

After all, behind the other party, there is a strong backing of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is far from a loose alliance composed of a few street heroes, private investigators and blind lawyers.

"If the world needs to be saved every day, we Avengers alone are not enough."

In the face of Luke Cage's ridicule, Steve immediately smiled and shrugged and replied.

Looking at Captain America who responded with a smile in front of him, Luke Cage stared blankly at the other for a few seconds, and then the original face on his face changed rapidly, revealing his signature smile, reaching out to meet the opposite. Steve shook it and greeted with a smile, "Long time no see, Captain."

"So do you, Luke."

He also reached out and held Luke Cage's broad palm, and Steve nodded back.

As the two shook hands and talked, the initially tense atmosphere on both sides immediately eased.

Originally, there was no deep hatred between Steve and the defenders, and they even fought side by side with each other before.

Under such a premise, how could there be a situation where the swords are drawn when they meet again.

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