Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 300: question

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The metal arm struck the shield with a dull thud.

The strength of the sneak attack was great, but the vibration gold shield in Steve's hand perfectly offset the opponent's strength.

Swinging the shield, Steve blocked the attacker's heavy blow, and suddenly bounced the opponent away.

Only then did Steve see what the attacker looked like.

The attacker's eyes were cold, and he wore a black mask covering most of his face, and a bright red five-pointed red star on top of the silver-white metal arm.

"Who are you?"

Holding the shield in his hand, Steve looked at the ruthless man in front of him. For some reason, the appearance of the other party made him feel vaguely familiar.


In the face of Steve's questioning, the man waved his metal arm again without expression, and was about to step forward.

bang, bang—

However, just as the bullet from a distance hit the silver-white metal arm accurately, sparking a spark.

Steve wasn't alone on the ship.

He stopped, glanced at Steve in front of him, then turned his head and glanced in the direction of the bullet. At this point, the situation in front of him was already very clear. Against the double attack of Steve and the S.H.I.E.L.D. action team, even with a metal arm, there was no chance of winning.

Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, the man paused on Steve's face with his icy gaze, then turned around and ran away from the ship.

Seeing the man fleeing, Steve frowned and pursued without hesitation.

The man's speed is extremely fast, even against Steve, who has been transformed by the super soldier serum.

Looking at the distance that could never be closed, Steve immediately waved the shield in his hand and threw it fiercely.


Under the action of superhuman strength, the vibrating gold shield pierced through the void and flew behind the man in an instant.

However, just as the shield was about to hit, the man who had been running suddenly turned around and stretched out his silver-white metal arm to catch the swirling shield. Then, under Steve's shocked gaze, he suddenly waved his hand and threw the shield back toward his position again.

Reaching out his hands to catch the flying shield, the powerful force from the shield made Steve involuntarily step back several steps.

Looking up again, only to see the man standing on the edge of the ship, dodging the shooting of the action team, and jumping down.

"It looks like a lot has happened on your side during my absence."

Natasha appeared on the other half of the ship, looked at Steve and the disappearing figure, raised her eyebrows and said.

"Who is that guy, Captain, is he also a vampire?"

"I don't know." Taking his eyes away from the direction where the man disappeared, Steve turned to look at Natasha in front of him, and shook his head: "But it shouldn't be, the opponent's strength and speed are stronger than the vampires who just fought. And, there's a metal arm."

"Metal arm?"

Hearing Steve's answer, Natasha turned to look in the direction where the man disappeared, her eyes flashing.



S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Tri-Wing Building.

Nick Fury's expression changed slightly when he heard the mission report from Steve.

"It's not just a vampire, I'll be attacked by a guy with a metal arm."

"Metal arm!"

This time, the expression on Nick Fury's face was more pronounced.

"You don't seem to be surprised by the appearance of vampires at all?"

Noticing Nick Fury's surprise at the two reports, a look of doubt flashed in Steve's eyes, and he was keenly aware of the problem.

"Have it?"

Faced with Steve's question, Nick Fury habitually turned his face to meet Steve's gaze.


Looking at each other silently, Steve suddenly said: "You know, Nick, whenever you lie, you like to look people in the eyes and tell me what happened!"

"I didn't lie." After hearing Steve's revelation, Nick Fury replied in a deep voice: "I'm not obliged to tell you the secret information of S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain, the reason why the information is secret is that it cannot be Too many people know."

"Looks like you are hiding something, Nick Fury."

Nick Fury's attitude made Steve more convinced of his own judgment.

Nick Fury is hiding important information from himself.

"I thought we were friends, Nick Fury."

"We are an intelligence agency, captain, do you know how my eyes are so hurt?" In the face of Steve's question, Nick Fury still answered blankly: "For me, friends can It's not a very good word, you have no idea what the other party can... what kind of danger hides under the inconspicuous appearance..."

"I don't know what you've been through in the past, Nick Fury. All I know is that your secrecy can be fatal to the execution of the mission." His eyes swept over Nick Fury's blindfold, and Steve also In the same tone of voice, he said: "We are carrying out dangerous missions without knowing it. This time, the appearance of vampires makes the rescue of hostages quite passive. Almost, our mission will fail."

"Trust me, Captain, I'm as surprised as you are about this vampire appearance."

"However, you obviously know more about these vampires than I do."

After a few seconds of silence under Steve's gaze, Nick Fury changed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "If possible, I would rather not know this information."

Nick Fury has been trying to hide the information about vampires ever since he learned about it, but this time, the mission to rescue the hostages has made his long-term efforts unsuccessful.

"... Information about vampires has always been collected by S.H.I.E.L.D. In the past, news related to it has always happened in Norway, and occasionally there is news of vampires appearing in New York. When S.H.I.E.L.D. reacts and plans to launch an action , and soon found out that these news are either false information deliberately created by some people, or it is over, and there is not much meaningful information left. Until recently, SHIELD learned about it. A message..."

Speaking of which, Nick Fury paused subconsciously. He moved his only intact one eye to look at Steve, who frowned deeply in front of him: "One of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., the information about the disappearance of former agent Peggy Carter."

"What did you say?!"

Nick Fury's remarks made Steve's calm face change instantly. He looked at the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in front of him and said excitedly.

"Peggy is missing!"

Looking at Steve who couldn't hide his excitement in front of him, Nick Fury couldn't help but sighed silently in his heart, precisely because Peggy Carter's existence was too special for Steve, so After learning the news of the other party's disappearance, Nick Fury chose to hide everything.

"Calm down, Captain!"

The thoughts in his mind flashed away, watching Captain America whose emotions were gradually losing control in front of him, Nick Fury immediately spoke out to comfort him.

"In fact, we've found Peggy Carter who was missing."

Nick Fury completely comforted or said that the words behind him obviously had an effect. After learning that Peggy had not suffered an accident, Steve's originally excited emotions gradually calmed down. He took a deep breath and tried to suppress himself. Uneasy in my heart, I looked at Nick Fury in front of me: "So, how is Peggy's situation, she still..."

"I hope you remain calm enough, regardless of the outcome, before telling the captain what happened to you about Agent Page."

Looking at Steve with an expression of obvious worry and expectation on his face, Nick Fury decided to mention the vaccination first.

Facing Nick Fury's reminder, Steve was silent for a while, and then nodded slowly.

Seeing that Steve's expression finally recovered his calm, Nick Fury continued to answer in a deep voice: "In fact, when it learned that Agent Peggy Carter was missing, S.H.I.E.L.D. had already launched a search, and in During an unexpected mission, Agent May, a member of the special team in charge of the Centipede Organization, discovered the trace of Peggy Carter, and... met Agent Peggy Carter who was transformed into a vampire, and from Agent May and Peggy Carter's own In the description, the person who turned her into a vampire is... Dio Brando."

While telling the name of the mastermind behind the scenes, Nick Fury's one eye looked at Steve in front of him.

From S.H.I.E.L.D.'s data on World War II, Nick Fury is well aware of what the name Dio Brando means to Steve.

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

Sure enough, upon hearing the name uttered by Nick Fury, Steve's face showed consternation, shock, and a complex expression that could not be concealed: "How is this possible, I clearly remember that Dior is... already dead In the midst of the explosion of that battle, why..."

"Obviously, the Dior you mentioned did not die. On the contrary, he survived, relying on his vampire abilities to live from World War II to modern times just like you."


Nick Fury's answer made Steve come out of his shock, but it also made his mood a little more complicated.

Since waking up, he has been nostalgic for the past, feeling that he is out of tune with the present, thinking that he is the only existence that has been forgotten by time.

But he didn't expect that Dior, his former comrade-in-arms opponent, also survived like himself.

Thinking of Dior's identity as a vampire, and the fact that Peggy was turned into a vampire by the other party, the complicated emotions on Steve's face immediately turned firm.

"Tell me, Nick, where Dio is."

"Although I'd love to tell you, I'm sorry Captain, Dio Brando's actions are quite secretive, and the only time we found out, or he deliberately exposed it, was when he was talking to Agent May. Since then Judging from a conversation and the information revealed by Agent Peggy Carter, Dior's presence in New York clearly has a great purpose."

"Isn't there any clue left?"

Nick Fury's answer made Steve's originally furrowed brow a little deeper.

"Instead of asking us, I think you, captain, are the key. After all, compared to our S.H.I.E.L.D., you are the one who knows the existence of Dio Brando best."

Hearing Steve's questioning, Nick Fury turned his face to look at Captain America in front of him and replied meaningfully.

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Steve was silent for a while, and then he said, "I need to meet with Agent May."

"no problem."

In this regard, Nick Fury agreed without hesitation.

Nick Fury is not an indecisive person. He can become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., nor can he be an indecisive existence.

Before, because of the influence of Dior and Peggy on Steve's relationship, Nick Fury deliberately concealed the news of the vampire. At this time, since Steve already knew everything, there was no need to hide it. Instead, figuring out Dior's and rescuing the controlled Agent Page became the primary key. .


"This is the rumored Captain America, a member of the Avengers?"

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent team base, SKET looked at Steve not far away, suppressed his inner excitement, and said to the team members on the side.

As a new member of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers only appeared in the report materials for her and most of the team, and it was a legendary existence.

And at this moment, this legend is in front of them, only a few meters away from them.

"Captain, I heard that you once fought side by side with the Avengers in that New York incident." Looking at Steve not far away, and turning to look at Agent Phil beside him, Skye couldn't help it. He asked in a low voice, "Can you tell me what it's like to fight aliens?"

"I don't know. In fact, about the specific process of the New York War, I also learned through the video just like you."

Looking at the expectant gazes of the team members, although Agent Phil also wanted to tell a little about the process of the fierce battle, there seemed to be no memory related to it in his mind. Because of the "Tahiti Project", his memory was blocked. The modification, only stayed at the moment when he was injured by Loki and fell into a coma.

"Is that so?"

Hearing Agent Phil's answer, Skye's face showed obvious disappointment, but he quickly recovered, looking at Captain America who was talking to Agent May in the distance, and continued to ask curiously: "So, Captain, Is the captain's shield really that powerful and indestructible?"

"Of course, the captain's shield..."

Obviously, this question from Agent Skate just hit the spot of Agent Phil, a fan of Captain America, and he immediately answered in a gushing voice.

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