As the mind of [Turtle Immortal] "relaxed", the attractiveness of the magic seal wave in his hand suddenly became weaker.


Sensing that the attraction on his body was weakening, the struggling Shouhe suddenly let out a deafening roar. The body that had been moved because of the magic seal wave paused, and he raised his only remaining right claw and suddenly moved towards the immortal turtle in front of him. The huge claws cut through the void, bringing the wind and sand all over the sky.


[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of Saul Odinson...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

【From... 】

The speed of the reversal of the situation on the battlefield was completely beyond the imagination of the Avengers. The battle that was won in one second and thought it was about to end, the next second became unpredictable and unpredictable again.

Tony saw that the smile on the face of the [Turtle Immortal] who was knocked away by Shou Crane's claw froze in an instant before he completely relaxed.


The huge force made the body of the [Turtle Immortal] keep flying backwards, until a car was completely smashed down, and it was able to stop.

Getting up from the car that was hit into a discus, [Turtle Immortal] looked at Shouhe, who had broken free from the seal of Mo Fengbo, with an ugly expression, and panted, "Now, there's a lot of trouble."

He raised his head and let out a deafening roar, and Shouhe moved his huge body to crush the small bottle that [Turtle Immortal] had originally used to seal it, and then twisted his head to look at [Turtle Immortal] and opened his mouth, and a huge wind ball was formed in an instant. .

【Wind Escape · Practice Air Bomb】

Relying on the super high movement speed to avoid the attack of the empty bomb, the [Turtle Immortal] looked at the shocking pit caused by the empty bomb, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn: "The destruction is stronger than before. Some."

Thinking of this, [Turtle Immortal] no longer hesitated, and instantly stepped on the ground heavily, leaving a deep pothole.


The next second, there was a dull cracking sound in the air, and it appeared directly in front of the members of the Avengers.

"Be careful, there are..."

Under the reminder of the spider sense, Peter hurriedly opened his mouth to remind, but before he could finish speaking [Turtle Immortal] came to them.

Looking at the white-bearded muscular man who appeared in front of them, the members of the Avengers made defensive moves subconsciously, and then relaxed a little after they saw clearly who was coming.

"Immortal, what happened just now, why suddenly..."

Facing the [Turtle Immortal], Tony hurriedly opened his mouth and asked.

"Oh, I was negligent."

They have all seen it just now, and it was a little bit closer to sealing Shouhe back, but the result was a complete failure.

Turning his head to look at the fierce Shouhe, the [Turtle Immortal] sighed, and as an immortal, there was a rare trace of fatigue on his face, it seemed that the previous use of the magic seal wave consumed a lot of his physical strength: "Gu He was trying to seal Shouhe back, but he forgot that there was still a person in it. As a result, the extraterritorial demon seized the opportunity and broke free from the wave of magic seals. The props were also destroyed..."

"Is there no other way to seal this monster back, Immortal?"

The news brought back by [Turtle Immortal] undoubtedly made the Avengers members feel heavy.

Even the immortals of Penglai could not recapture Shouhe.

Holding the shield in his hand, he looked at Shouhe, who had grown in size again and far surpassed the Chinatown shop, Steve asked with a dignified expression.


After being silent for a while, the face of the Turtle Immortal, which was covered by the white beard, showed a firm look, and said affirmatively: "Of course, but I need a little time to prepare."

"If you have time, leave it to us."

Looking at the members of the Avengers silently, Steve agreed without hesitation.

"Unfortunately, this is not Asgard. Otherwise, with the warriors of Asgard, I will definitely be able to defeat the monster in front of me."

As the most powerful warrior in Asgard, the legendary Thor, Thor was not satisfied with his performance. He turned his head and glanced at Hulk, who was gasping beside him, and said, "Big guy, it's here again. It's time for us to fight side by side."


He raised his head and slapped his chest and let out a roar. After a period of recovery, Hulk's scars from the [Desert Burial Seal] had completely recovered. He took a deep breath and looked at Shouhe, with dark green pupils. Full of anger.


"Hoo! Hulk!"

bang, bang—

"Big guy, look here~"

Spraying spider silk, relying on agile movements to avoid Shouhe's attack, the little spider panted and looked at Sol, who was constantly controlling the lightning attack, and Hulk, who rushed forward with a roar, the green face under the mask Showing a tired look.

"No, Peter, the battle isn't over, and it's not time to relax!"

Shaking his head, the little spider turned his attention to the other side, Mr. Stark, who was controlling the steel battle suit and the guard crane, and Captain America, who was trying to attract attention with his shield. The device joined the battle.


Holding his breath, he shot an arrow at Shouhe.

Without paying attention to the direction of the arrow that flew out, Hawkeye reached out and touched the quiver behind him, but it was empty.

"The arrow is gone."

Turning back, looking at the empty quiver behind him, Hawkeye pinched his finger that was talking about bows and arrows, his expression silent.

"If I had known, I should have prepared more."

Natasha clutched her injured arm and looked at the Avengers members who were struggling to block Shouhe in the distance. The scene where Tony was knocked flying by Shouhe made her subconsciously tug. Simply, he quickly controlled the armor to fly again, but Natasha knew very well that if things went on like this, the Avengers would not be able to stop Shouhe for too long.

Thinking of this, her eyes once again turned to the [Turtle Immortal] on the other side.

Since he just finished talking to the members of the Avengers, he has been standing there motionless and meditating silently.

Finally, under the circumstance that Sol was smashed into the ground by the Shou Crane, and Hulk was hit by one of its empty bombs and roared again and again, the [Turtle Immortal], who had been quiet all the time, finally reacted, and I saw him drank softly. , in the next instant, his figure changed from the original one to four in an instant.

【Four Fist】


[From the legend of Natasha Romanov...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

[From the legend of Saul Odinson...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

【From Peter the Spider...】

Such a miraculous scene, even the Avengers who have been fighting, can't help but look surprised. Natasha has seen Li Ran's [Turtle Immortal] cast an afterimage fist, but obviously This and the [Four Body Fist] in front of me

totally different.

Seeing four identical [Turtle Immortals] standing together, Natasha couldn't hide the surprise on her face, even though she had already experienced a lot of battles with aliens, including containment objects.

The successful use of the effect of [Four Body Fist] shocked the Avengers and earned a wave of fame, but the movements of [Turtle Immortal] did not stop at all. The four [Turtle Immortals] came to Shouhe in the blink of an eye at the same speed. The [Turtle Immortals] stood at the four corners of Shouhe, raised their hands in unison, and turned towards each other. The huge monster in front of him shouted in unison, "[The Seal of Four Elephants]!"

[Seal of Four Elephants] or something, it is naturally just a move made by the clone of [Turtle Immortal]. In fact, the clone created by [Four Body Fist] only has a quarter of the original strength, which is not suitable at all. This kind of high-intensity battle in front of you. However, the purpose of [Turtle Immortal] becoming these clones was not to fight, but purely to present the thrill of the entire sealing process in this way.

While he was using the [Sealing of Four Signs], one of his clones shouted directly to the members of the Avengers: "Don't stay, leave Shouhe immediately, or you will be affected by the power of [Sealing of Four Signs]. It may also be affected.”

With the words of the clone, a huge suction force came from the hands of the four [Turtle Immortals], which was the effect of his magic seal wave.

Hearing this, whether it was Tony the Iron Man suspended in mid-air or Hulk who roared again and again, they all stepped back for a long distance without the slightest hesitation.


In their eyes, facing the huge attraction around them, Shouhe's huge body began to struggle, waving his claws in an attempt to attack one of the [Turtle Immortals], but he was immediately caught by the suction of the remaining [Turtle Immortal] claws. Affected, the movement becomes chaotic.

Just because of the previous lessons, the members of the Avengers did not dare to relax any more, they were afraid that if they loosened up, Shouhe broke free from the seal again.

Of course, the fears of the Avengers members are obviously superfluous.

Under the 'powerful' attraction of the [Seal of Four Signs], Shouhe had no chance of breaking free, and his entire body was constantly shrinking. Gradually, even Ye Wen, who was wrapped in his body before, followed to reveal his body shape. Looking at Ye Wen who was in a coma, the four [Turtle Immortals] took a deep breath, their arms that were raised high at the same time aimed at Ye Wen's body, and let out a loud shout in unison.

Shouhe, who wrapped Ye Wen's body, shrank again, and the sand disappeared from Ye Wen's body visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the purple tattoos that appeared on his body also began to shrink, and finally a word "love" appeared in Ye Wen's body. Above the forehead, it was looming, and finally disappeared.


The disappearance of Shouhe and the abnormality that appeared on Ye Wen's body at the end made the hearts of the Avengers finally put down.

"I didn't expect you to be so decisive."

However, Di Shitian's old voice from the other side made their hearts, which they finally put down, pick up again.

They have been patronizing and blocking Shouhe, completely forgetting that there is a more dangerous Jiuyou around.

"If you go one step further, I will kill you even if I lose my life."

Holding the flying sword in his hand, he pointed at Jiuyou and the two [Jiujianxian] and said expressionlessly.

Ignoring the threat of [Jiujianxian] and the avengers who looked like they were facing a great enemy, Di Shitian cast his eyes under his pale mask on the [Turtle Immortal] behind him, and still said lightly: "It's just this way. Is it really worth it, to exchange the life of an immortal for a seal."


Di Shitian's words changed the expressions of the Avengers. Tony turned to look at the [Turtle Immortal] beside him, and there was a vague suspicion in his heart.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of Saul Odinson...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

【From... 】

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter if it's worth it or not."

To God Shi Tianduo's gaze, [Turtle Immortal] laughed calmly, he turned his head to glance at Ye Wen who was in a coma, and replied with a free and easy expression: "Since Xiao Ye Wen called me a martial artist Teacher Tian, ​​then as a teacher, I can't just watch my apprentice turn into this ghost, and I have to do something."


[Turtle Immortal]'s answer made Di Shitian silent for a while.

"Wu Tian, ​​I admit that what you have done is indeed beyond my expectations. It's just a pity that we will never have a chance to fight again in the future."


Hearing Di Shitian's words, [Turtle Immortal] also cooperated and made a regretful expression.

Taking a deep look at the [Turtle Immortal] in front of him, Di Shitian suddenly turned around and said, "This time, we have failed in Jiuyou, but next time, if we lose the [Turtle Immortal], one of the four immortals in Penglai, I would rather Let's see what you are doing to stop us, Although Di Shitian left, his last words left a deep worry in the hearts of everyone present.

Watching Jiuyou disappear, [Jiu Jianxian], who had been expressionless all the time, was relieved, he put away the flying sword in his hand, and turned to look at the [Turtle Immortal] behind him with a complicated expression: "Old Turtle ,you……"

"Unfortunately, old alcoholic, I can't drink with you anymore."

Next to [Turtle Immortal], the three avatars that were originally maintained disappeared one by one, and his body also changed from the appearance of a muscular man to a bony appearance, and replied with a weak smile.

"Come on, you old turtle, it seems like you are just drinking as an excuse." With a reluctant smile on his face, [Jiu Jianxian] turned his head away, and seemed unwilling to look back at [Tortoise Immortal]. Said: "It's always to see the beautiful lady."

"Yeah, I'll never see the beautiful lady again."

Said with a look of regret, [Turtle Immortal] turned his head and swept across the Avengers in front of him, and then stopped on Tony's body for a while: "Speaking of which, you still owe me a party that hasn't been held, you would have known me earlier. It's a pity that I came earlier."


Hearing the words of [Turtle Immortal], Tony's expression was sad.

"Haha, old alcoholic, it seems that this time, I have to go first..."

As the voice of [Turtle Immortal] fell, in the next instant, his whole body turned into a little white light, disappearing and drifting under the gaze of everyone.

"Old Turtle!"

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of Saul Odinson...]

[From the legend of Natasha Romanov...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

【From Spider-Man...】

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