Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 238: magic seal wave

"No, there must be a way."

Tightening the Thor's Hammer in his hand, Sol looked at the huge body of Shouhe in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"Even a terrifying opponent still has its weaknesses." As a warrior of God's Domain, he doesn't believe that there is an invincible existence in this world: "It's just that we haven't found the opponent's weakness."

"If that's the case, I'd like to find out sooner."

Tony had a cold face, and replied without much expression. He glanced at the Hulk beside him. Even the Hulk showed a bit of fatigue after repeated battles. It was panting, and its chest was like a roar. It made a heavy sound like a blast furnace.

"After all, if we wait any longer, we won't be able to last long."

In fact, not only the Hulk, but Tony's own situation is not optimistic. The anti-nine secluded armor originally loaded on his body has long since lost its effect, and even the energy of rk8 is about to bottom out, and it can't maintain a fighting state for long. .


Not far away, from the helicopter, cameras captured what happened in Chinatown.

The scene broadcasted by the helicopter was a bit blurry. Because of the wind and sand, the camera could only faintly capture the looming huge figure of Shouhe, but this blurry scene did not hinder the terrifying power he displayed.

At the SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury frowned and looked at the shaky blurry picture in front of him, frowning subconsciously, and his heart was heavy. He didn't expect that the Avengers Alliance, which he had high hopes for, could not stop this extraterritorial demon from Penglai in front of him.

Through Natasha's report, Nick Fury already knew the name of this extraterritorial demon, Shouhe.

However, this alone will not play the slightest role.

"Sir, a call from the White House," Agent Hill frowned and conveyed the message from the White House with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Mr. President sent a question, thinking that what happened in Chinatown has seriously endangered the safety of the American people, how can If S.H.I.E.L.D. does not fight back, he will arrange for the army to take over all this, and complain about S.H.I.E.L.D.’s inaction in this vicious incident. If it cannot protect America and the world, then S.H.I.E.L.D. still needs to exist. ?"

"Tell Mr. President that S.H.I.E.L.D. has sent the Avengers. If he puts his hopes on the military, he will be destined to be disappointed. I don't think the military can do better than S.H.I.E.L.D. Because, this is war. , what we have encountered is a monster that has never been seen before, and he who is not sitting in the White House can easily understand..."

Nick Fury coldly expressed his dissatisfaction with these politicians, but it was impossible for Agent Hill to really pass all of what he said to the White House.

After all, in any case, S.H.I.E.L.D. receives a lot of funding from the World Security Council every year, and it does have an obligation to prevent vicious incidents and terrorist attacks from happening. However, in the past, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s opponents were at most terrorist organizations such as Hydra, but now they have become supernatural monsters like Shouhe in the picture in front of them.

Ignoring the calls between Agent Hill and the White House and the Security Council, Nick Fury looked at everything on the screen with a solemn expression.

Although he didn't care about the White House's questioning performance, in fact, everything that happened in Chinatown still made Nick Fury's heart heavy.

If the disaster caused by Shouhe cannot be solved, not only the actions of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be restricted in the future, but even the whole of New York may have dire consequences.

"Agent Phil."

Thinking of this, Nick Fury made a decision with flickering eyes. He was about to issue an emergency order to Agent Phil behind him, but the picture captured by the camera changed again.


"Actually, you've done enough!"

After breaking away from the battle with Di Shitian, Immortal Turtle came to the members of the Avengers, looked at the growing size of Shouhe, and said with his hands behind him, "So next, leave the battle to me. "


As Tony, who has seen Turtle Immortal take action many times, obviously has high confidence in him.

He looked at the immortal turtle who had turned into a muscular man again and couldn't help but say, "If you don't make a move, we really won't be able to hold on."

"Sorry, it was my mistake. I didn't expect that Di Shitian to be so difficult."

Looking back at the Jiuyou two who were fighting with Jiujianxian, Turtle Immortal said apologetically. He took a deep breath. Muscles twisted all over his body, and the wretched expression on his hippie smiling face became serious. He took a deep breath and muttered softly to himself with a straight face.

"Then, next, Xiaoye Wen, I have to be serious, you must support me."

Sol heard the content of the turtle fairy's words, and there was a doubtful expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Shouhe, who turned his hands into a calyx shape, placed his hands on his waist and turned in front of him, shouting, "Turtle, Pie..."

"This is?!"

Noticing the movements of Turtle Immortal's hands, Tony and Natasha, who had seen him use the power of this move with their own eyes, couldn't help but change their expressions.

Legendary from Tony Stark...

The legend from Natasha Romanoff...

However, before Tony could say anything, as the voice fell, blue energy visible to the naked eye condensed in the hands of Immortal Turtle.


In the next instant, a dazzling light was launched from the hands of the turtle fairy, and the dazzling light it flashed made the avengers present subconsciously close their eyes.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury looked at the white scene in front of him, and his heart was definitely not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Legendary from Nick Fury...


"What the **** does this happen?"

Because of Natasha's reminder, Hawkeye closed his eyes a second before the Turtle Immortal launched the Turtle School Qigong. When he opened his eyes again, he only saw that Shouhe's original huge body was forcibly destroyed. After cutting off more than half, he could vaguely see Ye Wen wrapped in sand in Shou He's body.

"Immortal, you have already defeated Shouhe?"

The power of Turtle Qigong made the members of the Avengers look sideways, and Tony couldn't help but blurt out the question.

"It's not that simple."

Shaking his head, the expression on Immortal Turtle's face did not relax in the slightest: "In fact, the reason why Penglai chose to use the seal to trap Shouhe instead of destroying it is because, as an extraterrestrial demon, Shouhe simply cannot If it is wiped out, it will continue to grow as long as there is sandstorm..."

As if to confirm what the Turtle Immortal said, Shouhe, who had half of his body left in front of him, opened the store again and moved. He moved his huge claws, and the yellow sand scattered around him because of the Turtle School Qigong also began to move again. Gathering at the gap, Ye Wen's body that had been exposed with great difficulty was once again covered up.

"Can't wait any longer."

Lifting the foot and moving the ground, a crack and pothole spread like a spider web appeared on the ground near the footsteps of the turtle fairy, and countless gravel splashed out of it. The Turtle Immortal, who was still standing in front of the Avengers, charged straight towards Shouhe like a sharp arrow.


With the huge driving force brought by stepping on the ground, Immortal Turtle knocked Shouhe into a stagger.

The vibration brought by the huge body was like a small earthquake.

Stopping in mid-air, Immortal Turtle looked at Shouhe in front of him and said, "Okay, big guy, enough trouble is enough, now you should go back to where you were originally."


Opening his mouth, he let out a roar at the immortal turtle, Shouhe raised his re-condensed claws, cut through the air to generate a raging wind, and slammed toward the immortal turtle in front of him.

"Looks like you don't want to."

Running the Dance of the Sky to dodge Shouhe's attack, Immortal Turtle looked at Shouhe who was roaring in front of him and shook his head: "If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude, the sealing process may be a little painful, until You have to hold back."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't help it."

While speaking, the turtle fairy slowly fell from the air, and then under the eyes of the Avengers members, he took out a small bottle from the pocket of his trousers and placed it on the ground solemnly. .

"Mr. Stark, what is that old man with muscles?"

Seeing the actions of the turtle fairy, Peter the spider couldn't help asking curiously.

Although he didn't know about Penglai's settings, the powerful power shown by Immortal Turtle just now shocked Peter's heart.

"I don't know." Shaking his head, Tony didn't know much about Penglai's understanding, so he couldn't answer Peter's question.

"Unexpectedly, Penglai still has a record of Mo Fengbo."

Of course, it doesn't matter if the Avengers don't know, because Li Ran has arranged a special commentary for them.

Seeing Immortal Turtle's actions in front of Shouhe, Di Shitian stopped his attack and said coldly. And his voice was not concealed in the slightest, and it directly reached the ears of the Avengers members in the distance.

"Magic seal wave?!"

"Who are you?" Looking at Di Shitian in front of him with a flying sword, Jiujianxian asked with a dignified expression: "Why do you know so much about everything in Penglai."

"who I am."

Hearing this, he let out a cold snort, and Di Shitian stretched out his arm that turned into a dragon claw and shot again.

Throwing out the settings, the next step is to continue fighting.

"Magic seal wave, Mr. Stark, what is that?"

Frowning his brows and reading out the name of this somewhat convoluted move, Peter asked Tony like a curious baby.

"You ask me, who am I?"

Under the steel mask, Tony pouted and replied helplessly.

It didn't make the Avengers puzzled for too long. It wasn't long before Di Shi Tian Dao revealed the name of the move Mo Feng Bo, the Turtle Immortal on the other side had already posed for himself, his hands dancing quickly like an afterimage. He made various gestures, followed by a pair of palms, and an awe-inspiring feeling came from his body.


Looking down at the Thor's Hammer in his hand, Saul's expression was a little puzzled.

"What's the matter, Sol?"

Noticing the abnormal appearance of Thor on the side, Steve couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Thor's Hammer feels a little strange."

Sol frowned and expressed his feelings. He raised his head and looked at the suddenly gloomy sky, but he clearly knew that it was not caused by his Thor's Hammer.

Thinking of this, Sol suddenly raised his head to look at the opposite turtle fairy, and the turtle fairy who had been posing at this moment finally ended his set of movements, took a deep breath, and raised his hands in front of him. The Shouhe shouted loudly: "Magic Fengbo!"

With the shout of the turtle fairy, the opposite Shouhe felt a strong attraction coming from the turtle fairy's hand. It struggled and roared to get rid of it, but there was no way to escape from it. Instead, it was in the magic seal wave. Under the power, slowly move towards the small bottle placed by the turtle fairy The legend from Thor Odinson...

Legendary from Tony Stark...

Legendary from Steve Rogers...

Legendary from Hawkeye Clinton...


The contrast between Shouhe's huge body and the small bottle placed on the ground by the immortal turtle is extremely strong. This contrast is unbelievable in front of anyone, but it happens that this happens, in the Avengers. Under the watchful eyes of the alliance members, Shouhe's body began to be pulled and sucked into the small bottle. The bottle that would have been filled in an instant, even after holding most of Shouhe's body, there was still no sign of being filled at all.

"It's just..."

Tony opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Every time Penglai appeared, it brought him a great impact.

Seeing that, using the magic seal wave, the turtle fairy will re-seal the Shouhe into the small bottle.

Even the members of the Avengers showed a look of peace of mind, waiting for Immortal Turtle to use his magical magic seal wave move to reseal Shouhe and end everything in front of him.


Inside the antique shop, Li Ran slightly raised his mouth and left the reversal plot that he had prepared for a long time.

"Looks like you still forget."

Blocked by Jiujian Xian, Di Shitian looked up at the immortal Turtle who was also using the magic seal, and suddenly said, "There is another person in Shouhe's body."


Hearing Di Shitian's words, Jiujianxian's face matched with a stunned look, and when he turned his head, he saw the expression of the turtle immortal who cast the magic seal wave suddenly changed, watching as the yellow sand peeled off. Ye Wen, who appeared below, had an ugly expression: "Oops, I forgot, there is no way for Mo Fengbo to separate the seal!"

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