Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 213: blow hair

"No problem, Immortal can drink as much as you want."

Natasha looked at the Hulk who raised his Hummer and smashed at them, and hurriedly agreed.

"Hahaha, I don't take advantage of you, three days is enough."

With a flip of his palm, he controlled the flying sword and turned it in the air to cut the flying Hummer into two pieces. Jiujianxian smiled and shook the wine gourd in his hand. In the next instant, the whole person appeared in front of Hulk, looking up. Looking at the roaring Hulk, he said with a dazed eye, "Big guy, let me play with you."


Looking at Jiujianxian appearing in front of him, Hulk opened his mouth and let out a roar, then waved his sturdy arm and smashed it towards the Taoist.

The huge fist was like a heavy cannonball, and it erupted with terrifying power under the impetus of Hulk's violent power.


However, in the face of Hulk's terrifying attack, Jiujianxian seemed to take a sip of wine as if he was still unconscious, and at the same time burped a big wine burp at the Hulk in front of him.

Looking at the scene in front of her, even if Natasha maintained full confidence in the immortals of Penglai, she couldn't help showing a trace of worry.

However, the next second, what happened, told Natasha that her worries were completely unnecessary.

Immortal wind and cloud physique

With a light drink from Jiujianxian, the figure of the Taoist in Natasha's eyes instantly turned into a cloud of mist, which narrowly avoided Hulk's attack, but reappeared and ran behind Hulk, relying on The back of the Hulk continued to pour wine into his mouth.

Legendary 655 from Natasha Romanoff

Legendary 600 from the Hulk

The Taoist's action undoubtedly angered Hulk's already angry nerves once again. He roared and grabbed his arms behind his back, trying to grab the Wine Sword Immortal who was lying on his back.

However, Jiujianxian, who used the Immortal Wind and Cloud Body Technique, was obviously not something that Hulk could catch up with in terms of movement, and the results were futile again and again, except to make the big green monster even more angry, and it had no effect at all.


After coming down several times in a row, the original angry expression on the big green face of Wine Sword Fairy Hulk, who still had a relaxed expression in front of him, became even more distorted. He raised his head and let out a deafening roar. It began to swell again, and the deck of the spaceship beneath it also produced two deep ravines as its size changed.


In the roar, Hulk waved his arms and began to frantically destroy the deck to vent.

Obviously, after finding that he could not hurt the wine sword immortal in front of him after several attacks, Hulk decisively gave up the target and started to destroy the spaceship aimlessly.

Although Hulk's destruction can't hurt Jiujianxian, but if it continues to be destroyed like this, it will become a big problem whether the SHIELD spaceship can support it, especially since he has promised Natasha to organize the organization. Hulk's destruction, so he raised his hand and put the flying sword suspended in the air back into the sheath. Jiujianxian looked at Hulk in front of him and said something.

"Big man, I'll take you to have a hair dryer, calm down."

Immediately afterwards, the Taoist threw the gourd in his hand onto the deck and muttered.

Then I saw that the gourd that could be picked up with one hand changed back to its previous huge appearance. The Immortal Jiujian sat on the side of the gourd and gently stretched out his hand. In the next second, the gourd suddenly accelerated and collided with the Hulk in front of him. Go, take this angry big guy and smash through the iron plate of the spaceship and fly out.


In the main control room of the broken spaceship, the atmosphere was a little heavy.

Although the efforts of Tony and Steve successfully prevented the S.H.I.E.L.D. spacecraft from falling from the sky, in this attack, S.H.I.E.L.D. suffered extremely heavy losses.

In particular, the death of Agent Phil had obviously had a great impact on Tony.

"He's too stupid to think of dealing with Loki alone..."

At the same time, because of the sacrifice of Agent Phil, Tony and Steve were finally able to put aside their prejudice against each other and have a sincere conversation.

Tony shook his head, his expression a little silent.

"It's his duty." Steve's expression was a little silent. As a veteran who woke up from World War II, he was no stranger to death.

"But such a battle is beyond his ability, and he should wait for reinforcements."

"Sometimes we don't have a choice," Steve said with a heavy expression. Agent Phil's death reminded him of World War II. It was the same at that time. In the face of the cruelty of the war, they had to make a choice, even if this choice, Along with the pain, he thought of Bucky, the members of the assault team, and of course Dio, the comrade-in-arms who finally chose to become a vampire, shook his head and pulled his thoughts back, Steve facing the Tony in front of him said, "I know what it feels like to die for a comrade-in-arms. It's not a good feeling."

"We are not warriors!"

From the beginning, Tony did not intend to be a soldier under Nick Fury, and his purpose in joining the Avengers was only to investigate the truth.

"I also never believed in Nick Fury."

"Me too, but at some point we have to focus on the bigger picture. Loki wants to open the portal and invade the earth with an alien army. We have to find..."

"Loki is a standard megalomaniac, he doesn't do it all in secret..."

Glancing across the broken spaceship, a thought suddenly flashed through Tony's mind.


Stark Industries, the top floor of the New Energy Building, Eric Shavig is making the final correction and arrangement of the universe cube.

Speaking of it, this Stark Industrial Building is really troubled. It was destroyed because of the godless battle before. It was replaced by a new energy building at Tony's idea. As a teleportation point to meet the Chitauri army, open the portal.

"how long will it take?"

Holding his scepter, Loki looked at Eric Shavig, who was constantly operating in front of the universe Rubik's Cube, raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Right now, I have done a lot of trimming of the parameters. As long as it is activated, the instrument can run the power of the Rubik's Cube, calibrate the position of the portal and then..."

"Quicken your movements."

Eric Shavig's series of technical terms are a bit too complicated for Loki, an alien specializing in magic. Simply, what he needs is not the process, but the final result, so I interrupted. After reading Eric Shavig's tirade, he ordered it directly.

"I see."

Nodding, Eric Shavig's face did not show the slightest sign of Loki's rudeness, and he still replied seriously.

"Nice design, I can feel the power contained in it."

Loki nodded and was about to turn around when an old voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

Legendary 500 from Loki

The expression of Loki holding the scepter changed, and when he turned his head, he saw a figure dressed in a black robe and a pale mask appeared on the new energy building so grandly.

"Who are you?"

Aiming the scepter in his hand at the strange figure in front of him, Loki was more concerned about how he appeared here without his own awareness than the identity of the other party.

"You should have heard my name, from the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent you controlled before."

Facing Loki's questioning, Di Shitian's tone did not fluctuate in the slightest.

"Are you from Jiuyou?"

Loki used the power of the mind gem in the scepter to learn a lot of information about S.H.I.E.L.D. from Hawkeye, including information about the members of the Avengers, and of course information about Jiuyou. Through Hawkeye's description, Luo Ji's heart also roughly knew that there were places and organizations called Jiuyou and Penglai on the earth, but he didn't expect to meet Jiuyou people under such circumstances.

"What is the purpose of your presence here, and are you stopping me like the guys from S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

The scepter in his hand began to emit a light blue light. Facing the sudden figure of Jiuyou, Loki's heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

He already knew Jiuyou's power from Hawkeye's mouth, although out of his superiority as a god, he held a contemptuous look at what Hawkeye said. However, the Di Shitian in front of him made him have to readjust his mentality. Maybe everything Hawkeye said before was not an exaggeration.

Thinking of this, Loki's fingers holding the scepter tightened a bit, and at the same time, he began to silently exert the power of his mind gem.

If it were someone else, under the power of the Mind Stone, it might have already been affected.

However, the Di Shitian standing in front of Loki is just a clone, and Li Ran, who is the main body, is located a few blocks away from the Stark Industrial New Energy Building, so even if the power of the Mind Gem is strong, it still cannot Caused even the slightest impact on Emperor Shitian.

Looking down at Loki's hands, the blue light was constantly emitting, and it was obvious that he was exerting his power.

Under the mask, Di Shitian let out a sneer and continued: "Stop you, why should I stop a plan that is doomed to fail."

"Doomed to fail?!"

Legendary 800 from Loki

Di Shitian's reaction told Loki that the scepter in his hand did not affect him in any way, and he put away the power of the Mind Gem ignorantly, and his face was wrinkled because of Di Shitian's words. brow.

"Impossible. S.H.I.E.L.D., which can organize all this, has already suffered heavy losses under my plan, and now there is no one who can hinder my plan."

Previously, relying on the information informed by Hawkeye, he successfully launched an attack on the SHIELD spaceship, and destroyed all the guys under them who could pose a threat to his plan. A remnant of soldiers, he can't be stopped at all.

"I'm not talking about the guys from SHIELD."

In the face of Loki's sworn answer, Di Shitian's tone did not change in the slightest: "The SHIELD guys alone are not worth my attention at all. The reason why your plan failed is purely because of Penglai. Relationship."


Di Shitian's words made Loki's original frown even heavier.

He has also heard the name Penglai, together with Jiuyou.

"Penglai's Wine Sword Immortal happens to be on the S.H.I.E.L.D. spacecraft. As long as he makes a move, your so-called plan is doomed to have no chance of success."

"Wine Sword Immortal?"

The large amount of content thrown by Di Shitian certainly made Loki worried, but now he can't stop the plan he has been carrying out because of a guy who suddenly appeared.

"I don't care what purpose you are in to tell me these things, but I will tell you with the results that the final victory will belong to me, Loki." Looking down at the scepter in his hand, Luo The swayed expression on Ji's face became firm again, he turned to look at Di Shitian in front of him and showed his arrogant expression again: "However, I can give you and Jiuyou behind you a chance~ ~ share my victories."

"Looks like you're still full of confidence."

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran looked at Loki who was still full of confidence, and couldn't bear to think about what happened to him next.


Turning his head and looking at the cosmic cube controlled by Eric Shavig, Loki nodded confidently: "Then, tell me, what purpose do you Jiuyou have, don't tell me you came only because of kindness? tell me this."

"Of course not." Shaking his head, Di Shitian turned and looked down at everything in the new energy building under his feet, and replied in a neither sad nor happy tone: "Our goal will always be one, and that is Penglai."

"Since that's the case, then you Jiuyou should cooperate with me more, and use the strength of the army to completely destroy the Penglai you speak of."

"Do you think Penglai is so simple that it can be wiped out with the so-called army in your mouth?" Turning to look at Loki, even with the mask, Loki can still detect the emperor behind the mask. The disdain on his face made him suddenly dissatisfied.

However, Loki wasn't given time to show his displeasure.

Di Shitian glanced at the distance, and then Shi Shiran said: "I hope, when we meet next time, you will bring me some other surprises, and then maybe Jiuyou will continue to cooperate with you. …”

"Next time, you really..."

Hearing Di Shitian's words, Loki subconsciously wanted to ask questions, but suddenly heard a burst of cheers from Eric Shavig behind him.


Looking back at Eric Shavig, who was surrounded by the universe cube, with an excited expression, Loki looked back again, but found that Di Shitian, who was still here just now, had disappeared.

Legendary from Loki 935

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