"A few months ago, a guy from Jiuyou named Jue Wushen appeared in front of Stark Industries. In order to achieve his evil purpose, he fought with the people of Penglai. S.H.I.E.L.D. had no resistance to this, and almost Caused a catastrophe. Not long ago, New Mexico welcomed another alien visitor, claiming to be a god, because of some of his personal grievances, causing a small town to be razed to the ground, from these events we know that this we live in In the world and the universe, there are not only other life forms, but also more powerful, advanced and developed than us..."

Facing Nick Fury's accusations, Saul felt compelled to say: "Our people have no ill will towards your planet."

Nick Fury: "How about Loki?"

Sol: "..."

One sentence left Sol speechless, and Nick Fury's eyes swept over the [Wine Sword Immortal] who still seemed to be unaware: "Also, you are not the only threat in this world, Jiuyou or other strength, and for this we have to protect ourselves.”

"That's why you developed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

Tony curled the corners of his mouth, a little disdainful.

"Don't forget that you made your fortune like this, Mr. Stark." Looking back at Tony, Nick Fury replied expressionlessly.

Steve: "If he had continued to do this, he might have died long ago..."

Tony "Wait, why are you targeting me again?"

Sol: "I thought you people on Earth were all peace-loving, but it doesn't seem so."

Nick Fury: "Wait a minute, don't forget, the reason for the current situation has a lot to do with your brother Loki!"

Natasha: "You guys really need this, S.H.I.E.L.D. is just monitoring for potential threats."

Banner: "It turns out that Captain America is also a threat. What about me, what kind of threat is in S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Natasha: "We are all threats..."

During the quarrel, no one noticed that as their emotions changed, the Loki scepter originally placed in the laboratory, the gem at the top began to emit a faint blue light.


Just then, a loud yawn sounded suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw [Jiu Jianxian] who was lying on the side whirring and sleeping, stretched his waist and got up, stretched out his hand, and the gourd that Tony had secretly taken and put on the table 'hu'. He flew back to his hand, opened the lid and took a gulp of wine, then shook the wine gourd in his hand and looked at the Avengers in front of him, and said half-drunk, "Although I don't want to disturb your quarrel, but, It looks like something is flying over."


As the voice of [Jiujianxian] fell, the computer that had been searching suddenly issued a reminder and found the location of the target within half a kilometer.

[Wine Sword Immortal] reminded everyone in the laboratory to temporarily stop arguing. Nick Fury shook his head, feeling a little strange. In theory, he is not an impulsive person.

"What is this..."

Drinking a big gulp of wine and standing up, [Jiu Jianxian] looked at Nick Fury with a puzzled face, and then raised his finger to the scepter beside him: "Where did you get the things?"

"You mean there's something wrong with this scepter?!" Nick Fury was not stupid, and quickly noticed the problem from [Wine Sword Immortal]'s inquiry.

Nodding his head, [Jiu Jianxian] replied affirmatively: "Nonsense, if it wasn't for this noise giving me a headache, do you think it's just the few of you who can wake me up?"

Hearing [Wine Sword Fairy]'s complaint, Nick Fury immediately turned his head and asked Sol who was on the side: "What the **** is Loki's scepter?"

"I don't know." Shaking his head, Sol said blankly: "This is not Loki's original scepter, maybe the weapon given to him by the Chitauri."

"Since this scepter has such magical power, why did Loki so easily..."

Natasha frowned, and as the effect of the scepter weakened, the acuity belonging to the agent returned to her.


At this moment, Banner looked at the real Rubik's cube position on the screen, and the expression on his face changed in vain.


The next second, along with a huge roar, a heat wave poured into the laboratory.

The sudden explosion threw the entire spaceship into chaos.

After recovering from the explosion, Nick Fury shook his head and quickly confirmed through his headphones: "Agent Hill, tell me the situation!"

"There was an explosion outside the spacecraft, and the number three engine stopped."

In the headset, what Agent Hill reported was not optimistic. The group of people who launched the attack obviously knew the situation of the S.H.I.E.L.D. spacecraft very well and directly destroyed the power system of the spacecraft.


"pass it to me."


"Sir, I may need a little time here."

On this side, Tony and Steve went to the site of the explosion to repair the damaged engine system. On the other side, Natasha's situation was not optimistic due to the impact of the explosion.

"Dr. Banner, you need to calm down."

Affected by the explosion, Banner's mood became extremely unstable. In order to avoid the appearance of Hulk, Natasha had to appease him.

However, the effect is obviously not very obvious.

"I can't control it, Hulk, Hulk wants..." Struggling, Banner replied with a painful expression.

"Doctor, I believe..."


Before Natasha finished speaking, with a loud roar, Banner's clothes burst open, and a lot of muscles emerged instantly and turned into an angry Hulk.

Turning his head to look at Natasha, Hulk let out a roar and rushed over without hesitation.


Facing the angry Hulk, Natasha turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

From the information from S.H.I.E.L.D., she knew very well that the Hulk incarnated by Banner didn't have much sanity at all, and was just a big monster that could only destroy.


"Stop them from fixing the engine."

Entering the spaceship, eagle-eyed Clinton's eyes flashed with light, and without hesitation, he began to give an order: "Arrange a group of people to close the camera in the fourth district, and the rest will follow me."

While Tony and others used the scepter to search for the Rubik's Cube, Hawkeye also used the Rubik's Cube to locate the location of the SHIELD spacecraft. As Nick Fury said, Loki's easy capture is a conspiracy in itself.



He casually smashed the metal that was blocking him into a twisted shape, and Hulk roared while not chasing Natasha.

Stepping down heavily with his feet, he stepped on the metal deck under his feet to make a deep indentation. Hulk roared and rushed forward. The huge figure was like a huge shadow toward Na who was running in front of him. Tasha spreads it out. If it is compacted this time, as an ordinary person, Natasha will be seriously injured even if she does not die.


At this moment, a clear voice sounded.

I saw that Hulk in mid-air seemed to have been hit by a cannonball and deviates from the direction of the flying, breaking through the iron wall of the spaceship and mercilessly fell to the deck on the other side.

"Is this guy on the boat before?"

Shaking his own wine gourd slowly appeared on the deck, [Jiu Jianxian] looked at the Hulk in front of him, couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and asked.

After taking a breath, Natasha looked at the Hulk lying on the other side and Feijian suspended beside it, and then explained: "This is Dr. Banner, sir, the doctor is because of a The experiment turned into what it is today.”

"Banner, you mean that gentle guy?"

Pretending to reply in surprise, [Jiu Jianxian] turned to look at Hulk, who started shaking his head on the other side, and said unexpectedly, "I didn't expect him to have such a side."

Facing the teasing of [Wine Sword Immortal], Natasha responded with a wry smile.

The scene just now was actually extremely dangerous. If it wasn't for [Wine Sword Immortal]'s shot, it would be a problem whether she could still stand at the moment. However, when she turned her head to look at the [Jiujian Xian] in front of her, Natasha's nervousness because of Hulk's appearance suddenly became relieved. What a powerful group they are.

In the face of immortals, even Hulk can no longer pose too much threat to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Shaking his head, Hulk got up on the deck.

The Hulk's defense is amazing, even if it was hit by [Swordsmanship], it only left a shallow scar on it and quickly disappeared under the effect of the healing ability.

Although the wound was gone, the pain from being hit by the flying sword obviously stimulated Hulk's already unstable emotions. He looked up at the flying sword suspended in front of him, and let out a roar, and the huge body happened again. Inflation, under the impetus of anger, the strength increased again.


Under the change of strength, Hulk slapped his chest and roared, and then rushed towards the flying sword in front of him.

Now, in Hulk's mind at this moment, compared to Natasha who was chasing before, the flying sword in front of him has become a new target for his attack.

"The strength is good, but it seems that the brain is not very good."

After taking a sip of wine, [Jiujian Xian] raised his hand to control Feijian to avoid Hulk's attack, and commented lightly.

"The Hulk that Dr. Banner transformed into has almost no sense. He is a monster who only knows destruction. That's why Dr. Banner had to choose a life of escape incognito."

The evaluation of [Wine Sword Fairy] made Natasha not know how to react. For ordinary people and even S.H.I.E.L.D., the Hulk transformed by Banner is an extremely dangerous existence. It ignores bullets and even missiles. Attacks, once angry, can't be controlled. Only a powerful immortal like [Wine Sword Immortal] would say such a light-hearted word.


He tried to attack the flying sword, but he couldn't even touch the edge of the flying sword. This result obviously made the already angry Hulk even more angry. It stopped its meaningless attack, and the roar in its mouth became more violent. Then it waved its sturdy arms and grabbed a fighter plane that was parked on the deck, and threw it in the direction of the flying sword with an angry face.

Although the power is amazing, it is obvious that Hulk's incompetent fury can't cause the slightest damage to [Wine Sword Immortal] at all.

While drinking the wine casually, he raised his fingers as if to control the flying sword lightly, and easily staggered the flying fighters.


[Fame from Natasha Romanov +935]

The fighter plane landed on the deck, and with a loud roar, it fell to the ground into wreckage.

Natasha looked at the wreckage of the fighter plane in front of her and glanced at the [Jiujian Xian] who was still drinking in a relaxed manner. She twitched the corners of her mouth and felt that she had to remind the immortal from Penglai in front of her.

Although his appearance successfully resisted the Hulk's attack, if the Hulk is allowed to continue to destroy like this, it will be a huge loss for S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, these weapons in front of them also require a lot of expense.

"Immortal, if possible, I hope you can quickly subdue Dr. Banner. The situation in front of you is obviously a conspiracy against S.H.I.E.L.D.~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After considering it, Natasha carefully proposed her own Views.

"Why, I see this big guy in front of me is very interesting," However, facing Natasha's proposal, [Jiu Jianxian] said indifferently: "Besides, I haven't had enough wine, and I have nothing to do. motivation."

Another troublesome guy.

Or is it that the immortals of Penglai are all of this virtue?

In front of her, Natasha couldn't help but rang out another immortal from Penglai, the Turtle Immortal, with the answer of [Jiujian Xian].

Although the two are completely different in appearance, they are the same in practice.

Even, if possible, Natasha would rather be facing the [Turtle Immortal] at the moment, and at least she can persuade the opponent to take action because of her superiority.

She frowned and glanced at the wine gourd in [Wine Sword Immortal]'s hand, Natasha's eyes suddenly flashed, and then she raised the corner of her mouth and said: "If the immortal is willing to take action, S.H.I.E.L.D. will prepare a lot of fine wine for you."


The action of holding the gourd in his hand paused, [Jiu Jianxian] looked sideways at Natasha, and asked in disbelief, "You mean it?"

"Of course." Natasha nodded without hesitation.

As a super agent organization, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a large number of channels to obtain the wine for [Wine Sword Immortal] to drink.

Not to mention, among the Avengers, there is a billionaire who is not bad, and he has a lot of precious red wine in his home.

"Then it's a word."

After getting Natasha's affirmative answer, the original careless expression on [Jiu Jianxian]'s face changed, and he put down the gourd in his hand, looking at the furious Hulk opposite, and said impatiently: "I will help You solve this big guy, and you prepare enough wine for me to drink for three days and three nights."

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