Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 82: intersection

"Master Ye, someone is looking for you!"

New York, the Chinatown corner of Manhattan's Hell's Kitchen.

The thin little girl with two pigtails, holding an old but clean-looking doll, shouted to a man in a Tang suit in the Chinese medicine store.

Ye Wen turned his head and glanced at the little girl standing at the door, with a subconscious smile on his face.

He nodded, and was about to answer when he heard a slightly noisy exclamation sounding on the street.

"Be careful, be careful! I can't control the car!"

Along with the exclamations, a white teenager riding a takeaway bicycle he saw rushed towards the direction of the little girl crookedly.

"Child, get out of the way!"

"What to do, turn, turn quickly."

"Oh no……"


Seeing that a tragedy was about to unfold, many people in Chinatown covered their mouths with unbearable expressions.

And the little girl also seemed to be frightened and stood there in a daze, looking at the crooked bicycle.

In the next second, a figure quickly inserted into it, only to see that he picked up the little girl who was stunned on the spot with both hands, and then dexterously exerted force under his feet, kicking on the front wheel of the out-of-control bicycle, freeing one. He grabbed the tall, raised white teenager and pulled him off the bike.


"Why are you so careless?" One raised his hand and stood up the white boy, Ye Wen saw the bicycle that fell to the side, and scolded him, "A big accident was about to happen."

"I'm sorry, but I didn't expect it, okay, the chain of the bicycle suddenly loosened."

The white boy obviously hadn't recovered from the previous danger. After he stood there for a few seconds, he patted his chest suddenly, and said with fear.

"Be more careful in the future."

After speaking to the boy again, Ye Wen turned to look at the little girl in his arms.

The little girl is very well-behaved. Even if she encountered something like this just now, she didn't cry.

Ye asked: "How is it, are you scared?"

Little girl: "Yeah."

Ye asked: "Then why don't you cry?"

Little girl: "Because I know that Master Ye is here. Dad said that Master Ye's kung fu is very good, and he can beat the bad guys who are making troubles in Chinatown, so I won't be hurt."

Ye Wen only came to Chinatown in the past few days. As soon as he arrived, he chased away a group of gangsters who charged protection fees from Chinatown merchants. Much appreciated by everyone in Chinatown.

Hearing this, Ye Wen lightly tapped the little girl's little nose and said with a smile: "Little clever ghost, remember, be careful in the future, Master Ye is not always by your side."

He whispered to the little girl, and then Ye Wen asked, "How is mom's body?"

"It's much better. Mom can get out of bed and cook for the past few days."

Speaking of her mother, the little girl had a sweet smile on her face.

From the clothes, he took out the candy that he had prepared a long time ago, and Ye Wen put it in the little girl's hand: "Okay, go back and find your mother."

"Thank you, Master Ye."

She happily took the candy, the little girl thanked her politely, and couldn't wait to stuff one into her mouth, feeling the sweet taste in her mouth, and then she remembered the purpose of her trip.

"By the way, Master Ye, just now a curly-haired man told a man with black glasses that he knew you and wanted to meet you."


Chinatown, the second floor of a Chinese restaurant.

Jessica looked at the pedestrians on the street, but she never found the figure in the Tang suit that Danny said, and she couldn't help frowning: "I think there is something wrong with your method at the beginning, why can't you just go ahead and directly Go find that Ye Wen and explain the matter clearly."

Danny retracted his gaze, heard Jessica's complaint, turned to look at the deserted business on the second floor of the Chinese restaurant and explained, "We must be careful, because I have already obtained evidence that the Hand will conduct a large-scale operation in Hell's Kitchen. Looking for clues for everyone, including me."

"Danny is right." Matt also opened his mouth and echoed: "At the moment, we are in a dead end when it comes to getting started, and keeping secrets is the most important thing we should do at the moment."

"All right."

Although, there are a lot of Jessica's styles hiding like this now, but thinking of their group's fiasco against the Fire Cloud Evil God before, Jessica had to accept their advice.

At this moment, Matt's super senses activated, and he noticed a slightly different footstep: "Someone is coming, it may be the master Ye from Penglai that Danny said."

"You can tell the identity of the other party only by the sound of footsteps?!"

Hearing Matt's words, Danny's face couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

"He can not only hear footsteps, but even the sound of insects flying over and flapping their wings." Luke Cage opened his mouth and added lightly.

Immediately, Danny's expression became even more shocked.

Although he couldn't see it, Matt could still imagine the strange look on Danny's face, but he didn't explain much, but continued: "The other party's footsteps are very different from ordinary people, step by step Neither light nor slow, as if..." The lawyer thought hard for a but couldn't find a suitable description.

"It's flowing like clouds and flowing water." Danny said, adding in Chinese dialect.

"You still speak Chinese?"

Jessica raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a surprised expression.

However, before she could continue the topic, a man in a Tang suit ascended to the second floor of the Chinese restaurant.

"Master Ye."

Seeing Ye Wen appearing on the second floor, Danny immediately stood up and clasped his fists.

He clasped his fists and returned the salute.

Ye Wen looked at Danny's curly hair and nodded, "Danny."

With that said, Ye Wen's gaze swept across the group of defenders in front of him, and then asked, "Who are these?"

"These are the friends I met when I was looking for the Hand." Hearing the question, Danny hurriedly made an introduction and briefly explained the process.

"Master Ye, I heard your name from Ah Xing." At this moment, Matt suddenly opened his mouth and said to Ye Wen.

Hearing this, Ye Wen's original elegant expression turned slightly solemn, and he set his eyes on Matt's face: "You have seen Ah Xing."

"...Axing is our partner. He used to fight with us against the Hand Association. In the end, it was because of my relationship that he fell under the attack of the Hand Association."

"No, everything is my fault." Jessica said with a low expression.

Because of the topic of Axing, Matt and his party recalled the stop in the port again, and after a long silence, they said: "Master Ye, we are here to find you this time, in addition to the matter about Axing, there is one more thing. Important things need your help."

"What's more important?" Ye Wen couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

"That's right, the Evil God of Fire Cloud has appeared."

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