Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 81: Master Ye

"Penglai, Ye Wen?"

Danny's answer revealed a lot of information, especially the name Ye Wen.

It reminded Matt of what A Xing had said before. He remembered what the other party had said about Master Ye.

As expected of a superhero with super senses, it did not disappoint me.

Wesley has been silently observing Matt's reaction. Seeing him frowning in confusion, he knew that his previous preparations were not in vain.

"Why, have you heard of this name?" Danny also noticed Matt's reaction and couldn't help asking.


Hearing this, Matt was silent for a while before he said, "A previous friend from Penglai once mentioned the name Master Ye."

"What about him now?" Danny glanced at the defenders in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

Danny's words caused the atmosphere in the Mexican restaurant to suddenly become quite silent.

Jessica turned her head, Luke Cage clutched his chest that was hit by the Fire Cloud Evil God, and replied in a low voice: "Dead, we encountered an ambush in the previous battle with the Hand."

Noticing the expressions of the defenders, Danny immediately said, "Sorry."

However, he immediately thought of the conversation between Ye Wen and him before: "I see, no wonder Master Ye once said that he came to New York on purpose because Penglai's disciple had an accident. He also mentioned about the Evil God of Fire Cloud."

Noticing the content of Danny's words, Jessica's long-lost private detective intuition finally came online, she looked back at the defenders who were not intact in the restaurant: "Guys, I think, I don't need to say more about the previous situation. , everyone knows, we were beaten all over the floor by the so-called Fire Cloud Evil God, and Matt was almost beaten to death in front of us by him."

"So, what do you want to say." Luke Cage.

Jessica: "I mean, since this is the case, why don't we find an existence that can deal with the evil **** of fire clouds, such as the Master Ye you mentioned, he is from Penglai just like A Xing, and he is specifically for that. The guy here should know the Huoyun Evil God better than us."

Well done, Jessica.

Jessica's remarks successfully led the topic to Ye Wen.

Indirectly, it saved a lot of effort for Li Ran.

Nodding his head, Li Ran echoed through Wesley's mouth: "The Evil God of Fire Cloud is too dangerous. If you don't want to be as passive as today in the next battle, you really need more information."

Jessica and Wesley successfully persuaded Matt. He turned to Danny who was standing at the door and asked, "Do you know where Master Ye went?"


"So, tell me the purpose of your hand union?"

Hands meet.

The Huoyun Evil God sat casually on the high chair, resting his chin in one hand, looking down at Madam Gao and the three remaining leaders of the Hand.

Looking up, he glanced at the evil **** on the high chair, Murakami's lessons learned, and the powerful force displayed by the other party made Mrs. Gao and the others dare not act rashly. Especially, with the decline of the power of immortality in the body and the exhaustion of the keel of resurrection from the dead, now is the time when they are the most vulnerable.

"We are looking for Iron Fist, that is, the person who appeared in the battle to attack you before. We need his power to open a sealed 'door' to gain the power to continue to maintain our immortality."

Speaking of immortality, Mrs. Gao subconsciously raised her head to look at the expression of Huoyun Evil God, but did not find any unexpected expression on his face.

"Immortal, like those old guys in Penglai?"

After changing his sitting position, the Huoyun Evil God looked up and down Mrs. Gao and the others, and said in a light tone: "But obviously, compared with the immortal powers of Penglai, the so-called immortality in your mouth is not at all. It’s worth mentioning, after all, it’s just relying on external forces.”

"You don't know at all the greatness of this power."

Hearing the words of the Heretic God with a touch of sarcasm, finally the leader of the Hand Society couldn't bear it any longer.

As the leaders of the Hand, they were not content to be under the evil gods: "This is the power that can control and change the world. For countless centuries, we have witnessed one war after another, and seen the revival and decline of one civilization after another. Time is the world. The most terrifying force in the world, no one can escape except us."

"Aren't you guys about to be caught up now?"

The evil **** twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at the hand-guild leader in front of him.

"This is only temporary. In the end, victory will still be on our side." The leader twitched his cheeks and insisted on replying.

Silently withdrawing his gaze, Huoyun Evil God suddenly opened his mouth as if muttering to himself: "I suddenly feel that there are too many leaders of the Hand Society, in fact, for me, only one obedient one is enough~ The words of the Evil God of Fire Cloud made the expressions of Mrs. Gao and the others below suddenly change.

However, before they could react, the evil **** who was still on the high chair appeared like a ghost in front of Mrs. Gao and the others.

Compared to Murakami who had no ability to counterattack before and was killed by Huoyun Evil God, the remaining leaders of the Hand Association are obviously still a little bit like that.

After all, after living for such a long time, even if there is no talent, a long time can make up for everything.

Running the mysterious power in the body to maintain immortality, the leaders of the Hand Union attacked together and attacked the evil **** fiercely.

Unfortunately, all this doesn't change anything.

Looking at the few people calling towards him in front of him, the Heretic God didn't even need to evade, and attacked extremely quickly with both palms, accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit sounds all over his body.

The battle was over in an instant.

[Famousness from Alexandra +900]

[Famousness from Botu +750]

[Famousness from Sowanda +1000]

Following a series of rumors, the Huoyun Evil God has returned to the high chair, looking at the only Mrs. Gao left at the bottom, and said indifferently: "Look, this makes things much easier, pass the order on, give it to me Find out about those people."

Glancing at the figures around her, Mrs. Gao looked at these companions who had lived with her for centuries, but now they are now under the hands of Huoyun Evil God. She tried hard to maintain her emotions, using that slightly trembling Holding the cane in front of her tightly, Madam Gao bowed her head deeply, not daring to look directly at the evil **** of fire clouds sitting on the high chair, and replied in a hoarse and sharp voice: "I know, everything will be as it is. As you wish, Evil God."

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