Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 68: aggressive

"Boss, a 'Golden Ratio Shaomai'."

New York, in front of the Stark Industrial Building, the prominent red fast food truck is constantly crowded.

Agent Phil lined up in the queue, dressed as a diners, but his eyes naturally swept across the Stark Industrial Building in front of him.

"Looks like Tony Stark won't come to the company today."

See today that Tony's private secretary Pepper Potts came to Stark Industries alone.

Phil made a judgment in his heart, retracted his gaze, and put it back on the food truck in front of him.

The aroma of burnt wheat that seemed to float from the tip of the nose made the SHIELD agent swallow subconsciously.

Theoretically speaking, as a professionally trained agent, you will generally not be shaken by a little food, unless it is delicious.

And obviously, the food that this Chinese food truck sells is the kind of food that even a professional agent like Phil can't bear.

Taking over the shaomai, Phil glanced at the owner of the dining car, who obviously had a story-like face in front of him. His professional habits from a special agent made him subconsciously speak, and he said in a familiar tone: "Boss, it seems that Coming to New York soon."

The action of rolling the dough with his hands subconsciously paused for a while. Facing Phil's inquiry, [Xie Lu] appeared silent on the surface, and then said, "So what?"

[Xie Lu]'s reaction successfully aroused Phil's interest, and he couldn't help saying: "It's nothing, I just think that with your cooking skills, boss, since you can make such delicious dishes, it seems that the dining car should not be your first choice for work. ."

"The world of cooking is not as simple as you think."

To this, [Xie Lu] did not respond positively, instead he lowered his head and whispered something in a suitable voice.


Blinking his eyes, Phil couldn't help asking.

"Hey man," however, before the SHIELD agent could ask any further questions, the plump bald black man behind him couldn't help but complain: "You didn't see that there were so many behind him. Are people waiting to line up, so hurry up and give up your seat."

Turning his head, he glanced at the gradually dissatisfied team behind him, and Agent Phil had to give up his plan to ask further questions.

After all, he still has a task to do, so he can't casually cause trouble.

"Feel sorry."

Leaving in front of the dining car, Phil turned to glance at the burly man in the car.

As a special agent, he had a hunch that there must be some kind of unknown secret hidden in the other party.

[Famous from Phil Coulson +40]

"Of course there are secrets, and even if there isn't, I'll make you feel that there are."

In the antique store, Li Ran couldn't help muttering while looking at the legend that popped up on the data panel.


"Could it be that you didn't have time to wake up?"

Meeting again after the battle at the port, even though in the eyes of the other party, he and Ah Xing are completely unrelated beings, but looking at Jessica who appeared in the antique store, Li Ran's expression was a little subtle.

Simply, the other party was drunk at the moment and didn't notice the strangeness on Li Ran's face.

"I'd rather be drunk all the time."

After gulping down the bottle in her hand, Jessica's mood was always low: "In this way, at least you won't think of those annoying things."

"What's wrong?"

As the party and protagonist of the port battle, Li Ran naturally knew exactly what Jessica was talking about, but in order to avoid exposure, he still pretended to be ignorant and asked: "What happened? ?"

Under the influence of alcohol, Jessica did not hide the content of the port battle, and directly revealed: "We fell into the trap of the hand union, and some people died because of it."

"We have no choice but to watch him fall, and all of this is because of me, shit! I hurt him, if I hadn't been so stupid and easily caught the trap of the hand union, If he hadn't tried to save me at the time, maybe, none of this would have happened..."

For this reason, Jessica went to the guy who disclosed the information to her, and beat the other party hard. Basically, he didn't have three or five years of effort, and the other party couldn't get out of the hospital normally.

But, so what? Ah Xing will not come back to life because of this.

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +110]

Raising his eyebrows, he glanced at the legend on the panel, but Li Ran did not expect that his actions would actually make Jessica so sad.

Looking at this petite figure pouring wine into the bottle, Li Ran felt a bit of guilt in his heart.

However, guilt is guilt, and it is an important plan related to publicity. Li Ran will not expose his shortcomings and reveal the secret that he is A Xing just because of the guilt in his heart.

After restraining his emotions, Li Ran continued to play his role as the third party liaison of the Assassin Brotherhood.

"Jessica, I am sorry for what you have suffered. However, I want to tell you that death is not the end of everything. In the eyes of the Assassin Brotherhood, death is the beginning of everything, representing hope, and salvation. Faith. I think the one who saved you also has the same faith as the and will fight side by side with you."

"Common belief."

Putting down the wine bottle in her hand, Jessica murmured and repeated.

In the antique store, as these words continued to sound, Jessica's originally confused expression became more and more sober, grabbing her messy hair, she looked up at Li Ran in front of her: "I hope, Assassin brother Will be able to help us fight together and defeat the Hand."

Hearing this, Li Ran raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

Although Jessica's proposal was a bit unexpected, for Li Ran, it coincided with a drowsy encounter with a pillow, which was exactly what he wanted.

Before, Li Ran was thinking about how he should appear in front of the defenders after Ah Xing left the stage.

Although there was a change in his heart, on the surface, Li Ran still maintained his style as the contact person of the Assassin Brotherhood.

"I've said it before, in the absence of a successful one-hit kill, the Brotherhood will not easily attack the opponents."

"Isn't your Brotherhood always doing the right thing by itself, killing one person to save thousands of people, why don't you dare to shoot again, maybe, all of this is just your excuse, the so-called Assassin Brotherhood is just a A coward who shivered in the face of the mighty power of the Hand."

Jessica's tone was very aggressive, clearly intending to provoke Li Ran.

Therefore, Li Ran also cooperated with a thoughtful expression and nodded silently.

"Understood, I will pass on your words to the Brotherhood."

"But what the outcome will be, I can't make any guarantees."

"Anyway, thank you."

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and Jessica thanked softly.

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