[The legend from Daredevil +700]

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +850]

[Fame from Luke Cage +1120]

Sure enough, the more impressive the impression, the higher the final reputation.

In the antique store, Chakra, who was maintaining his clone, was released. Li Ran looked at the number on the system data panel that far exceeded the previous number, and analyzed it secretly.

Regarding Ah Xing's exit, he has already written the script. First, he needs to use this to verify whether his conjecture about the popularity is correct. Second, as the number of cards in hand increases, he naturally needs to give up some secondary card. Of course, theoretically speaking, [Axing], as the most powerful card in Li Ran's hands, should not have entered the fate of being eliminated so early. However, the timing was so coincidental.

The appearance of Mrs. Gao and Bullseye, and the situation at the port gave Li Ran the perfect opportunity to exit.

Now that the time and place are right and the people are there, he also took advantage of the situation to perform the last scene that Jessica and others saw at the end.

Although the process was a bit rushed, the results were undoubtedly in line with Li Ran's expectations.

The popularity given by the members of the Defenders also fully illustrates this point.

It can be regarded as a reward for the perfect curtain call for the role of [Ah Xing].

[Famousness from Mrs. Gao +100]

[Legend from Bullseye +90]

It seems that they should have discovered something wrong.

At this moment, the two legends that emerged from the data panel made Li Ran slightly raise his eyebrows.

The figure who fell down during the siege suddenly disappeared, no wonder Madam Gao and Bullseye were surprised now, giving Li Ran so much fame.

However, it's their business to be surprised, anyway, Li Ran has already obtained the legendary degree that should be taken.

Looking at the thousands of legendary figures on the system data panel, Li Ran's heart began to stir.

The accumulated fame has long been enough for Li Ran to redeem once, no, it is two opportunities to open the [Black Iron Treasure Chest].

However, thinking of the previous battle in the port, Li Ran immediately suppressed the thought of exchanging the treasure chest in his heart.

No, at present, instead of rushing to open the treasure chest to draw D-rank cards, it is better to accumulate all these legends and bet on the things in the [Bronze Treasure Chest].

In the battle at the port, although Li Ran wanted to withdraw, it could not be ignored. The threat of Mrs. Gao's hand and Bullseye's group, facing the threat of powerful firepower, was drawn as a D-rank card. The 【Axing】can't have much effect at all.

Moreover, this is just a joint attack of the Hand and Bullseye. Compared with the scene of alien invasions and Dormammu swallowing the earth on the streets of New York in the future, if Li Ran still thinks about using [Axing] like this To face the card of the level is simply a matter of fantasy.

Therefore, accumulating more fame and constantly opening treasure chests to extract character cards with higher combat power is what Li Ran should do at present, no, it should be said that he wants to survive to the end in the crisis-ridden world of Meiman.


Here, Li Ran is contemplating the future development direction.

On the other side, the defenders who escaped from the port were exhausted physically and mentally.

Ah Xing's "sacrifice" was a big blow to everyone.

This is especially true for Jessica, because, in her opinion, Ah Xing will finally save herself...

"It's all my fault. If it wasn't for my stupidity to tell the news that hasn't been investigated yet, maybe I wouldn't have gotten into the trap so easily. Being besieged by Mrs. Gao and the others, Ah Xing wouldn't have tried to save me... "


"In fact, we were all deceived."

"The clues below are obviously sent to us deliberately by someone to let us go to the port, where they have already been ambushed."

Matt was silent for a long time, and then said in a hoarse voice. In fact, in the incident at the port, he blamed himself more than Jessica. He invited Ah Xing to join the defender, but in the end he could only helpless. Let him die under the siege of the Hand and Jin Bing's men.

Thinking of this, Matt clenched his fist subconsciously, and the scar on his face burst out with bright red blood again because of his emotional excitement.

"Axing is my friend." At this time, Luke Cage, who had been silent all the time, spoke up, with red eyes, he said word by word, "He came to Harlem and changed whether he has changed or not. Street of Hope, he's Harlem and me, Dad, Mrs Connie's hero, and I won't let him die in vain."

"For A Xing!"

Having said that, Luke Cage stretched out his fist.

"For A Xing!"

Taking a silent look, Jessica also stretched out her fist to touch Luke Cage's.

"For A Xing!"

Matt stretched out his hand and said in a low and firm tone.

[The legend from Daredevil +1200]

[Fame from Jessica Jones +1000]

[Fame from Luke Cage +1150]

Li Ran: "???"


"I clearly saw the ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ port where he fell, Bullseye looked at the empty ground in front of him, his tone was full of doubts and confusion.

"Why is there nothing, whether it's blood or corpses." His eyes swept over everything around him, but he didn't find anything.

On the other side, Madam Gao leaned on a cane and watched everything silently before saying, "Perhaps, because he is very special."


When Bullseye heard the words, he turned his head subconsciously.

"You look like you know something?"

Recalling the first time he and Ah Xing met in their own production factory, when the other party claimed to be from Penglai, Mrs. Gao became more and more convinced of a certain conjecture in her heart.

As a defector who stole the power of immortality from Kunlun, Mrs. Gao subconsciously linked the mysterious Penglai mentioned by Li Ran with the Kunlun in her impression. Invisibly, the danger level of Penglai in her heart was raised.

"Go back and tell Jin Bing that our operation failed this time. Next, there will be a tough battle for us, so that he can prepare in advance."

"I don't think they will pose a threat to Kim." Bullseye pouted and didn't care.

"Believe me, I know very well how much power a person will explode in anger. What's more, isn't the reason why this battle happened today because they have threatened us?"

Bullseye: "..."

[From Mrs. Gao's reputation +135]

Li Ran: "!?"

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