"Thanks for your hard work."

In the antique shop, Li Ran subconsciously said something to Ah Xing, who had returned.

Immediately afterwards, he realized that the other party was just his avatar, not a real person.

It can only be said that the avatar transformed by the avatar technique, especially after the fusion of the system cards, looks too real, and even Li Ran's body subconsciously ignores the actual identity of the other party.

Shaking his head, Li Ran disconnected from Ah Xing Chakra, and immediately heard a 'bang'.

In front of him, Ah Xing, who looked like a real person, turned into a white smoke and disappeared, and the D-level card that was originally integrated into the clone also returned to the system.

Bowing his head, he glanced at the cards in the system, and Li Ran immediately turned his attention to the column where the system displayed fame.

[Legend]: 1255

Under the continuous activity of Kaitou Kidd and Ah Xing's two clones, Li Ran's reputation was acquired much faster than any previous time.

It didn't take too long to get enough fame to exchange for the [Dark Iron Treasure Chest].

Looking at the more than 1,000 legends on the system data panel, Li Ran did not hesitate, and immediately exchanged it for a [Black Iron Treasure Chest] treasure chest.

After the familiar white light, two items appeared in the black iron treasure chest.

[Prop: Whirlwind Charge]

【Effect: Racing】

[Introduction: Right now, Whirlwind Charge, use the Whirlwind Charge tornado! 】

The white and blue four-wheel-drive car in the treasure box evoked Li Ran's childhood memories. Tornado Charge, Hurricane Sonic, and Commander of the Devil were all existences that made Li Ran's heart move. Audi double diamonds, rechargeable batteries, faucets and phoenix tails, and super motors seem to be full of gimmicks these days, but they cost me a lot of pocket money at the beginning.

Shaking his head, he pulled his thoughts back from his childhood memories.

Looking at the whirlwind charge in front of me, it seems that it has no other more obvious effect besides bringing back childhood memories. Shaking his head speechlessly, Li Ran immediately put his attention on the card that was drawn.

[D-rank card - Xie Lu]

[Skill: Special Pastry Chef]

[Background introduction: commonly known as "Steel Stick Jie Master" and "Steel Stick Jie Lu". From Shanxi, the "super pastry chef" who travels in all directions is called "steel" because he has an iron rod with the thickness of the bowl and the top covered with stars (representing the number of chefs defeated) as a kitchen utensil and weapon. Master Cudgel". He is very burly, tall, muscular, and generous. He claims to be able to make the No. 1 Shaomai in the mainland. 】

【Remarks: Cooking is what brings people happiness】

Is Xie Lu also a D-level card?

Looking at the new card opened in the treasure box, Li Ran subconsciously flashed such a doubt in his heart.

Leaving aside the skill of [Superior Pastry Chef], this guy is just an ordinary person.

Perhaps, from the very beginning, my definition of a D-class card was deviated, and [Phantom Thief Kid] is also just an ordinary person.

In the antique store, Li Ran touched his chin and fell into contemplation.

Previously, his definition of D-class was to gradually transform into a character with certain extraordinary abilities, but now it seems that it may be more accurate to describe it with the peak of human beings.

In this way, it also explains why [Xie Lu] was drawn by Li Ran as a D-level card. Obviously, in the definition of the system, [Superior Pastry Chef] is also one of the peak human abilities.

The explanation is the explanation, but why do you always feel that you are not very good at it?

Thinking about it too, it took a thousand legends to exchange for a childhood memory and a chef, and whoever changed it would not be happy.

A thousand legends can't be wasted like this.

Thinking in his heart, Li Ran replaced the card slot [Xie Lu] he had just received in the card slot of the system.

He wanted to see what was special about the [Xie Lu], which was defined by the system as a D-rank card based on the [Superior Pastry Chef] skill.

With the replacement of the new D-class card, Li Ran's originally indifferent expression changed slightly. He felt that some cooking memories that he had not had in the past began to appear in his mind. These memories started from the most basic dough kneading to advanced dessert making. , everything is available, and even give him a kind of exquisite dishes that he will be able to make in his memory as long as he starts.

Obviously, [Special Pastry Chef] is also a passive skill, and it is also a passive skill that acts on memory differently from [Adrenal Acceleration] in the past.

Facing the countless snacks in his memory, Li Ran suddenly swallowed his saliva in disappointment.

Having been in this world for so long, he has not tasted many authentic Chinese dishes that suit the taste. Most Chinese restaurants in New York sell American-style Chinese food that has been improved.

Why don't you try cooking some dishes?

Everything is to be able to practice more to speed up the familiarity with the character skills, yes, that's the reason.

He racked his brains to come up with a reasonable excuse for himself~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Li Ran no longer hesitated, and immediately rushed out of the antique store towards the nearest supermarket.

"Shrimp, pork, beef, vegetables, egg yolks, and most importantly, flour..."

"Well, I also need a steamer. Damn, there's no steamer in the supermarket, so I have to go to Chinatown, not only for the steamer, but also for the rolling pin..."


"Finally it's all done."

Returning home with a large bag and a small bag.

Looking at the cooking ingredients filling the entire kitchen, Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he felt that his hands were about to move, and he couldn't restrain the urge to enter the cooking state.

As expected of a "special pastry chef" with the soul of cooking?

Subconsciously complaining in his heart, Li Ran gave up his suppression of cooking ideas.

Mix the noodles and chop the ingredients.

These things, which were originally unfamiliar to Li Ran, did not bother him at all. I saw that he quickly stirred and kneaded with his hands, nimbly going in and out of the flour, and quickly blended the loose flour in front of him into a smooth and soft appearance. Looking at the finished noodles, Li Ran nodded, but the movements in his hands did not stop at all, and he processed the various cooking ingredients he bought with a familiar attitude.

"After all, it's the refrigerated ingredients in the supermarket. It's not as fresh as I imagined, but it can barely make do." Taking out the vegetables from the bag, you don't need to look closely. Li Ran can already see the freshness of the ingredients with just a few glances. Not so ideal.

Picking and picking out the ingredients that he thinks can still be used from these ingredients, Li Ran raised the kitchen knife in his hand, only to see a flash of light, accompanied by a crisp and rhythmic chopping sound, the same ingredients on the cutting board. They are turned into the fillings needed for the next cooking.

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