Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 60: she can fly

Jessica and Luke Cage.

Obviously, the battle between the two who also possessed superhuman strength did not end so easily.

Raising his hand, he blocked the cabinet in front of him that was smashed hard at him. Luke Cage grabbed it and threw the cabinet in front of him towards Jessica again.

She jumped to the side to avoid the flying wooden cabinet. Jessica turned her head and glanced at the cabinet that was smashed against the wall, and patted her chest with lingering fears. While equally superhuman, Jessica is clearly not as invulnerable as Luke Cage when it comes to defense.

"Aren't you going to stop them?"

Seeing Jessica and Luke Cage, who were about to hit real fire, A Xing couldn't help asking Matt beside him.

Matt turned his head to the side and listened to the process of the battle in front of his ears. When asked about the clone, he slightly raised his mouth and replied with an expression of control: "Don't worry, they didn't use all their strength."

"I know, what I mean is that if the two of them continue to fight, the entire Chinese restaurant will be demolished by two people, who will lose money then."


The words of the clone, A Xing, made Matt silent for a while, and then the conversation changed: "A Xing, help me stop the two of them."

Although he has the identity of a lawyer, Matt himself is not that rich, but he can't stand Jessica and Luke Cage continue to toss.


Hearing this, A Xing nodded.

Immediately after, one leaped across the current table, rushed to the middle of Luke Cage and Jessica, confronted the two men who were aggressively punching each other, exerted the ten percent of the strength of the strong vajra legs, and suddenly lifted them up. He raised his feet and kicked it in a horse-like posture.


With a dull bang.

Under the influence of the force, Jessica and Luke Cage took a few steps back and stood firm. The two raised their heads in unison, and looked at Ah Xing who appeared among them in shock.

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +55]

[Famousness from Luke Cage +70]

As a clone, although there is no pain to speak of, it has endured the counterattack of the two superhuman strengths of Jessica and Luke Cage at the same time. It still made Li Ran in the antique store feel that the Chakra that he was maintaining was an unstable trend in an instant.

Fortunately, the card drawn by the system was powerful enough to stabilize the situation.

Huh, almost, something big is about to happen.

In the antique store, Li Ran had lingering fears.

The clone in the Chinese restaurant still maintained a calm expression, turned to look at the two left and right, and said calmly, "Matt asked me to do it."


Feeling the gazes from Jessica and Luke Cage, Matt tacitly said, "You keep fighting, and the whole Chinese restaurant will be demolished by you."

Hearing Matt's words, the man and the woman turned their gazes around, and the entire Chinese restaurant seemed to have turned into a mess under the fight between the two.


Matt paid for the maintenance costs of the Chinese restaurant, and the group walked out of the Chinese restaurant.

Jessica walked ahead frowning, her face a little tangled.

"Originally, I had no interest at all in that **** defender you call," he turned his head and glanced at the three people behind him, especially Luke Cage's expressionless face stopped for a while, Jessica Then he said in a irritable tone: "However, since some people think that I can't do it, then I just don't want to make a certain guy happy, and I promise to join your team."

After speaking, Jessica looked at Matt opposite without blinking.

"Welcome to join. From today, you are one of the defenders."

Feeling Jessica's gaze, Matt nodded in agreement.


Hearing this, Jessica subconsciously twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled, turned her head and glanced at Luke Cage provocatively, and then she continued: "I will continue to investigate the clues about the hand union. , as long as there is any important discovery, I will... should I inform you?"

"You can come to me at the law firm opened by Hell's Kitchen."

"That `s a deal."

Jessica raised her eyebrows and nodded. Then she turned her legs and bent down slightly. With a clear sound of breaking through the air, the three of them flew away.

"She can actually fly?"

"She can actually fly!"

Witnessing the whole process of Jessica's flight, Ah Xing deliberately made a surprised expression.

And Luke Cage was really shocked. He didn't expect that in addition to superhuman strength, Jessica actually has the ability to fly.

Feeling that Jessica gradually disappeared from his super senses, Matt smiled slightly at the surprised expressions of Luke Cage and Ah Xing: "Isn't this very good, with Jessica's flight The ability will undoubtedly allow us to deal with the hand union more smoothly in the future."

"Even in Penglai, only those who have practiced the Immortal Technique have the ability to fly in the sky."

Murmuring to himself, he buried a hole.

Li Ran controlled the clone Ah and prepared to leave the stage temporarily.

"If there is no other battle next, then I will leave first."

"This time we have defeated the power of the Hand Union in the financial company in the mid-city circle. They should be alert, and their actions will become more secretive and undetected." Matt was not surprised by Axing's request to leave. He Nodding: "However, we already know Mrs. Gao's position in the Hand Society. As long as we continue to investigate, we will be able to find the remaining hidden locations of the Hand Society."

"As for the news about Willard, I also asked my colleagues who opened a law firm with me to track it down. Although I didn't find it so quickly, as long as I continue to search patiently, there should be an answer. Ah Xing, you don't need to worry too much. Worry."

"The next time you fight with the Hand, remember to notify me,"

"Of course, you are one of the defenders."

At the entrance of the Chinese restaurant, he felt that Ah Xing's footsteps were getting farther and farther, and Matt turned his head and said to Luke Cage, who was still standing beside him, "Thank you for the Chinese restaurant."


Hearing Matt's words, Luke Cage couldn't help but blinked his eyes and replied in a dazed way.

"It was because of your shot that Jessica changed her mind and agreed to join our team. Luke, I know you're not such a violent person."

Hearing Matt revealing his previous actions, Luke Cage also had to give up his act of being stupid and shrugged: "I just want to make our team stronger, Jessica was in the previous stage. She's doing great in combat, and, shit, she can fly."

"She looks more like a superhero than the rest of us."

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