Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 52: Call the police

"Sir, do you know where Willard is?"

On the streets of New York, Ah Xing, who was transformed into a clone, stopped a kind-looking white old man and asked.

"Sorry, I haven't heard of Willard." Shaking his head, the old man looked at A Xing's scruffy appearance, and couldn't help feeling pity, and couldn't help but care: "Child, what are you looking for Willard for? ?"

"In order to find the legendary ultimate murderer, the Evil God of Fire Cloud."


[Famousness from New York citizens +0.01]

Ah Xing's answer immediately made the old man restrain the concerned look on his face, took a few steps back, and avoided: "Sorry, I can't help you, you should go find someone else."

Looking at the back of the old man leaving in a hurry, Ah Xing shook his head, and continued to ask according to the previous steps.

Compared with Li Ran's other avatar, Kid, the avatar Axing is somewhat less powerful in terms of gaining fame, but this is impossible. After all, the two are very different in terms of skills and character images. It is also difficult for a strong man to force A Xing to be like the phantom thief Kidd.

Simply put, Li Ran's arrangement for the avatar Axing is not a way of casting a wide net like the thief Kidd. Previous personal experience told Li Ran that it is only when he acts as a hero, fights crime, contacts superheroes or the villain throws Penglai's background settings. It's the right way to gain fame for a character like Ah Xing.

As for his actions on the streets of New York, it is also a little episode while waiting for the above two to appear.

In the not-too-distant future, Tony stared at the camera carelessly to show that his role as Iron Man did not happen before.

Whether it's a superhero or a supercriminal activity in New York, it is still only a battle of a few people, hidden in the dark, so it is not easy for the clone to find the above two.

After working on the streets of New York for a while, the clone did not find or discover the superhero or criminal he was looking forward to, but it attracted the attention of the police.

"Who called the police?"

Sidis, a black policewoman nearby, rushed to the scene of the police and made an inquiry.

"It's me." Reaching out for a gesture, the white old man pointed at the Chinese man in a red undershirt not far away, and said in a low voice, "It's the man standing there, I've been observing here for a long time, and he stops him whenever he sees it. In order to ask the other party if he knew of a place called Willard, I was stopped by him and asked once before. When I asked him what he had to do with Willard, he told me that it was to find the legendary ultimate murderer. King - Fire Cloud Evil God."

"Fire Cloud Evil God?"

Sidis raised her eyebrows and glanced at the white old man in front of her. The other party nodded hastily: "Everything I said is true. Look, he stopped others again."

"what happened?"

Later, his partner Rem also arrived at the scene.

"This old gentleman called the police and said that the Chinese man opposite said that he would find another murderer named Huoyun Evil God."

"Fire Cloud Cthulhu, are you making a movie?"

"I hope so too, but unfortunately everything is true." Sidis shrugged. The recent robbery by Kaito Kidd has caused her to have a head and two big ones. She didn't expect to come out to deal with this kind of mess. matter.

"Thank you very much for your report, sir. The next thing will be handled by our police." Although she was a little weak, Sidis still forced a smile and said to the white old man.

Nodding his head, he turned his head and glanced at the clone Ah Xing not far away. The old man couldn't help but remind Sidis and the others, "Be careful, I don't think that person is simple."

"Thank you for your reminder." Obviously, Sidis didn't take the other party's reminder too seriously. She nodded perfunctorily and asked by the way: "Old sir, can you tell me your name? I need it according to the procedure. Record the caller's information."

"Stan, Stan Lee."


"How's it going?"

After a brief conversation with Mr. Stan Lee, Sidis asked her partner Rem.

"I asked passers-by, but I didn't find any problems. Usually, they were stopped by the other party and asked about a place called Willard." Shaking his head, Rem replied.

"Do you know where Willard is?" Sidis asked raising her eyebrows.

"I don't know, maybe it's the name of a small place." Rem thought for a while and said uncertainly.

"So, there's no problem."

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

"Then we still need..." Rem asked in a low voice, looking at the figure in the distance.

"Let's ask." Turning back and looking at Mr. Stan Lee who was still standing there, Sidis shrugged and replied, "Routine."

"Okay, routine."

With a sigh, her partner said so, and Rem could only express her cooperation.

She took a step and walked to the Sidis showed him a kind smile: "Sorry, sir, excuse me, New York police, we have some questions to ask, please cooperate with us work."

"Is there a problem?"

Looking at the two police officers who suddenly appeared in front of him, Ah Xing asked with his expression unchanged.

"I didn't do anything illegal."

"I know sir, it's just because someone called the police, so we need to routinely conduct inquiries. Can you show your driver's license or any documents that prove your identity?"

A Xing: "..."

Ah Xing: "Sorry, Ican\'tspeakEnglish."

Don't lie, you speak English fluently just now!

The abnormal performance of the clone caused Sidis and Rem, who were opposite him, to silently glance at each other.

Sidis put her hand back subconsciously and said, "Sir, please take out any valid documents that can prove your identity, even a passport."

The point is, I don't have any of these things you said. I'm just an avatar. Bring my passport.

Seeing that the situation was developing in an unfavorable direction for him, the clone A Xing immediately made a cooperative gesture. He nodded and put his hand into his arms: "I see."


Seeing Ah Xing's cooperative action, Sidis and Rem breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, and the movement of reaching out to the back also stopped a little.

However, at the moment when the two of them relaxed, the opposite A Xing suddenly changed the movements he was doing on his body. The muscles in his legs tightened up to exert the strength of the Vajra Legs, and he lightly stepped on the ground, and in the next second, In the blink of an eye, Sidis and Rem disappeared without a trace.

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