"Hand union?"

Li Ran lowered his head and whispered the name.

He has some impressions of the Hand, knowing that it is one of Daredevil's main rival organizations, and has been entangled with this superhero. Most of the members of the organization are shown in the image of the ninja killer group, but more details are unknown.

Putting down the wine bottle in her hand, Jessica stared at the reaction on Li Ran's face: "You should know something, right?"

"Why do you think I would know." Looking up and meeting Jessica's gaze, Li Ran panicked, but on the surface he said with a calm expression.

"You're not that Assassin League..." Frowning, Jessica scratched her messy hair with a troubled look, recalling uncertainly.

Li Ran: "It's the Assassin Brotherhood."

"Yes, the Brotherhood of Assassins." Jessica continued, "So I think, since you are all a member of the mysterious organization, you should know a little bit about the Hand. "

"This whole reasoning process is too hasty. You are really a private investigator." Listening to Jessica's whole guessing process, Li Ran was a little speechless.

"It's like a fake." With a shrug, Jessica looked indifferent: "Although I usually deal with some emotional cases."

Shaking his head, although Jessica's reasoning process was too rough, in order to maintain his character as the liaison of the Assassin Brotherhood, Li Ran could only accept it reluctantly. Ka's appetite, under the impatient expression on the other side's face, lowered his tone and said lightly: "I don't know much about the Hand, but judging from the information we know of the Assassin Brotherhood, we can know that they are A killer organization with the image of a ninja, there are five leaders who are meant to be hand-in-hand, and it is said that these five leaders have existed for centuries and have quite incredible power."

"How can humans survive for such a long time!"

Hearing Li Ran's remarks, Jessica first showed an attitude of disbelief. After all, the words that have survived for centuries are actually a little too unbelievable, and normal people would have doubts to some extent.

"It's impossible for a human to smash the counter in half with one punch." Li Ran glanced at Jessica on the opposite side with a deep meaning and said.


Li Ran's words made Jessica fall silent.

After a while, Jessica shook the bottle and immediately took the last sip. Then she continued to ask Li Ran, "So, has your Assassin Brotherhood ever been in contact with this legendary hand?"

Of course not, the Assassin Brotherhood didn't exist before, how could it possibly come into contact with the Hand.

He complained silently in his heart, but on the surface Li Ran still had a deep expression on his face. No, he said, "There have been a few brief encounters, and the Brotherhood once planned to assassinate one of the five leaders of the Killer Union, but After being escaped by the other party, the member who assassinated the leader was attacked several times by the hand ninjas."

"In the end, what happened to the member who was attacked?"

"Finally, after discovering that the assassination could not be successful, the Hand Society decided to give up the mission, and the Brotherhood also decided not to act rashly for the time being if it could not successfully guarantee the leader of the assassination union."

Although Li Ran's description is simple, Jessica can still imagine the thrill of the whole process.

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +125]

Looking at the data displayed in the system and Jessica who was successfully fooled and crippled in front of him, Li Ran subconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth and reminded kindly, "Although, the warning on the phone call was a bit harsh, but I I think you should probably listen to the simplicity and stop interfering in this matter, after all, people in the Hand Union are ruthless killers, obviously not something you can fight against."

"I know what I'm going to do, and I have to ask you to tell me."

However, in the face of Li Ran's kind suggestion, Jessica replied impatiently.

In response, Li Ran could only shrug, reminding him that he had already done what he had to do, and what Jessica wanted to do was left to the other party's own decision.

Moreover, with the super strength and flying ability possessed by Jessica, she can attack and retreat, and it will not happen easily.

After getting the clues she wanted, Jessica was about to leave.


After taking a few steps out, Jessica suddenly stopped her steps and turned her head with a struggle on her face: "Kilgrave, I mean the purple man, has he appeared with you again?"


Hearing this, Li Ran shook his head. He was always vigilant towards Ziren, but the other party seemed to disappear immediately, and there was no trace of him appearing again.

"The next time you see the purple man, remember not to hesitate and shoot me directly to blow his head off."


In Harlem, inside Papa's Barbershop.

Luke Cage remained silent as his cleaner.

"Mr. Invulnerable~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Is everything going well recently?"

Sending off the last customer in the barber shop, Dad looked at Luke Cage, who was doing his duty in the shop, and couldn't help but sneered.

"Dad, you know I don't like your nicknames." Luke Cage couldn't help but smile bitterly, looking at the funny face of the other party.

"How did I hear that there was a vigilante in Harlem recently, specializing in helping innocent people who were entangled by gangsters, and teaching a lot of troublesome guys."

"You know, I've been out of a job since Harlem Paradise was closed, and I've got to find something to do."

Although he didn't admit it directly, Luke Cage didn't deny that the vigilante in Dad's mouth was himself.

"I said before, Luke, look forward."

"I know, I'll keep looking forward." Stopping the sweeping motion in his hands, Luke Cage looked directly into his father's eyes and replied.


At this moment, the door of the barber shop was opened.

"Sorry, we're already closed, if you want to get a haircut..." Hearing the sound of the door opening behind him, Dad said subconsciously, and when he turned to see the person coming, he suddenly stopped himself. The rest of the second half of the speech.

Because, what appeared at the door of the barber shop was a blind man holding a guide cane.

Walking into the barber shop, Matt skillfully avoided the chair beside him, walked to Dad and Luke Cage as if walking on the ground, stopped, and introduced himself with a slight smile: "Hello, my His name is Matt Murdoch, and he's a lawyer."

"I came to Harlem because I heard that a Chinese man named A Xing once appeared here."

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