Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 10: Do good things

A few hours later, Daredevil came out of his coma.

"Don't move, you are seriously injured."

In the living room, Claire, who had been staying drowsy all the time, heard the movement from the sofa, and ran over to stop Daredevil who wanted to get up: "I don't have many professional medical tools here, so I can only temporarily I will treat you with a simple wound, so if you don’t want your injury to be serious, just lie down on the sofa and recuperate, and don’t expect me to help you in the future.”

Claire's words obviously had an effect. Daredevil didn't continue to struggle. He lay on the sofa clutching his chest and panting slowly to ease the pain on his body.

"So, Matt, who is this time?"

Claire poured a cup of coffee to resist sleepiness, looked at Daredevil on the sofa, and asked in a familiar tone.

Obviously, she is very familiar with Daredevil, and even knows the identity behind his superhero.

"Mrs. Gao, an old lady."

"Old lady?"

Claire raised her eyebrows and looked up and down Daredevil at the moment.

This injury doesn't look like the old lady could have caused it.

"Although it's a bit unbelievable, the truth is like this." Even Daredevil himself, if he hadn't experienced it himself, he couldn't believe that such a powerful force would erupt in Mrs. Gao's thin body.

"All right."

Claire shrugged. After all, there was a superhero lying on the sofa in front of her, so the fact that a strong old lady appeared was not too unacceptable.

"Then how did you come to my door?"

As a professional nurse, he also dealt with Daredevil's wounds, and Claire knew very well that it was impossible for him to come here alone with the other's injuries.


Daredevil whispered a name.


Claire repeated the name given by Daredevil with a puzzled face.

"Who is Ah Xing, your superhero companion?"

"No, I met Mrs. Gao's factory. According to him, he is from Penglai."

"Penglai? Where is Penglai?"

Claire said this somewhat convoluted name, feeling that her brain was not enough.

"I don't know." Daredevil shook his head: "But I have a hunch that I will meet him again in the future."


"It is said that you have encountered a little trouble, Mrs. Gao."

Familiar building, top floor.

Jin Ping looked at the thin old man in front of him and said calmly.

"Aren't you the same, Jin Bing."

Leaning on crutches, Mrs. Gao glanced at Jin and replied to the empty window behind her.

"It seems that we all had a bad time tonight."

Jin Bian reached out and touched his lost and found crutch, and said with a sneer.

When the two prominent figures in Hell's Kitchen got together, it was naturally impossible to just chat about their common complaints. Shrinking the seldom smile on his face, Jin Ning looked at Mrs. Gao, who was indifferent in front of him, but did not mean to despise him at all: "Then Mrs. Gao, do you need me to help you next?"

With Jin Bing's ability, as long as he gives an order, he can completely help Madam Gao rebuild her drug factory.

However, in the face of Jin Ping's good intentions, Mrs. Gao shook her head and refused: "No, I'm never interested in the factory or the things in the factory, it's all just for convenience."

"I'm leaving, Jin Bing, I need time to think about the next path."

"Go, where are you going, Huaxia?"

For the first time, the expression on Jin Bing's face changed. He stared at Mrs. Gao, who had a look of disapproval, and blurted out a question.

"No, it's farther than this."

Leaning on crutches, Mrs. Gao staggered a few steps, seemed to remember something, and turned to Jin Ning behind her and said, "However, before that, I have another interesting news to share with you... "


"Dad, Dad, you're finally back."

After struggling to escape from the factory fire, the middle-aged man returned home and the first thing he heard was his daughter's innocent and romantic voice.

"Yes, Dad is back."

Holding his daughter tightly in his arms, the man replied with red eyes.

Carrying his daughter to the bedside, the man immediately met his wife's worried gaze.

"you have not……"

On the hospital bed, the wife's eyes were fixed on the man's eyes, and she spoke with a trembling voice.

In this regard, the man didn't say anything more, and didn't say anything about what he had encountered this evening, but just shook his head.

"It's fine if you don't have it, it's fine if you don't."

After receiving a prepared answer from her husband, the wife on the hospital bed suddenly fell limp, leaning on the mouth of the bed and murmuring constantly.

Tai really couldn't imagine how if her husband was so blind for her own sake, what attitude and how she would face her future life.

"Dad, there's someone at the window."

At this moment, the daughter in her arms suddenly pointed in the direction of the window and shouted.

Hearing this, the man's first thought was that Mrs. Gao had sent someone over, and he immediately guarded his daughter and wife behind him with a look of panic.

"Please spare my daughter and They are all innocent, I will, I will go back to the factory..."


The man begged for a while, but the expected situation did not appear. There were no murderous guards under Mrs. Gao barging in, and nothing terrible happened.

Turning her head to look at her daughter behind her, she nodded her head and said with a serious expression.

"Really, Dad, I saw a man appear in the window."

After hesitating for a while, the man carefully forgot the direction of the window.

"This is?!"


[The legend from Daredevil +25]

[Famous from Claire +15]

[Famousness from Mrs. Gao +20]

[Famousness from Jinbin +30]

[Famousness from New York City +0.05]

[Famousness from New York City +0.05]

[Famousness from New York City citizens +0.03]

Relying on the extraordinary leg strength brought by the skill [Vajra Legs], Li Ran jumped between the roofs of various floors in Hell's Kitchen.

Glancing over the content displayed on the data panel, the corners of his mouth could not help but raise a clear arc.

Daredevil and Kim and the amount of fame they bring are certainly exciting.

However, the three insignificant increases in popularity that appeared in the system at the end were the key to Li Ran's knowing smile.

Although, I don't have the idea of ​​becoming a superhero, but it feels good to do something good occasionally.

With such thoughts flashing in his mind, Li Ran exerted a little strength under his feet and leapt up to a high building. After a few ups and downs, he finally disappeared into the shadow of Hell's Kitchen.

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