Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 9: Seriously injured

As the saying goes, if one person is a liar, two people are also liars.

Since Daredevil came to the door to give him the fame, Li Ran naturally accepted it.

Keeping Li Ran's words in her heart, Madam Gao reluctantly suppressed the surprised look on her face, and then turned to question: "Since you said that you are from Penglai, and I should have never had any grudges, why did you come here to trouble me? ."

"If I say that everything is just a coincidence, do you believe it?"

"What do you think?" Madam Gao said with a cold face, looking at the guards who were lying beside her.

In this world, no one believes the truth.

Looking at Madam Gao's expression, Li Ran knew that the other party didn't believe her words at all, even if what he said was actually the truth.

He shook his head silently in his heart, and then he raised his head and continued to act according to the character he played: "Although Penglai is hidden from the world, it does not mean that there is no right or wrong, what's more, the practice of blinding others for personal gain is even more difficult. It's against the conscience, and it's almost magical, I naturally won't allow you to continue doing this!"

"Is it another existence similar to Kunlun? Sure enough, whether it is Kunlun or Penglai, they are equally annoying."

Facing Li Ran's unequivocal answer, Mrs. Gao lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice, like recollection and resentment.

Seeing this scene, Li Ran subconsciously tightened his nerves, with an expression on his face as if he was facing a great enemy.

As a character who can live for hundreds of years, he doesn't think Mrs. Gao will have no means of pressing the bottom of the box.

The more this time comes, the more you have to hold your breath.

Here, Li Ran and Madam Gao confronted each other vaguely.

On the other hand, Daredevil, who had been hiding in the shadows, couldn't bear it any longer. His rush to Mrs. Gao's factory this time was not for the whole purpose. In addition to fighting the deep-rooted evil forces in Hell's Kitchen, it was also to find out Mrs. Gao and Mrs. Gao. The relationship between Kim and the search for evidence.

"Tell me, what happened between you and Jin Bing..."

Leaping from a height, Daredevil walked straight to Madam Gao.

"Be careful!"

Li Ran only had time to remind him aloud.

Then, she saw Mrs. Gao, who was opposite her, turning around quickly with a movement completely different from her old appearance, slamming Daredevil directly in the direction of Li Ran with her palm, and then quickly fled away.

The old lady has quick legs and feet, she doesn't look like someone who has lived for hundreds of years.

Li Ran stretched out his hand to catch Daredevil, and bent his legs slightly to offset the force of the impact.

Looking at Daredevil with a painful expression on his face, he said half-truth.

"You're too impulsive, even I'm not sure to keep her."

"Who are you?!"

"My name is A Xing and I come from Penglai."

"What's the relationship between you and Mrs. Gao, why does she have the power to knock people flying with one palm!" Daredevil gritted his teeth and asked Li Ran with a painful expression.

"I don't know, but I can feel that she is not simple, and then you proved it for me."

Daredevil: "..."

"It's too late, I still need..."

Feeling the **** taste in his mouth, Daredevil spat out a mouthful of blood and tried hard to get up from Li Ran's support, but immediately stumbled to the ground, clutching his chest with a painful expression on his face.

Seeing this, Li Ran directly stretched out his hand and tore the uniform on Daredevil's chest, saw the clear palm print left by Madam Gao on his body, and said, "You are seriously injured and need immediate treatment."

"No, there are more important things waiting for me to complete."

Daredevil was in constant pain from the constant pain in his chest, but he still struggled to get up.

"You will only aggravate your injury." Looking at Daredevil who was constantly struggling to get up in front of him, Li Ran couldn't help but say, "Is there anything I can't do tomorrow?"

"Help me, Ah Xing!"

The repeated struggles seemed to have consumed the last bit of Daredevil's strength, he fell to the ground and turned his head to Li Ran's and put it down: "If Penglai really is a place of justice as you said, then you will definitely help me."

"Since you said so, of course I will take action." Li Ran implemented his role and nodded in response without hesitation.

Hearing Li Ran's affirmative answer, Daredevil fell to the ground as if he had unloaded a heavy burden: "Help me, save all the people in the factory, you know, they are all innocents persecuted by Madam Gao. them."

At this moment, no matter what Li Ran thought about superheroes, Daredevil's actions made him a little moved.

"No problem, wrap it on me."


Dispersed the workers in the factory.

Li Ran returned to Daredevil and helped the superhero who was beginning to faint.

"Wait a minute, Ah Xing, please help me with one last thing..."

Perceiving Li Ran's figure vaguely, Daredevil almost exhausted his strength and said.

"Brother, you've been hurt like this, so don't talk anymore, can't you rest a little longer?"

Li Ran looked helplessly at Are all superheroes so tough?

"This is my most...last...request..."

"Okay, you say, but don't make any excessive demands." Li Ran said sympathetically, looking at Daredevil, who was weak, as if he was about to die in the next second.

"Help me, burn the factory down."

Leaving such a sentence, Daredevil just tilted his head and fainted.

Li Ran turned to look at Daredevil who was seriously injured on his body, then looked back at Mrs. Gao's factory in front of him, and sighed silently.

In the end, he became Daredevil's nanny instead.

Thinking, Li Ran put a submachine gun into his hand with a little effort under his feet. In return, he shot an oil drum placed in the factory. As the spark continued to spread, the fire quickly spread throughout the entire factory. Billowing smoke and firelight illuminated the surroundings of the factory as if it were daylight.

The fierce fire quickly approached where Li Ran was standing. Hearing the faint sound of the fire alarm coming from a distance, Li Ran immediately stopped and dragged the comatose Daredevil to run out.


bang bang bang?—

"who is it?"

The hurried knock on the door made Claire subconsciously alert. She came to the door cautiously, but did not open the door rashly. Instead, she frowned and glanced out with cat eyes. The empty scene at the door made Claire's originally frowning frown even more tightly.

Going back to the kitchen, he picked up the frying pan and held it in his hand. Claire felt the heavy weight in his hand, which made Claire feel at ease. Before he came, he carefully turned the handle to open the door.

Immediately afterwards, Claire saw Daredevil lying unconscious at the door.


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