Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 393: Repression from the top of the food chain

"What is this?"

In Hydra's base, Strucker and others looked at the tall figure revealed in the experimental cabin with stunned expressions.

"Unexpectedly, there is a humanoid creature hidden in the meteorite..."

On the other side, trapped on the chair-shaped device made by Hydra, Susan couldn't help but murmured while looking at the exposed creatures in the meteorite.

The Fantastic Four has been researching such meteorites for a long time. As Mr. Fantastic Reed's girlfriend and research assistant, Susan has always shown an attitude of attention to various research data on meteorites. It's just that she never thought that there was a creature that looked almost human hidden inside the meteorite they had studied for so long.

Of course, Susan knew that although the creatures in the meteorite were similar to humans, they could never be humans.

"No, no, maybe not hidden in the meteorite, but..."

The creatures that appeared in the meteorite made Susan forget the reality that she was imprisoned. She looked at the figure in the experimental cabin, and a lot of guesses in her mind were formed and quickly overturned: "...The meteorite was formed by the creature in front of her. It is a kind of existence similar to camouflage or protection, just like the protective color of creatures in nature."


In the chair, Susan kept making various inferences about the existence of humanoids in the experimental cabin out of the instinct of the researcher.

However, in Hydra's base, except for Wanda who was standing not far from her, everyone else obviously had no time to care about the captive's muttering.

Standing near the console closer to the experimental cabin, Doctor Doom looked at the figure appearing in the cabin, with a solemn expression under the steel mask.

Perhaps because of his own special abilities, compared to other people in the laboratory, Doctor Doom was more sensitive to feel an inexplicable sense of suppression from the tall creature that appeared in the center of the meteorite. This feeling was quite strange. It's like the instinct etched in the depths of memory cells that the creatures in the lower ranks of the food chain encounter when they meet the top.

Like a mouse facing a cat, an antelope facing a pack of wolves, shivering but not feeling any resistance.

Doctor Doom hated the feeling, but at the same time became extremely wary of it.

After the radiation mutation of the cosmic storm in space, the half-human, half-metal Doctor Doom still felt suppressed when facing the creatures in the meteorite, let alone other people in the Hydra base.

As the feeling of suppression became more and more obvious, Strucker couldn't help but reached out and touched the unilateral glasses on his face, gritted his teeth and began to give instructions to the Hydra soldiers in the laboratory: "Soldiers, obey the order, To the creature that emerged from the meteorite..."

"Wait, don't shoot yet."

However, before Strucker's order was executed, Dr. Zola's voice sounded again.

On the machine screen in the laboratory, Dr. Zola's virtual image opened his mouth: "Maybe we can first try to see if we can control this creature that appears in the meteorite. I'm quite interested in its way of survival. How exactly did a creature with obvious human characteristics survive in the universe."

Because he gave up his body and completely stored his consciousness into the network, Dr. Zola did not have the feeling of repression that Strucker and others had. He looked at the tall creatures in the meteorite, and the expression in the image clearly showed the desire for research. Through the power of technology, although Dr. Zola successfully obtained the power of immortality, he also paid a huge price for this and lost As a human body, most of his instinctive desires have disappeared, only the desire to study still exists in his electronic consciousness.

Or, Dr. Zola, who is incarnated as a network consciousness, only has the continuous burst of research ideas that make him feel that he is still alive instead of cold data.

"I'm sorry doctor, I'm sorry for the difficulty in accepting your request."

In the face of Dr. Zola's request, there was a hint of hesitation on Strucker's face, but it soon turned firm again.

As the leader of the Hydra base here, although Strucker wants to build his own army of superhumans to fight against the Avengers, he also knows that, just as Dr. Zola said, the sight that appeared in the meteorite was just like what Dr. Zola said. Mystical creatures, or really bring change to their plans.

Strucker, however, trusts his inner feelings more.

The mysterious creatures in the meteorite are quite dangerous.

Grinning his teeth and rejecting Dr. Zola's proposal, Strucker immediately turned his face away and launched the command to attack.

Following Strucker's order, the Hydra soldiers in the laboratory, who were already tense under the inexplicable feeling of suppression, immediately pulled the trigger in their hands. In an instant, the sky filled the laboratory, and dense bullets roared out, falling on the creatures in the experimental cabin like raindrops.

"Hit, hit."

The constantly flying bullets were like a vent that transformed the fears in the bases into the impulse to shoot. After more than ten seconds, with the last bullet from the submachine gun in the hands of the soldiers beside him, Strucker was finally able to shoot. He raised his hand to signal to stop the shooting.

Fanning the pungent smell of gunpowder that filled his nose in the entire laboratory, Strucker squinted at the mysterious creature in the center of the meteorite that was shot into a sieve and still did not move at all, and began to wonder if his previous feeling was wrong: "Could it be? It's just that I think too much, this creature that emerged from the meteorite is not dangerous?"

"Sir, sir..."

In the laboratory, before Strucker's inner thoughts fully emerged, the next second heard a clear exclamation from a Hydra soldier behind him.

"The creatures in the meteorite are alive... come alive!"

This cry of the soldier immediately caused more panic among the already panicked people, under their gaze. The tall figure curled up in the center of the meteorite began to twist its body. Its stone-like but blood-colored and shiny muscles seemed to contract like life, and then everyone in the laboratory panicked and feared. He stretched out his muscular but unusually long arms in a supportive posture.

"It's up, it's up!"

Finally, he supported his tall body in a twisted posture and stood up from the experimental cabin.



Looking at the mysterious creature standing up slowly, the expressions on the faces of Strucker and others didn't have time to change.

In the next instant, because the height of the experimental cabin was not calculated, it slammed into the top of the hatch cover, and the whole body fell heavily and fell back into the experimental cabin with a rumbling sound.

The situation that the mysterious creature immediately fell as soon as it stood up might be a bit funny, but there was no sneering thought on the faces of Strucker and others in the laboratory. Because along with its movements, they have clearly seen the whole picture of this creature. Different from what they expected, the mysterious creature that appeared from the meteorite is not the ugly or deformed alien creature in the imagination. On the contrary, the appearance of the other party is He was as handsome as a Greek statue, with long purple hair, and the bullet holes left by the bullet on the opponent did not make the creature look ugly, but added a different kind of incomplete beauty.

“¥&¥#%#* (…”

After falling back into the experimental cabin, the mysterious creature shook its head. It looked up at the hatch above its head, and a series of strange and rapid tones came out of its mouth.

"This is, a language?"

Trapped in the chair, Susan has been paying attention to the scene in the experimental cabin from the moment the creature in the meteorite appeared. At this time, hearing the voice from the mouth of the mysterious creature, she couldn't help frowning. Subconsciously make guesses.

"Do you know what it's talking about?"

Standing not far from Susan, Wanda kept silently hearing her murmuring voice.

At this moment, he couldn't help but ask.

Turning her head and looking at Wanda beside her, Susan shook her head: "This is obviously not any known language on earth, but since the other party has a language, it means that this creature is likely to have it too. a civilization of its own race."

A few inexplicable tones came out of his mouth, and the mysterious creature twisted his body and stood up again.

Judging from the height, the mysterious creature more than two meters has obviously exceeded the highest ceiling of the experimental cabin. If he doesn't want to fall down like before, he must put his head under it. However, obviously the mysterious creature made a different choice. He stretched out his palm and grabbed the top of the hatch. The next second was accompanied by a harsh bending sound. Pulled down easily.

"This power!"

Under the steel mask, Doctor Doom looked at the metal hatch that was easily torn off in the hands of the mysterious creature, and then a dignified light flashed in his eyes.

Throwing the metal hatch in his hand aside, the mysterious creature stepped out of the experimental cabin with a large opening. Turning to look at everyone in the laboratory, he tilted his head and said, "%...*¥%)*(&"

"'s talking!"

Under the gaze of the mysterious creature, Strucker and others felt a stronger sense of oppression.

Avoiding the sight of the other party, Strucker put his gaze on the screen on the side, watching the image of Dr. Zola staying there, gritted his teeth and asked.

"Dr. Zola, can you know the content of the other party's words?"


On the screen, Dr. Zola's image shook his head and gave a glance at Susan: "I recorded what the other party said and searched for all the languages ​​known on earth, but there was no matching content. Maybe. , I can decipher the meaning of his words by recording more of the conversation, but it will take time..."

"Is that so?"

Hearing the reply from Dr. Zola, Strucker whispered softly, but then restrained his regret. After all, he is not a researcher like Dr. Zola, and he does not have a strong desire to study this mysterious creature that emerged from the meteorite.

On the contrary, the strength shown by the other party has proved Strucker's previous hunch.

Turning his head and sweeping over the Hydra soldiers around him, Strucker finally settled his gaze on Doctor Doom not far away.

Previously, the attack of the Hydra had proved that the bullets in the hands of the soldiers were not as lethal to the mysterious creature in front of them as they thought.


He opened his mouth and said a few words to Strucker and others in the laboratory, and found that they did not respond for a long time. The mysterious creature twisted his head, felt the strangeness of his body, and lowered his head to notice the dense bullet holes in his body. , frowning slightly on the handsome face like a Greek statue.

In the next instant, a large number of bullets were pushed out from these bullet holes.

bang, bang-

The dense bullets fell on the ground like raindrops, making a series of crisp impact sounds.

"Doctor Doom."

Seeing the bullets coming out of the mysterious creature and the wounds healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, Strucker's expression changed, and he immediately alerted Doctor Doom around the console.

Just within a few minutes of the mysterious creature standing up, the other party has continuously demonstrated two superhuman abilities, super strength and recovery ability.

In fact, without Straker's reminder, Doctor Doom had sensed the crisis of the situation.

The appearance of the mysterious creature completely disrupted his plan. How to let the other party continue to act, it is very likely that his previous painstaking efforts will be in vain. Thinking of this, Doctor Doom no longer hesitated, controlled his body to generate a large amount of current, and immediately blasted towards the mysterious creature in front of him.


The intense electric current was controlled by Doctor Doom and turned into two dazzling lightning strikes on the mysterious creature. Facing this powerful and rapid attack, even the mysterious creature that appeared from the meteorite seemed unable to react for a while. was hit hard by lightning, and the instant impact sent his tall body flying out.


With the violent power of the current, the mysterious creature flew into the air as if powerless, and hit a large piece of equipment in the laboratory.

However, seeing the figure flying out of the other side, Doctor Doom's face did not dare to relax in the slightest. Therefore, judging from the abilities shown by the mysterious creature before, it was obvious that a few lightning bolts alone could not destroy the other side.

Therefore, without any hesitation, watching the mysterious creature fly out of the direction of the crash, Doctor Doom once again condensed the electric current in his hand and turned it into violent lightning, which fell on the other side continuously.

"Did you destroy it successfully?"

The lightning lasted for more than ten seconds, and then Doctor Doom stopped his movements, and controlled his metal arm, which was red due to the frequent use of his ability, to restrain the only remaining current on his body, and looked at the corner of the laboratory because of a large amount of lightning. The direction that hit and scorched black, his eyes flickered.

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