Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 392: ultimate creature


With a dull impact, the meteorite accurately landed in the experimental cabin under the control of Wanda's power.

Turning his palm to control the hatch of the experimental cabin closed with a crisp sound, Wanda breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately turned his head towards Strucker to indicate completion.

Taking his eyes away from Wanda, Strucker swept over the meteorite in the machine and made a reminder with a blank face.

"Doctor, it's your turn."

Under the steel mask, Doctor Doom has been paying attention to Strucker's reaction, so he can easily detect that his repeated openings have obviously made the ruler of the Hydra base feel a little impatient. Fortunately, in the next experiment, Doctor Doom did not have any plans to regenerate right and wrong.

After all, it is not only Strucker who expects the experiment to go smoothly. He also quite hopes that the machine made by Hydra can start successfully, because only in this way can his plan proceed smoothly.

Under the cover of the steel mask, Doctor Doom's eyes swept backward from the controlled Susan.

Immediately after taking a step, under the gaze of Straker and many hydras in the laboratory, he reached out to the console and placed one of the slightly unique instruments.

In the process of Hydra's creation of the space cosmic storm machine, Doctor Doom did not show too much initiative, and the only place where he made suggestions was the instrument in front of him.

Considering that when the Fantastic Four started the machine before, a large amount of current energy was absorbed, and even caused a short-term power outage in the urban area near the Bavarian Building. Doctor Doom suggested that Hydra could add a device specially designed to absorb energy on the console when transforming Reed's machine. As for the provider of this energy, he was himself.

Of course, the reason why Doctor Doom made this suggestion is not that he really put himself in the shoes of Hydra.

Because the installation of this device can not only provide energy for the machine made by Hydra, as he said, but in some cases, it can also extract the power from the machine for his own use, just like in the previous In the Baishi Building, he extracted the same power as the stone man.

In fact, the inspiration for Doctor Doom to make such a suggestion came from the previous attempt at the Barthes Building.


Reaching out to hold the instrument, along with a sharp chirping sound, a large amount of dense current emerged from Doctor Doom's body, instantly illuminating the entire Hydra laboratory into a faint blue hue.

Standing a little farther from the machine, Strucker squinted at Doctor Doom's terrifying figure wrapped in electric light, but the expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

"Energy is charged, the machine starts normally!"

A large amount of current continuously poured into the instrument under the control of Doctor Doom. With the charging of energy, the originally silent machine began to make a huge roar, and then a large number of internal instruments began to flicker and dazzling. of light.

Looking at the machine that started successfully, the Hydra researcher who was in charge of the experiment standing next to Doctor Doom immediately made a report.

"Okay, let's start the experiment!"

Taking his eyes back from Doctor Doom, who was wrapped in electricity, Strucker immediately gave an order.

After receiving Strucker's instructions, the numerous Hydra researchers in front of the console immediately took action without any hesitation.

Following their dazzling operation, more light emerged from the machine, illuminating the entire laboratory as if it were daylight.

"The not right..."

However, when everyone in the laboratory was concentrating on the experiment, with a flash, Dr. Zola's virtual face flashed on the computer screen beside Strucker, because of the influence of the large amount of current on Dr. The image of Dr. Zola on the screen was a little blurry, but he made his own reminders intermittently.

"...experiment...the the a little weird..."

"Stop the experiment!"

Out of trust in Dr. Zola, after hearing his reminder, Strucker only hesitated for a few seconds and stopped the experiment.

"Yes, sir."

Hearing the order given by Strucker, without any hesitation, the researcher in front of the console reached out and stopped the experiment that was halfway through.

With the researcher's move, the roaring machine instantly went out as if it had lost its power, and at the same time, the originally bright base laboratory was also dimmed.

"What's the matter?"

The face under the steel mask frowned, Doctor Doom looked at the machine that stopped running, and at the same time restrained the current in his body into a small electric light, turned his head to look at Strucker's location and made a puzzled look.

"The experiment is obviously going quite smoothly."

"I told Strucker to stop."

Without the influence of the current on Dr. Destruction, Dr. Zola's image in the laboratory suddenly became a lot clearer, and he projected his avatar on the larger screen. The voice replied: "I sensed that a strange radiant energy from the experimental cabin where the meteorite was placed is constantly emitting radiation."

"Maybe that's the radiation force of cosmic storms in space."

"No, I have scanned Mr. Fantastic Reed's experimental data, and it is clear that it is not the power of the cosmic storm."

Listening to the conversation between Doctor Doom and Doctor Zola, Strucker's brows furrowed tightly.

He didn't expect that the originally smooth experiment would be turned into an accident because of that strange meteorite that even Hydra couldn't study.

"You, go and open the hatch of the experimental cabin."

The haze on his face swept away, and Strucker turned his head to look at a Hydra soldier beside him, and immediately issued a cold order.

"As ordered, sir."

In the face of the order given by Strucker, the soldiers did not hesitate or hesitate at all, and immediately walked towards the direction of the experimental cabin.

Under the gazes of Strucker and the rest of the people behind him, the soldier came to the experimental cabin in the center of the machine, took a deep breath, and then reached out and grabbed the handle on the experimental cabin. Accompanied by the slightly labored figure of the soldier, the tight-fitting experimental hatch slid outwards, and finally opened outwards, revealing the huge meteorite inside.

"Report sir, there are cracks on the meteorite!"

Because of the occlusion of the soldier's body, of course Strucker, who was standing behind him, could not see the situation in the experimental cabin clearly at the first time.

However, the general situation was quickly learned from the soldiers' reports.


Hearing the soldier's report, Strucker's original frown deepened a bit. He looked at the location of the machine's experimental cabin and opened his mouth to let the soldier standing in front of him get out of the way so that he could see the cabin more intuitively. situation within.


At this moment, the soldier who was standing in front of the experimental cabin suddenly let out a shrill scream.

"What's the matter, soldier, report your situation!"

Hearing the screams of the Hydra soldiers, Strucker immediately ordered to shout.

"Sir, my body, my body..."

As Strucker's order fell, the soldier who was standing in front of the experimental cabin with his back to the crowd turned his body, suddenly showing a terrifying face.

The moment he saw this face, even the ruthless Strucker couldn't help his expression suddenly change.

I saw that on the face of the Hydra soldier, around the original normal face, brand-new facial organs appeared there, a nose was shrunk beside his mouth, and there were eyes on the other side. Rolling his eyes.

Seeing the terrifying appearance of the soldiers in an instant, many Hydra members in the laboratory made expressions of horror.

Under the brainwashing of Hydra, they may not be afraid of life and death, but it does not mean that they want to become such a terrifying appearance.

"Life force..."

Just when the Hydra members in the laboratory panicked, a somewhat weak voice suddenly reached Strucker's ears.

Looking in the direction of the voice, he immediately saw Susan imprisoned in a chair with a weak face.

"You seem to know something?"

Looking at Susan's appearance, Strucker knew that the other party was obviously no stranger to what happened to the Hydra soldiers. He turned his head and gave Wanda a wink to the side. The latter immediately raised his hands in cooperation. Holding back her emotions that were fluctuating because of the changes in the soldier's body, she twisted her fingers and the red light flashed from her fingertips along with Strucker's interrogation: "Tell me, what the **** is going on?!"

Under the influence of Wanda's ability, Susan's originally clear eyes began to become dazed, and she unconsciously revealed the information she knew to Strucker in front of her: "Life force, this is Reed before Regarding the strange power found in the study of meteorites, he found that meteorites contain an unknown radiation energy, which will show fluctuating diffuse radiation affecting the cells in the surrounding organisms. In order to verify this conjecture, Reed We once conducted experiments on animals and plants through the radiation of meteorites, and found that the radiation in meteorites has a magical ability to repair cells, which can make disabled mice re-grow severed limbs. We originally thought that the radiation force of meteorites only acts on the repair of cells. The situation seems to suggest that radiation in meteorites also seems to have the power to induce cellular mutation in people without any disabilities..."

Raising his hand to signal that Wanda, who was beside him, ended the ability acting on Susan, Strucker turned to look at the Hydra soldier in front of the meteorite.

Although it took only tens of seconds for Susan to be affected by Wanda's ability to reveal Reed's experimental process on the meteorite, the mutation on the soldier's body became more and more serious under the radiation force of the meteorite, which originally only applied to the face. The mutation of the soldier began to develop on his body, and the deformed organs of the obvious limbs appeared there from the soldier's chest and thigh.




He opened his mouth, and a cry for help came from the soldier's two mouths at the same time. As the mutation on his body became more and more serious, the appearance of this Hydra soldier was also getting closer to the monster.


Ignoring the soldier's cry for help, and looking at the figure in front of him that was mutated and distorted under the radiation of the meteorite, Strucker immediately gave an order coldly. Following his order, the Hydra soldiers around the laboratory immediately raised their submachine guns, and without hesitation, pulled the trigger and shot at the mutant soldiers.

bang bang bang-

Intensive bullets resounded throughout the laboratory. Under Strucker's gaze, a large number of bullets fell on the unsuspecting soldier, and a large amount of blood sprayed from his body, landing on the machine behind him. It also landed on the meteorite in the experimental cabin.


Opening and closing the two mouths on his face, the Hydra soldier looked at Strucker in front of him, and found a subtle voice in his mouth and finally stumbled back and fell on the meteorite in the experimental cabin.

Standing in place, Strucker looked at the soldier who had completely lost his voice in the experimental cabin. Although the expression on his face always maintained a cold look, he was unconsciously relieved.

It seems that although the radiation of the meteorite turned the opponent into a deformed monster, it did not seem to bring any improvement or change to the soldier's strength.

"Wait, wait, the crisis isn't over yet..."

However, before he could wait for Strucker's vigilant direction, beside him, from under the steel mask, came Doctor Doom's obviously trembling voice.

"Meteorite, meteorite is eating the soldier's corpse!"

Following Doctor Doom's voice, Strucker immediately saw that the deformed corpse of the Hydra soldier who had fallen on the meteorite in the experimental cabin actually began to dissolve into the meteorite at a speed visible to the naked eye. But within a few seconds, the soldier's rather tall body completely lost his trace, not even his clothes.

" is it possible, what exactly is this meteorite, and it can actually engulf flesh and swallow the dead soldiers completely without leaving a trace, what kind of monsters did you bring from space!"


In the face of Strucker's Doom's performance was silent.

What the meteorite showed was not only beyond Strucker's expectations, but also not within Doctor Doom's expectations.

"Reed's judgment is wrong, meteorites are more dangerous than imagined..."

In the chair, Susan looked at the scene in the laboratory and couldn't help muttering.

Click, click, click—

As the corpses of the Hydra soldiers were absorbed by the meteorite, more and more dense cracks began to emerge on the surface of the meteorite under the gaze of everyone in the laboratory. These cracks spread throughout the meteorite and were connected together to eventually form Lots of chipping and peeling off.

With the continuous falling of broken meteorite fragments, finally a tall figure with stone-like muscles but with blood and luster appeared in the center of the meteorite.

The ultimate creature is here!

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