"Mr. Joseph Joestar, can you tell us detailed information about vampires?"

Compared with Jessica's emotional, Matt's performance is obviously more calm.

As the de facto core of the Defenders, his abilities, while not as strong as the rest of the team, are key to guiding the entire league. This is somewhat similar to the existence of Captain America in the Avengers, or, should it be said, the Defenders were originally a weakened street version of the Avengers.

In the face of Matt's question, Joseph Joestar raised his eyebrows, and his weathered face showed a timely memory: "About the history of vampires, even as a vampire hunter, I don't fully understand, just As far as I know, vampires existed and ravaged Norway long before I was born. Even the former king of Norway, Haakon VII, was a member of vampires, and used his vampire ability to establish a short-term and Brilliant vampire dynasty, if not..."

[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

【From Danny...】

[From the legend of Luke Cage...]

"...And the reason why I chose to become a vampire hunter is precisely because of my combat experience when I was young. My friends and I were attacked by corpses in Cairo. If I hadn't met my later master at that time, And I learned the ripple qigong that restrains the vampire's ability from his hands, maybe I have already died under the hands of the corpse."

"Ripple Qigong?"

After listening to Joseph Joestar's words, the expressions of the members of the Defenders varied.

Luke Cage's eyes changed.

He had seen Joseph Joestar use the power of ripples to directly turn corpses into coke.

"What are ripples?"

Jessica frowned and asked.

"Ripple is a special way of breathing, just like throwing a stone into the water will set off ripples, using a special breathing method to generate ripples in the body, thus generating a powerful force. At the same time, the ripple energy generated by the ripples and sunlight consistent, and sunlight is the most effective way to kill vampires."

"Are you afraid of the sun? It's the same weakness described in the movie."

Bowing her head and muttering to herself, Jessica couldn't help but look up: "What about garlic and crosses?"

These two are also the classic props to destroy vampires in the legend.

"Unfortunately," shaking his head, Joseph Joestar replied, "The reason why vampires are afraid of sunlight is the ripple energy contained in sunlight."

Joseph Joestar's answer came as no surprise to the defenders.

Indeed, if these things were of any use, then Joseph Joestar wouldn't need to be so serious about telling them about the dangers of vampires.

"According to you, vampires can only be killed by sunlight and ripples, so what if we kill vampires?"

Danny frowned and asked silently.

If everything this so-called vampire hunter says is true, then even if the Defenders want to eliminate vampires, it will not be easy. After all, as the other party said, vampires or corpses themselves are monsters transformed from humans, they are very aware of their weaknesses, and obviously they are not stupid enough to fight them in the daytime.

Danny's words are also a concern for defenders.

"The corpse's strength is very strong, and it is not afraid of life and death, even I can't easily solve it."

This is best explained by Luke Cage, who once had a brief combat contact with the corpse.

"On one point, maybe I didn't make it clear that vampires and ghouls are not incapable of being killed, especially the latter, ghouls, as monsters infected by vampires, although they have obtained almost undead in the body. Ability, but it does not have the powerful recovery ability like a vampire, so as long as it suffers a fatal blow, it will also die."

"As for vampires, the terrifying ability to regenerate allows them to quickly regenerate after being attacked, but this recovery is not without cost, and the whole process requires a lot of life energy. Therefore, if a vampire suffers multiple If the damage is damaged twice, and there is no way to recover through blood-sucking, then in this case, it will still fall into death."

"Listening to you, it seems like defeating a vampire is a very simple matter."

Jessica pouted and said with a dissatisfied expression.

"Since the ripple power in your mouth is so powerful, why don't you pass on this power to us, and let us accompany you to fight vampires."


Hearing Jessica's rude request, Matt couldn't help frowning and stopped, and at the same time apologized to him.

"Sorry, Mr. Joseph Joestar, that's not what Jessica meant."

"That's what I meant."

Frowning, Jessica retorted not to be outdone.

Among the Defenders, she is the member with the least sense of mission, or her past experience makes her have no idea about the trick of saving the world as a superhero, even if it is not for the relationship that she has fought side by side, she may have been He has already quit the Defenders League and continues to be his own private investigator who is waiting to die.

To save the world and fight against evil, it is better to leave it to the Avengers to do it.

As comrades who fought side by side, the defenders were obviously accustomed to Jessica's irascible character.

Matt, opening his mouth, was about to explain Jessica's drastic remarks.

On the opposite side, Joseph Joestar spoke unexpectedly.

"In fact, even if you don't tell me, I have already planned to teach you the cultivation method of Ripple."

[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

【From Danny...】

[From the legend of Luke Cage...]

Even the expression on Jessica's face couldn't help but be astonished by Joseph Joestar's unexpected behavior.

"Mr. Joseph Joestar, you don't need to..."

Matt frowned, thinking that Joseph Joestar made this decision because of Jessica's relationship.

However, Joseph Joestar shook his head.

The reason why Li Ran decided to teach Ripple to the members of the Defenders is naturally impossible for Jessica's words. In fact, his decision was completely based on the relationship between Jin and the other side.

After obtaining the vampire power endowed by the stone ghost face, Jin did not hesitate to start creating his own army of corpses. Now, the corpse in his hands has already surpassed hundreds of people, and so many corpses are combined, and it is simply not enough for the defenders to deal with three or two kittens.

Therefore, in order to avoid that time, when facing Jinping's attack, the defender who has no ability to resist will be crushed by the army of corpses under him.

It is also necessary to give them appropriate strength.

Although Ripple's ability is magical, it has obvious limitations. As a special ability to target corpses and vampires, its own power is actually not as great as imagined.

The main body Li Ran has various thoughts in his heart, and Joseph Joestar, played by the avatar on the other side, still dutifully plays his role as a vampire hunter and a ripple imparter: "As I just said , Ripple is not my exclusive power. This is the power that has been specially researched to fight against vampires. Now that vampires have appeared in New York, I am of course obliged to pass on this power against vampires to prevent New York from being eroded by vampires. Must be like Norway..."

Joseph Joestar said as he glanced at the defenders in front of him.

The power of ripples looks simple, but it is actually a breathing and related ability, even the use of cells is involved in shouting. The reason why he uses Ripple is because the ultimate creature Kaz can perfectly control all the cellular power in the body. And obviously, the members of the current Defenders League are not.

Therefore, in his opinion, Matt is the only one who can really learn ripples among the defenders.


"Sir, you should rest."

Stark Industries, the top floor of the New Energy Building.

Jarvis reminded Tony six times, and since he heard the news of the Stone Ghost Face at the Foundation, he has been devoted to it.

"Give me a little more time."

Reaching out his palm and lighting up in mid-air, Tony replied with a haggard face.

The appearance of Stone Ghost Face and Dio Brando allowed him to discover a breach hidden in history by S.H.I.E.L.D., through which he has become more and more settled in the truth.

"Looks like Nick Fury is hiding a lot of stuff I don't know, the rock face and the vampires. He already knew about these things, but he deliberately kept them secret and didn't tell the Avengers."

"Perhaps, he was hiding to avoid situations like this one."

Just then, an angry voice sounded from behind Tony.

Turning his head, he saw Pepper Pepper, looking at Tony angrily.


When he met Pepper's gaze, Tony instantly understood.

"Sorry sir, but out of consideration for your health, I must inform Miss Pepper."

Tony couldn't refute the answer of the artificial intelligence butler. He retracted his gaze and looked at Pepper who appeared in front of him. He grinned and showed a stiff smile. He pretended to be surprised and asked, "Hey, Pepper, why are you here?"

"Yeah, why am I here?"

Taking a deep breath and barely suppressing the anger in his heart, Pepper looked at Tony's pale face from staying up late for a long time, and the deep dark circles under his eyes, half angrily and half distressed: "If it wasn't for Jarvis, let me know. , I may still be kept in the dark, Tony, you forgot, how did you promise me?"

"I promise you a lot of things, which one are you talking about?"


"Okay." Looking at Pepper's reaction, Tony obviously knew that the situation in front of him could not be fooled by simple bluffing. He sighed and admitted decisively: "I know, this matter. I'm wrong, but you know, Pepper, I can't stop when I get a problem I care about."

"I know."

As for Tony's character, Pepper, who was born as a secretary, has obviously already understood it thoroughly, and also knows that this cannot be reversed by just a few words on his own.

So with a sigh, Pepper immediately said, "You need to rest Tony, not just for yourself, but for me."

"Listen to you, dear."

Pepper's words softened Tony's eyes immediately. He turned his head and glanced at the introduction to Dio Brando on the virtual screen, and then glanced at Pepper in front of him. In the end, he raised his hand to put away the information and made a concession with a smile.

He is no longer the Tony Stark he used to be, and he is willing to make some concessions for the people he loves.


"How's the experiment going?"

Inside the secret laboratory base.

A figure in a cloak asked, his voice was not loud, but it was extremely low, with a power that was hard to ignore.

"We have already started human experiments, and more than ten soldiers who lost their limbs due to the war have regained their strength to stand up because of the virus."

A man with long hair and crutches limped between his steps to answer.

If Tony was here, he might be able to recognize that the man in front of him was Killian, who had been in contact with him and played tricks on him and claimed to be his fan, but now his appearance is completely different from before, and his expression is even more It is full of more confidence and ambition than before.

Of course, it's more likely that Tony doesn't remember him at all. After all, before he became Iron Man, Tony was a complete asshole~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This point, even Pepper or even Tony himself can't deny.

"very good."

Killian's answer made the figure in the cloak nodded slightly: "You really didn't disappoint me, Killian."

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity. If it weren't for you, I might not be able to do this now."

Hearing the voice coming from the cloak, Killian quickly lowered his representative to express his respect.

He used to wait all night in the cold attic like a clown because of Tony's tricks. In Iron Man's eyes, he may be just a trivial and unknown junior, and even Killian himself thought so in the past, but it is obviously different now, because he has been given the opportunity to change.

Moreover, Killian has decided to take this opportunity to take revenge on Tony who once ignored and underestimated himself.

"Mr. Man."

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