Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 259: vampire hunter

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Meiman: Infinite Possession!

"How does it feel to be a superhero, Wonderman?"

Harlem, barber shop.

Dad was sorting out his haircut tools while teasing Luke Cage, who was cleaning the shop.

"Dad, I said it before, your nickname is not pleasant." Facing the persistent old man's ridicule, Luke Cage shook his head helplessly.

"To be honest," seeing Luke Cage's reaction in his eyes, Dad smiled, but couldn't help but ask curiously: "I have never been able to understand Luke, he has already become Superheroes, why would you choose to keep doing errands in the barbershop."

"Superheroes are people too, Dad."

Perhaps because of his own experience, even if he has become a member of the Defenders, Luke Cage is still trying to maintain his original life.

"In addition to being chivalrous, we still have our own lives to live."

Sweeping the hair on the ground and putting it in the garbage bag, Luke Cage replied silently: "You can't count on it, we are saving the world every day."

"Okay, you're right."

Shrugging his shoulders, the old man looked convinced.

With a smile on his dark face, Luke Cage reached out and lifted the garbage bag on the ground easily: "By the way, Dad, I have to go back early, Mrs. Connie has told me several times that she is preparing a tunnel. The Chinese food is waiting for me to taste." Although he still insists on his own pace of life, Luke Cage's current identity is no longer ordinary after all.

As a member of the Defenders League, he has been working hard to keep Harlem safe, and has been recognized by most of the residents.

Among them was his landlord, Mrs. Connie.

Carrying the garbage in his hand, he came to the trash can at the back door of the barber shop.


Luke Cage turned around and was about to leave, and the movement from the corner caught his attention.

Throwing away the garbage in his hand, Luke Cage looked at the dark corner and subconsciously frowned: "Who is where?"


The other party did not answer, but the voice kept coming.

This strange scene aroused Luke Cage's vigilance, and without much hesitation, he strode towards the corner with his invulnerable body.

As he got closer, Luke Cage finally confirmed the situation in the corner.

I saw that in the corner, a vague back was facing him, and he lowered his head and did not know what he was doing.

After confirming the situation, Luke Cage breathed a sigh of relief, but his inner vigilance did not drop too much: "Sir, what are you doing, this is not the place you should stay."

Luke Cage said something, but the figure in the corner still didn't respond much.

Didn't you hear it?

Facing the unresponsive appearance of the figure, Luke Cage frowned, and his footsteps moved a little closer to the corner.

However, the next second he moved forward, the figure in the corner who had no response suddenly let out a hoarse roar, turned around suddenly and rushed towards Luke Cage.

It was also at this time that Luke Cage finally saw the appearance of the figure. This was a figure with wounds all over his body, and even his face was rotting. He could not see the eyes and nose, and was full of rotten smell.

Because the action of the figure rushing over was too sudden, and the appearance was a little too terrifying, even Luke Cage couldn't react for a while, and the figure who was directly rushing towards him made a claw mark on his body.

"What's wrong, Luke!"

Noticing the movement at the back door of the barber shop, Dad hurried out.

"It's nothing, Dad."

The figure's attack ripped through Luke Cage's clothes, but could not damage the invulnerable body underneath.

Frowning and reaching out to grab the other's neck, Luke Cage looked at the other's ugly appearance and said to the father who ran out: "It's just a little trouble, the situation is a little dangerous now, maybe you should avoid it a bit."

"Hey, are you a dad and I'm a kid?"

Luke Cage's persuasion aroused his father's dissatisfaction, he raised his brows instead of leaving as he wanted, but leaned into the corner even more: "While you were still breastfeeding, father I I have already fought with people with guns, and I have encountered more dangers than the girls you are dating."

Having said that, Dad has come to Luke Cage's side, and seeing the figure in his hands, the rhetorical expression on his face suddenly solidified: "OMG, what is this?"

"I don't know, but obviously, the guy in front of him can no longer be called a person."

The figure struggled with great strength, but there was obviously still some gap compared to Luke Cage, who had superhuman strength. He looked down at the rotten figure in front of him, and the brows on his face were deeply wrinkled.

The palm that grabbed the neck began to increase its strength, but the figure seemed to be unresponsive and continued to launch a frantic attack on him.

"Dead man, this guy's name."

Just when Luke Cage was puzzled by the situation in front of him, a heavy voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man in a dark brown coat appeared at the back door of the barber shop.

The man had a gray beard, a determined expression, and a conspicuous scar on his weathered face.

"An infected vampire reinfected a monster that relies on eating corpses to survive. Unless his body is completely smashed, he can still survive even if his body rots."

"Dead man?"

Luke Cage frowned and listened to the man's explanation, then turned his head to look at the rotten figure in his hand, already believing the other 60-70% in his heart.

However, he already had doubts in his heart: "Who are you and why do you know these things."

"My name is Joseph Joestar, and I am a vampire hunter." Facing the question raised by Luke Cage, the man answered calmly.

[Fame from Luke Cage +155]

[Famousness from Henry +45]

"Vampire hunter! Are you saying that vampires really exist in this world?"

The words of self-proclaimed vampire hunter Joseph Joestar made Dad look surprised.

"Of course," Joseph Joestar nodded without hesitation: "The corpse caught in the tall man's hands is the best proof that he represents vampires."

As he spoke, Joseph Joestar stepped forward to Luke Cage, looked at the corpse who was caught by him, raised his eyebrows and said, "To be honest, although I have already arrested and killed There are countless vampires and infected corpses, but it's the first time I've seen a person like you who can easily block the corpse's attack. Although the corpse is far less powerful than a vampire in terms of speed and speed , but for ordinary people, it is still a very dangerous and terrifying existence."

"I'm just a little bit special."

In the face of Joseph Joestar's admiration, Luke Cage instinctively made a modest gesture.

"I look at you, but I don't know it's as simple as being special." With a meaningful look at Luke Cage, Joseph Joestar withdrew his gaze and looked at the corpse struggling in his hands: "Of course , it is still somewhat difficult to kill the corpse by this method alone."

With that said, Joseph Joestar raised his palm and shouted at the corpse in front of him: "Ripple run away~"

The palm fell on the body of the corpse.

Luke Cage felt a strange energy coming out of Joseph Joestar's body, and into the body of the corpse in his hand.

Then I saw that the movements of the struggling corpse instantly solidified, and white smoke turned into coke.

[Fame from Luke Cage +155]

[Famousness from Henry +45]

"The corpse's weakness is as obvious as that of a vampire, fearing the power of sunlight and ripples."

Putting away his palm, Joseph Joestar looked at the corpse in Luke Cage's hands and explained.

Ripple, a fantastic ability in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure that has the effect of sunlight and can do destructive damage to vampires.

And the ripple power that Joseph Joestar uses at this moment comes from the ultimate creature Kaz.

As the ultimate creature, Kaz can control the cells in his body at will, so naturally he can easily learn the power of ripples.

Released the palm that was holding the corpse, watching the coke shatter into pieces, Luke Cage smelled the burnt smell that filled the tip of his nose and forced himself to calm down.

The scene in front of him, whether it was a corpse or a vampire hunter, shocked the superhero from the street. After all, a quarter of an hour ago, he was still thinking about tasting the authentic Chinese food prepared by Mrs. Connie. He no longer had much appetite.

"Why are corpses in Harlem?"

As a regional superhero, Luke Cage doesn't have a wide range of activities, but it is precisely because of this that he knows the Harlem he is in very well, and it is clear that before today, he had never heard of Harlem at all. There are corpses or vampires in Lyme.

"The appearance of the corpse only represents one thing."

Luke Cage's question was just in line with Joseph Joestar's purpose, and he immediately replied following the other party's words: "That is, vampires have appeared in New York. In fact, this is why I The reason for coming to New York, in order to catch the legendary vampire king, I got clues in Norway, and his servant once appeared in New York."

"The Vampire King?"

Joseph Joestar's words made Luke Cage's worries deepen.

"If everything you said is true, then the incident about vampires is no longer something that I can deal with alone. We need to use the power of the Defenders League."

"The Defenders' League?"

Hearing Luke Cage's answer, Joseph Joestar's face matched with a puzzled expression.

"what is that?"

Luke Cage: "It's a superhero group."


"How's it going?"

Hell's Kitchen, Kim and Mansion.

Hiding his huge body in the shadows, Jin also found that after being transformed into a vampire, he could still see everything clearly in front of him even in a pitch-dark environment.

For him, darkness is no longer an obstacle, but the best cover.

"The vast majority of people have been successfully transformed into corpses."

In front of Jin Bian, a subordinate who also had sharp teeth bowed his head to answer.

After using the stone ghost face to incarnate a vampire, Jin did not hesitate to infect his subordinates into vampires as well, and ordered them to use their abilities to continue to infect, and soon formed an army of corpses. Today, this army of undead people who are not afraid of life and death fills the building and has become the most terrifying force under his hands.

"Order all infected corpses to wear masks and protective clothing."

As a vampire, Jin is very aware of his weaknesses. The stone ghost face gives him power and life beyond human beings, but at the cost of not being able to walk under the sun.

Fortunately, this is not a big problem. During World War II, the Red Skull was able to find a solution.

Today, even more so.

"From today, they're going to be a nightmare for the whole of New York."

"Yes, Kim."

He lowered his head and answered without hesitation.

As a vampire infected by Jin Nie, he completely obeyed the other party's orders. Even if Jin Nie told him to die now, he would jump off the roof without hesitation.

"Accelerate the progress of infection."

Lighting the cigar, the shadows flickered faintly with fire, and Jin continued to give his order: "After everyone is infected, it's time for us to strike."

Shaking off the ashes of the cigar in his hand, Jin Bing opened his mouth to reveal his sharp teeth, and hatred flashed in his red eyes: "And our first target is the defender."


"Wait a minute, let me calm down..."

[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

【From Danny...】

Inside Matt's law firm Defenders gathered.

After listening to what Luke Cage had said, Jessica turned her head to look at the weather-beaten Joseph Joestar beside him, shook her head, and tried to digest the news brought by the other party.

"Or, are you telling me now that it's all just a joke?"

In this regard, Luke Cage shrugged and replied with a wry smile: "I also hope this is all a joke, but obviously, it is not the case."

Luke Cage's answer completely extinguished the last glimmer of hope in Jessica's heart.

She muttered to herself, only to feel a headache.

"Damn, what's wrong with this world? It's aliens and vampires. I've begun to miss the ordinary and lovely world. Although the original world was just as annoying, at least it wouldn't be like it is now. It's like a circus show that surprises me every day with **** that I don't need."

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