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With a loud explosion, the armored tank was blown to pieces.

Holding his brand new vibranium shield in his hand, Steve couldn't help showing a smile on his face when he saw this scene.

"Based on our current progress, it won't take long to destroy John Schmidt's base here." With the super soldier's serum-enhanced body as a support, Steve led the group he gathered. The members of the team have made great progress along the way, and have successively destroyed several secret bases of Hydra.

"Perhaps, after we get rid of this base, we need to repair it for a while."

Bucky looked at the tired-looking people around him and said involuntarily.

"After all, not everyone has the same physical qualities as you."

Dio looked at Steve, who was as tired as ever, and said in a lukewarm tone.

At the invitation of Captain America, Dior also joined his team half-heartedly.

Turning his head and looking at the tired team members beside him, Steve nodded: "Okay then, we'll make repairs when we finish solving this goal."

Hearing Steve's words, the team members who were still nervous suddenly showed a relieved expression.

"God, I can finally get a good night's sleep."

"I haven't rested for days in a row."

"I'm going to have a big drink."

"Hey, you forgot we were trying out a secret mission... well, don't forget to call me then."

Hearing the team members chatting with each other, Steve noticed Dio's expressionless face and asked, "What, Dio, aren't you happy?"

Glancing at the chatting and laughing people with indifferent eyes, Dio turned to look at Steve in front of him: "You know, Steve, the reason why I agreed to join your team is to know myself How big is the gap with you." As he spoke, Dior turned his attention to his hands, and continued in a tone that was neither sad nor happy: "However, the more actions I participate in, the more I can feel it. The gap between yourself as an ordinary person and you, the gap is so big that it is hopeless."


Dio's words made Steve a little silent, but he didn't know how to speak.

Dr. Abraham Erskine is dead, and even the last super soldier serum has been destroyed, so even if Dio wants to experiment with super soldiers, it is impossible.


"Once again, another failure!"

Standing on the ruins of the Hydra base, John Schmidt's bright red skeleton face showed an extremely ferocious expression: "We have the power of the universe Rubik's Cube, and the weapons we have made are not capable of any army, but we cannot Destroy a shield-wielding fool and his squad."

"It's not all my fault!"

In the face of John Schmidt's questioning, Dr. Zola stammered and explained: "Fighting is not my specialty, I am only responsible for inventing weapons, and I will not use them."

"It seems that I need to remind you, Dr. Zola." John Schmidt turned his blood-red face, looked at Dr. Zola in front of him, and threatened with a sharp voice: "If I lose my protection , the Yankees will definitely tear it to shreds in the first place, so don't challenge my patience..."

"Captain John Schmidt," right here, a woeful figure came to the ruins under the custody of several masked reformed soldiers: "Captain America is too strong, our entire army is destroyed."

"No, obviously not yet." Taking out an energy gun from his clothes and aiming it at the survivor, John Schmidt said with a cold expression.

In the next instant, a faint blue light flashed, and the survivor who was standing in front of him turned to ashes.

John Schmidt turned his head and looked at the ruins in front of him: "We need to take the initiative, we can't have Captain America continue to destroy like this."


"It should be here."

Raising his hand to catch the flying shield, Steve looked sideways at the base in the distance, and reminded the team members next to him, "Be careful, everyone."

"Do not worry."

Glancing at the direction Steve pointed with the submachine gun, Bucky nodded and replied.

"We knew we should do it."

After this period of cooperation, the members of the team have already figured out a suitable battle mode, with Steve holding a vibration gold shield in front, and they do firepower attacks on the left and right sides.

Hearing Bucky's answer, Steve's face couldn't help showing a smile, but he was quickly restrained by him, holding the shield and cautiously approaching the location of the Hydra base. Steve immediately raised his hand and gestured to the members behind him, counted down with his fingers, then jumped suddenly, came to the patrolling base soldiers, waved his shield and smashed the opponent directly out.


Following Steve's actions, the team that stayed in place quickly shot and started fire assistance.

Soldiers outside the base were dealt with with ease, and Steve ran into the base immediately. However, the large number of Hydra soldiers standing in the base, ready to go, made the expression on Steve’s face change subconsciously. The shield blocked the front, protecting the team members standing behind him: "Be careful, it's a trap!"

"You're finally here, Captain America."

A sharp voice came from among the soldiers of Hydra, and then they stepped forward. John Schmidt walked out of it with his bright red face and looked at Steve and others in front of him. , grinned and revealed a rather penetrating smile: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"John Schmidt!"

Looking at the familiar face that appeared in the base, Steve couldn't help but blurt out.

"I have to admit, Captain America, I underestimated you. Your actions have caused me great trouble, and have even seriously slowed down my plan, so in order to allow me to follow The plan can go on smoothly, and I have to take action to solve your troubles."

As John Schmidt's voice fell, the Hydra soldiers standing behind him raised their weapons and turned to Steve and the others in front of him.


The next second, a large amount of faint blue light shot out from the opposite side, forming a blue light curtain in mid-air.

"Be careful!"

Facing the sky-filled light curtain, Steve raised his shield in front of him without hesitation, and while blocking the light, he shouted to the team members behind him: "Quick, get out of here, and tell the people outside. , it's a trap."

"We can't just leave you here, Steve!"

In the face of Steve's order, Bucky refused without hesitation. He raised his gun and shot the Hydra soldier on the opposite side. He turned his head and looked at each other with the team members beside him: "We will I will fight with you all the time!"

"That's right."


The team members behind them also responded in the affirmative.

Faced with the performance of everyone's perseverance, Steve's heart couldn't help showing a touch of emotion, but he was biting his teeth and resisting the laser beam, but he didn't notice that there was a figure among the members of the team behind him. trace.


Dior stood calmly on the second floor, looking down at the situation below.

Glancing over the figure of "John Schmidt", a strange smile appeared on Dio's face.

In fact, from the moment he entered the base, he had already changed into [Dio Brando] and turned into a real vampire.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to discover the weirdness of this John Schmidt underneath. Although it looked exactly the same as the Red Skull they had seen before, in fact, from the vampire's induction, he could clearly detect it. , the "John Schmidt" in front of him is actually the white-bearded old man who was a vampire who he had converted in the church in Tonsberg before.

Not only did he not die in the explosion of the base, but he didn't know what method Hydra used, not only to control him, but also to turn him into a red skull and appear in the base.

Here, Dio pondered, and underneath, Steve used his shield to block the ray's attack, and then turned over and rushed to "John Schmidt".

Behind him, Bucky and the others hid behind temporary cover and kept shooting to spread the fire for Steve in front of him.

"John Schmidt!"

He raised the shield in his hand and slammed it down towards "John Schmidt" in front of him. The shield slapped on "John Schmidt", causing it to fly backwards like a cannonball, overwhelming the film. of soldiers.

However, apparently, Steve's attack was not fatal to "John Schmidt" or rather the vampire. He stood up and looked at Steve who was holding a shield in front of him. He opened his mouth and let out a roar. In the next instant, he rushed in front of Steve, waving his arms and grabbing at him fiercely. down.

In theory, vampires clearly have an advantage over "John Schmidt" in combat.

It's a pity that at the moment it is facing Steve, who has gradually adapted to his serum power after many battles, and at the moment the opponent is holding a vibrating gold shield that can offset the impact force, so even if the vampire's attack thinks of viciousness. , and it was completely unstoppable by Steve.

However, although these attacks were perfectly blocked, Steve's face under the shield still showed a puzzled expression.

There seems to be a certain degree of difference between the "John Schmidt" in front of him and what he had encountered before.

Although there were some doubts in his heart, the situation in front of him did not give Steve much time to think about it. With the strength of his arms, Steve used his shield to lean forward to block all the attacks of "John Schmidt", followed by a crouch. The side kick hit the vampire's left leg.


With an obvious cracking sound, the vampire's left leg was kicked into a 60-degree angle under Steve's vigorous attack.

There was a roar in his mouth, but "John Schmidt" did not collapse like Steve had expected, and a miserable green light flashed in his eyes. He immediately began to use both hands and feet to switch targets. Jumping and running towards Bucky and the others who were hiding behind to provide fire support.


Seeing this scene, Steve was startled in his heart, and quickly turned around to run behind him.

However, obviously, the soldiers of Hydra could not let him go easily.

In the next instant, a large amount of light was aimed at Steve's position, forcing him to raise his shield to defend.

bang bang bang-

Raising the firearms in their hands, Bucky and the others kept shooting at the rushing "John Schmidt" in an attempt to block the pace of the opponent's attack.

However, in the face of the pouring bullets, "John Schmidt" did not dodge and let the bullets hit his body.


Seeing that the bullet was of no use to "John Schmidt", Bucky couldn't help but curse.

The performance of "John Schmidt" reminded him of the death army he encountered before, but it was obvious that the power displayed by "John Schmidt" was more terrifying than the soldiers of the death army.


Seeing that the attack of "John Schmidt" was about to fall on Bucky and the others, with the attack power it showed, it was a massacre for the members of the squad.

At this moment, with a dull sound of falling, a figure in a Hydra uniform smashed to the ground, blood dripping all over the floor.

It was at this moment that "John Schmidt" stopped his movements.


Seeing this scene, Dior, who was standing in the shadow on the second floor, showed such an expression as he expected.

He had been thinking before, what method Hydra used to control the vampire, so he searched the base and found a strange figure in a secret place on the second floor. their control over vampires.

Of course, Dior did this not to save Bucky and the others, but purely to...

Underneath, with a thought of Dio turning ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the vampire who had stopped moving pounced again and rushed directly in front of a team member.


The vampire's sharp fingers penetrated Jim's chest like sharp knives, and the next second, a large amount of blood dyed his arm a bright red color.

"Jim!" Steve yelled miserably, throwing out the shield in his hand and knocking down all the Hydra soldiers on the opposite side.


With angry shouts, the members of the team turned the fire on "John Schmidt", the bullets poured out, and in the blink of an eye, it became a hive.

Jim looked up at the roof of the base, and the look in his eyes gradually disappeared, but he suddenly noticed a figure on the second floor, and he couldn't help muttering to himself: "Dior, Dior, Dior..."

He saw Dior standing on the second floor, holding a pale mask in his hand, a smile that he had never seen before on his indifferent face.

Like a ghost in a game.

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