Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 197: ordinary people

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New York, White House estate.

Senator Brandt announced to the officers in front of him with a high expression.

"Here, I am very honored to present this bravery medal to my good friend - Captain America!"

Steve's victory on the front line was not only a victory for the United States against the Axis of Evil, but also a very important political capital for Senator Brandt. To that end, he went all-out, spreading the word about Captain America, turning him from a fictional movie character to a real war hero.

"Captain America?"

"Captain, it's your turn to appear..."

The Senator turned back, trying to maintain the expression on his face, and shouted.

"Sir, Captain America has left." After shouting a few times, what came out was not the figure of Steve, but a subordinate of the senator. He came to the senator and whispered: "It is said that went to the strategic science department."

"It seems that our hero has many more important things waiting for him."

Pulling the corners of his mouth and revealing a forced smile, the senator explained while looking at the officials who came to attend the ceremony.


Brooklyn, among the secret bases under the Strategic Science Department.

"One is in the Baltic Sea in Poland, and another..."

Steve was trying to remember what the map he had seen in the Hydra base before.

Although he successfully destroyed a base of Hydra and rescued the captives of the 107th Legion, Steve knew very well that the Red Skull would not give up because of this. Judging from what he said to himself before, he had a powerful The Red Skull of power must have had an even more sinister purpose.

"That's all we know about the weapons factory, however according to Sergeant Bucky Barnes, Hydra has shipped all the gear to one location, and there's no information about that location on the map. "Looking at the location marked on the map, Steve frowned.

"On this point, Agent Carter has negotiated with MI6, and has asked every allied country to search for the location of Hydra's headquarters." He lowered his head and glanced at the map, and Colonel Phillips replied immediately.

"What about us, sir?"

"We're going to give John Schmidt a blow, how about it, Steve, you can remember the location on the map, so do you have the confidence to defeat Hydra?" Turning his head, he glanced at Steve, Philip Colonel St. asked.

"Yes, sir!"

Glancing back at the map, Steve replied without thinking.

"However, I need a team."

"We already have great soldiers."

"With all due respect, sir, I have..."


"Continued Cup!"

"Jim, you're drunk!"

"I'm not drunk when you are drunk!"

After finally surviving from the front line of the battlefield, the soldiers needed alcohol to relieve their tense emotions.

"Why do you keep looking at this mask."

Bucky drank a glass of beer and looked sideways at Dio and the pale mask in his hand.

People from the Strategic Science Department have studied the ingredients of this mask, and the answer is that there is nothing unusual about it. This is just an ordinary stone mask.

"This is just an ordinary mask. The staff of the research department have already said..."

"No, the researcher is wrong, this is not an ordinary mask." After interrupting Bucky's words, Dio glanced at the stone ghost in his hand again, but suddenly asked, "What do you think of war? "


Dio's question made Bucky's face stunned for a moment. He was just a sergeant, obeying orders to protect his family and defend his country, and he didn't think of such a far place.

"On the battlefield, as ordinary people, we are too vulnerable, whether it is against John Schmidt's army of death or the weapons developed by Hydra, and sometimes even a flying bullet can easily do it. It took our lives, so I'm very jealous of Steve, I trained hard, and he just participated in an experiment and got superhuman powers, this opportunity should have belonged to me, if I can get these powers if……"

Dio was talking, but his eyes were always on the pale stone ghost face in his hand.


Dio's words silenced Bucky for a moment.

As a soldier who came down from the battlefield, he is very aware of the cruelty of war. People die every day on the battlefield, and the comrade-in-arms who was chatting and laughing with you one moment may lose his voice the next moment.

After a long time, Bucky took a big gulp of beer and said: "At least we survived, and successfully destroyed a base of John Schmidt and foiled his evil conspiracy. What's more, the power beyond human beings is not like this. Easy to get, we've all seen the ghost of John Schmidt under the mask, and honestly, I don't want to be like that."

"If you can't even make a decision about your own life, everything will be empty talk." Dior gave Bucky a deep look and replied.

Leaving such a sentence, Dio left the tavern with the stone ghost face in his hand.

Bucky looked at the back of his departure, his thoughts spread a little.

To be honest, in the military camp, Dior is not a very popular existence. Although he is very good as a soldier, his indifference and even selfishness have always made him a little out of tune with other soldiers. Even Gabe, who is the most active in the camp, will become quiet when he encounters him.

"Why did Dio leave again?"

"Leave him alone, he's never been with us in the first place, even more so since I got that mask."

"I heard that his mask was taken from the Hydra base. We have all used weapons obtained from Hydra before. Do you think this mask will really work with him? As you say, there is some kind of mysterious power?"

"Do you really believe it?" Putting down the empty glass in his hand, Jim burped a big wine burp and replied drunkenly: "If there really is some mysterious power, this mask won't be in his hand. put it in."


Hearing Jim's answer, the soldier couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, even those weapons they brought from the Hydra base were taken away by the strategic science department for research. If this mask is really like this It's amazing, it's impossible to keep it in Dior's hands.

Taking his eyes back, Jim shook his head and was about to go there, when he turned his head and saw Steve walking in with his head held high.

"Hey, Captain!"

"Captain America is here~"

"Let's toast the captain!"

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