"wake up?"

The blonde young lady had a confused look on her face.

Is he awake?

"And the Justice League."

Jino covered his head, but some strange and familiar faces appeared in his mind.

Under the setting sun, a blond young man said to the black-haired young man: "Anyone who hurts my family and friends must pay a price."

There was also a dashing black-haired girl in front of a messy store, cautiously approaching her for a group photo.

Lana, Chloe, Diana, Clark, Lex.

Familiar and strange names flashed in his memory.

"Me, who am I?"

Gino staggered to his feet and covered his head.

"Who are you? You are Jino!"

Zatanna seemed very concerned and walked towards Gino and hugged his shoulders: "Are you feeling tired? You can take a nap if you are tired."

"No need to think too much."

Gino ignored the girl's gentle words.

There are more and more chaotic memories in my mind, and they are gradually arranged into a clear thread.

The confused look that originally lingered in his eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a look of determination and decisiveness.

This is not reality. As a young man with the power of dreams, he instantly recovered his true memory that was hidden deep in his memory.

"I'm Geno Luthor."

The young man's voice was deep.

His blue eyes gradually glowed with bright golden light, and the authority from Lucifer was activated.

He took a sudden step forward: "I am the first person under God!"

The dazzling golden wings from Lucifer rose from the young man's shoulders.

"I am the God of Dreams! I am in charge of the dreams of all things!"

He stepped out again, and the surrounding scene seemed to change with the young man's whisper.

The circus began to fall apart.

Shota's body began to grow and change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, a tall blond boy stood in this space.

"I am Superman, the speedster!"

His body began to grow stronger, and dazzling golden lightning flashed under his feet.

"I'm Geno Luther!"

He suddenly spoke, and along with the boy's roar, the surrounding scenes disappeared like a mirage, like a mirror in the water.

There is darkness all around,

But this darkness did not remain silent for long. When Jino opened his eyes, he saw a huge tall building.

The young man tilted his head and found that he was hanging on a huge iron rod that exuded a dark atmosphere.

And around it, there were countless people hanging on it with their eyes closed, as if they were falling into a deep sleep.

Jino looked around. There were densely packed people hanging on countless sharp high poles, which was enough to drive trypophobia patients crazy.

The whole city is filled with an atmosphere of depression and terror.

All was quiet.

"Clark, Diana."

The young Nareli's eyes scanned every corner, but she found no trace of her companion.

They are not in this city.

"The first priority is to find out what happened, and how long have I been hanging on this tower?"

While thinking, Jino slowly flew down the tower and stepped on the cracked concrete pavement.

While humans are hanging on high towers, plants seem to have become the masters of this land. The walls of high buildings are covered with lush green moss.

While Jino was watching the changes in the city with great interest, a bright golden passage suddenly opened in his ears.

A man with sloppy hair, wearing a brown trench coat, and a cigarette in his mouth slowly walked out of the transmission channel.

The sunken and blue eye sockets showed that the other party had not had much rest during this period.

The blood moon above his head hung high in the night sky, and Constantine looked at the tall blond boy.

In such a severe moment, the other party could still tilt his head and give himself a sunny smile.

"Long time no see, Constantine."

"I really didn't expect you to laugh out loud at a time like this." Constantine's face turned dark. If he hadn't been able to beat him, he would have scolded Gino severely.

"Well, in life, mentality is the most important thing."

Gino glanced at Constantine: "Why, isn't Olympus fun?"

Hearing the boy's words, Constantine subconsciously covered his two kidneys, rolled his eyes and said, "It's fun, but it takes a toll on your body."

"It's better to come with me."

He scanned the surroundings with vigilant eyes and said: "You don't know what the world has become now. Countless people are hung on the spire and become the nourishment of Barbatos, the god of darkness."

"Not even one person out of ten survived, and it took us a lot of effort to wake you up from the tower."

"And now you have to leave."

Gino sighed and rubbed his head.

He didn't know what method the damn thing used to make everyone in the world fall into a nightmare and sleep at the same time, and even he accidentally fell into the trap.


After secretly setting up a protective dream magic for himself, Jino made sure that he was in reality, glanced at Constantine and said, "Lead the way."

He originally planned to kill all the enemies here, but Constantine and his group woke him up, and he should go meet the survivors.

Constantine nodded and without any nonsense clasped his hands together to cast a spell.

A magical passage shining with golden light appeared in front of them.

Stepping inside, Jino found that they had arrived at a dark tavern.

"here it is?"

Looking around, Jino quickly saw a familiar face.

The moment he walked into the tavern, countless people stood up.

"It's him."

"It's Geno Luther."

"We made it!"

The crowd erupted in cheers.

It can be seen that everyone is very excited about Geno's return.

"Yeah, I'm back."

Gino took a glass of whiskey from the bar of the pub and drank it in one gulp. He threw his body into the sofa in distress and said with a serious expression: "Now who can tell me what happened during this time?"


Gino glanced at Hawkgirl in the crowd.

The black girl smiled and stood up and said, "Mr. Keno, we are currently at the outpost hidden in the magic pocket dimension - the Oblivion Bar."

"The orangutan sitting at the bar is the owner of this bar - Master Bobo."

Gino looked at the crowd surrounding him and saw a monkey holding a pipe and wearing a detective coat?


The boy smiled and gave the monkey a smile.

"The current situation is like this." Kendra began to explain: "It started a week ago."

"When Barbatos rang the bell tower, the whole world almost fell into his control."

"He sent his dark knights to control various important cities."

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