The Curtain of Hasshet.

Huge coffins are placed throughout the gloomy and dark tomb.


A hook rope fell from the sky, and then, Batman stood on the dark land with his bat cape roaring.

“This is where it originated.”

Batman squinted his eyes and looked at the murals outlined throughout the tomb. They recorded the story of the bird tribe robbing the bat tribe in ancient times.

"But where are the clues?"

Batman looked around, but suddenly, an unfounded sense of crisis made his scalp tingle.

Without any hesitation, Batman rolled on the spot.

As the figure swayed, several daggers glowing with cold light passed by the armor on the back, piercing the mud wall with strong force and embedded in it.

Batman turned his head and saw the owl pattern carved on the end of the dagger.


Before Batman could react, a cold and cruel laughter came from the dark corridor.

"It's been a long time coming."

Batman squinted into the darkness.

Black goggles allow him to easily see through the darkness.

In the darkness, he saw several guys wearing black robes, with ferocious twisted skeleton masks on their heads, and holding bat staffs moving slowly out.

The skin on their exposed arms was pale.

The leader's voice was hoarse and deep.

"It has been so long since we set our sights on you, great woman, our ancient priest, who serves the Dark God Barbatos in your name."

"We owls have been waiting for a long time, just for this day to come, and the curtain is ready."

"Now it's upon us."

Listening to the words of these priests, Batman quietly put his hand close to his waist and asked with a puzzled attitude: "How did you plan all this?"

As expected, it seems that all villains have an inexplicable desire to share.

The leading priest smiled, opened his arms and said, "What we have to do is very simple, hidden in the torrent of history."

"That's what the Court of Owls does best."

Several figures in suits and ties, wearing pure white owl masks, walked out from behind the priests with a playful tone.

"We know you massacred those idiots in Gotham City."

"But the Court of Owls is endless."

"And now will be the time you pay the price."

As the sound fell, the priests raised their scepters.

The slender scepter erupted into a deep black stream of light.

These pure evil thoughts covered the entire tomb like flowing water, rushing towards Batman's feet.


Without giving Batman a chance to resist, the sludge in the darkness grabbed him and enveloped him at extremely fast speeds.


Batman raised his hand with difficulty, knowing he had been fooled.

However, it was too late.

The blood is drained by dark energy.

The tall figure flickered and gradually dissipated like a black hole, replaced by a blood-red channel from which dark energy emerged.

"The passage opens and Batman becomes the entrance!"

The members of the Court of Owls screamed, staring intently at the dark passage.

"Hail, Barbatos will reward us!"

"He will imprison the world in chains, and we will follow his rule!"

A group of people were celebrating around the dark bloody passage, but one of them heard a "swishing" sound coming from the passage.

"Shut up, everyone, I heard his voice!"

People were breathing heavily.

"He's coming, him!"

Before anyone could recover, a fishy smell mixed with the smell of blood hit their faces.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Accompanied by ear-piercing evil laughter and crazy roars, several figures suddenly jumped out of the passage.

Wearing black cloaks and red Robin uniforms, but with extremely pale and twisted faces, the monsters opened their fangs and lunged at the men in suits wearing owl masks.


Sharp teeth tearing apart flesh and blood.

The Robins who were supposed to be the embodiment of justice were now like greedy and crazy hounds on the African savannah, feasting on the owls.

"Click, click!"

The weird sound of chewing raw meat.

"Hehehe, calm down, my children."

With the flickering of light and shadow.

One after another, figures walked out through the blood-red passage.

A Batgirl wearing a medieval suspender dress and holding a trident that symbolizes Neptune.

A terrifying monster with a ferocious face that is somewhat similar to Doomsday. The remaining bat marks hanging on the muscles indicate that it is Doomsday Batman.

A metallic Batman constructed from nanotechnology.

There is also a emaciated Speedy Batman with black lightning flashing around him.

A Batman flying in mid-air with a dark green ring on his hand.

But the most eye-catching thing is Batman standing in the center with a twisted smile and pale face makeup.

He seems to be laughing forever. If people in Gotham City saw him, they would probably think he was Batman dressed as the Joker.

"Hehe, we finally arrived in this universe."

He turned around and said to the huge figure in the dark corridor: "Great Barbatos, we will complete your mission."

"But now."

Batman, who had a twisted smile, slowly knelt down and cut out a piece of metal emitting a faint blue light from the ground.

He burst out laughing, laughing so hard he laughed: "But now, let us bring the world a dark slumber!"

He tapped the strange metal.




A long and strange melody penetrated everything, reverberating in the wilderness like a melodious flute.

But what is even more terrifying than the sound of the flute is that this vibration spreads through everything in the world and through every corner.


A gentle female voice sounded.


Gino slowly opened his eyes.

Surrounded by very familiar buildings and facilities.

In a huge circus, an elephant trapped in a cage is rolling up a banana with its trunk and putting it in its mouth to taste.

A little girl with long light blue hair was looking at him with a smile.

The girl shook the rabbit in her hand and said, "Let me do a magic trick for you."

Seeing the girl showing two small tiger teeth when she smiled, Jino rubbed his head.

"Are you Zatanna?"

"Yes, it's me?" The girl tilted her head: "Why don't you remember that we were in the circus?"

"Ah, of course I remember."

Jino looked down at his little hands. He always felt that he had forgotten something.

It seems that I have forgotten something very important!

"Geno Luther."

A faint voice sounded in his ears.

"Leader of the Justice League."

"The world needs you, don't indulge in dark illusions, wake up! Wake up!"

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