Troublesome things always come one after another.

Get out of this apartment.

A teenager in a black trench coat is unhappy strolling through the streets of London with his companion, brainless Clark.

This time, Jino was smart and cast a disguise magic on the two of them.

So just from an outsider’s perspective,

Only two ordinary people could be seen.

"Diana, Lana."

Gino held his chin and let the London autumn wind blow his clothes.

"An ancestor has witch blood."

"A daughter of Zeus on a paradise island."

"Is there any connection between them?"

"Have it?"

Gino seemed to be asking Clark, but also seemed to be asking himself.

"Uh, they are all women?" Clark tilted his head and said the obvious information.

Keno took out his cell phone.

He saw the time displayed on the phone screen.

Glancing at the message list again, the young man frowned slightly.

"Something's wrong."

Clark tilted his head: "What's wrong?"

"In the past, Zatanna would send me messages during this time."

Keno flipped through the refresh message list on his phone.

Still no message from Zatanna.

"Something's wrong."

Gino repeated his words again.

He raised his hand slightly and opened a space portal glowing with blue light.

"Come with me."

Clark followed.

Another familiar feeling of dizziness came over me.

When the two stepped out of the portal.

This is a medium-sized house.

It was filled with all kinds of strange magic equipment.

There is a retractable magic hat.

There is also a magic crowbar and an iron box that transforms into a living person.

The surface of these magic props is not covered with dust, which proves that the owner of the house cleans them regularly.

But Zatanna was nowhere to be seen in the entire magic house.

The girl with long blue hair was not sitting in front of the dressing table.

"Zatanna also disappeared?" Clark glanced at Gino, but saw the young man's face was gloomy and terrifying, and the magic energy flickering in his hand proved that everything that happened in this room had been blocked.


Jino took a deep breath and the young man shook his head: "I haven't suffered a setback for a long time, which makes me a little uncomfortable."

He no longer looked at the furnishings in this room: "Follow me, let's go to another place."

Jino waved his hand, opened another space channel, and led Clark into it.


A bar.

Feasting and feasting.

Crowds of people.

Men and women of all colors swayed to each other on the dance floor.

"Wow, handsome guy, want to play together?"

on the dance floor,

Keno and Clark walked between men and women on the dance floor.

Many people's eyes lit up after seeing the strong bodies and perfect figures of Geno and Clark.

Not just women, but even men.

It can only be said that those who can hang out in bars are not good men and women.

"Sorry, give in."

Compared to Gino's rampage, Clark seems much shyer.

Whenever he rubbed something, a blush would appear on his face.

Clark followed the boy through the crowd and they came to the bar.

Under the lights illuminated by colorful lights, a young man with a thin face was staring at Gino and Clark with cannibalistic eyes.

"The scum who stole the power of Krypton!"

"The bastard who betrayed Krypton!"

"Haier?" Clark looked at the upright man in a tuxedo and suit with a surprised look on his face. He didn't understand why he appeared in such a place.

"Weren't you handed over to Lucifer by Gino?"

"That's right."

A soft voice sounded behind Clark, and then, a perfect cheek appeared in Clark's field of vision.

The breathtakingly beautiful face chuckled, put a hand on Clark's shoulder and said, "But my bar lacked a bar, so I let him do it."

"you you?"

Clark looked at this being who was too beautiful to distinguish between male and female, his heart beat faster and his face turned red.

The big boy could only focus on Jino and pray for help from his friends.

Jino sighed, the boy's eyes lit up with silver light, and he looked into Lucifer's golden eyes: "Lucifer, if you don't want your bar to be renovated, don't tempt my friends."

"Ho ho ho, it's just a joke."

Looking at Gino's performance, Lucifer smiled and let go of his hand on Clark's shoulder, casually grabbed a bottle of whiskey from Hale and drank it in one gulp.

As the king who was sent to hell by God to rule it, Lucifer did not do his job very well during this period.

He gave up his duty to be in charge of hell and came to live freely on earth.

As for things in hell, he was given full control of his admirer Maizi.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

The man stuck out his tongue and licked the wine stains at the corner of his mouth.

"Ask you something."

Gino pushed the chair away and sat on it, staring at Lucifer and said, "Three of my friends are missing."


"A being whose ancestors have the blood of witches, an Amazon demigod."

"And the heir to the irony magic."

Listening to Jino's story, Lucifer raised his eyebrows.


He tilted his head and said, "These three girls are all related to magic."


Clark didn't explain: "But Amazon..."

Lucifer raised his hand to interrupt Clark: "The Amazons are a Greek pantheon, and the divine power possessed by their leader Zeus is the original primitive magic."

Jino raised his eyebrows: "So they are all related to magic, right?"

"That's right."


Lucifer pursed his lips and smiled: "I only know so much."

"As for the truth behind the disappearance of these girls..."

Lucifer raised his finger and pointed at the sky, shook his head with a smile and said, "You can only ask that damn dad of mine."

"Damn daddy?"

Clark looked at the sky, and then his expression became shocked as he thought of something.

All I can say is that he is truly worthy of Lucifer, and even God dares to scold him.

"Okay, got it."

After getting the required information, many clues flashed through Jino's mind.

The black witch, or some other bigger crisis?

The two stood up and said goodbye to Lucifer.

They walked out of the bar where they had been partying all night.


Pushing open the glass door, Clark looked at the dim sky around him in surprise.

It was obviously still daytime when I walked in, but it was already dark when I came out.

"Don't be nervous, that bar is a dimensional space divided by Lucifer's magic, where the flow of time is different from the current world."

Jino explained to Clark, but it made Clark envious. He swallowed his saliva and looked at Jino and asked: "Then do you think I can learn magic?"

Clark fantasized about the scene in his mind, crushing fireballs with his own hands, controlling his time at will, and just thinking about it felt stronger than hand-to-hand combat.

"Feel sorry."

Before Clark could think about it, Gino's voice interrupted Clark.

"I'm not trying to hit you, brother." Gino patted Clark on the shoulder and said, "Unlike learning, magic depends entirely on talent."

"If you are born with something, you will have it. If you were born without something, you will never have it in this life."

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