The town of Smallville.

"Mr. Keno, I don't mean to interrupt your conversation with Mr. Lex."

A virtual image of the singer popped up on the phone, and a human figure made of blue particles flashed and looked at the boy with an expressionless face.

"What's wrong? Singer?"

Gino hung up the phone with Lex. Just now, Lex called to say that he had discovered a strange crystal.

Keno's attitude towards this is to be cautious and wait-and-see.

"According to the latest news from Mr. Bart from inside the Justice League Hall."

"Ms. Diana, who was supposed to be on duty at the Justice League Hall on Monday, did not show up."

Because of the special nature of the Justice League, several people usually take turns to sit at the Justice League headquarters.

Batman is never late,

Clark would play games with Bart.

As for Diana,

As an Amazon who advocates force and order.

Even though Batman might be late she wouldn't be late.

"I have a hunch."

The boy hung up the phone and looked up at Clark, who was feasting on a piece of steak on the other side of the table: "Something is not good."

Listening to Kino's words, Clark's hand holding the fork trembled slightly. He reluctantly swallowed the steak in his mouth and rolled his eyes at Kino: "Honestly, you should wait until I finish eating."

Clark sighed and said, "Look, after I learned the news, I felt like the steak in my mouth no longer tasted good."

Well, after staying with Gino for a long time, Clark's taste has improved a lot.

"I know what you mean."

Jino sighed: "But that's how our universe is,"

"We are facing big events all the time, because stories are the key to the survival of this universe."

“Without a story, it dies.”

Gino stood up and patted Clark on the shoulder: "Let's go, let's go to Diana's house and take a look."


The big boy grabbed the remaining steaks on the table, and ignored the English gentleman's manners, and wiped out the steaks on the plate in three strokes.

Clark followed Gino into the space channel opened by the singer.

After walking into the illusion-like scene, with the light flickering, when Keno and Clark stepped out of the space tunnel, they were already standing in a clean and tidy room.

From the arrangement of tables, chairs and benches to the arrangement of knives, forks and dishcloths, one can easily infer the owner's inner desire for order.

"I didn't expect Diana's room to be so neat."

Clark stepped across the bench and glanced at the photo album on the table.

In the black and white photo album, Keno and the woman are smiling.


Clark retracted his original steps and looked at the photos on the table with a shocked expression.

He looked at Gino, then at the young man in the photo, and tilted his head: "Have your grandpa met Diana?"

"that's me."

Gino ignored Clark and opened his hands to connect with the magic of heaven.

Golden magic covered the entire room like a silken cobweb.

The surge of magic energy recalls everything that happened before.


But it's like a torn silk thread, and like a broken kite.

The past should be present in the present, but it is empty.

"what happened?"

Clark couldn't help but widen his eyes as he watched the magic thread in Gino's hand explode into a stream of debris and dissipate in the air.

He had never seen Geno miss.

The young man's face was heavy, he glanced at Clark and said:

"There was a powerful energy block that erased what happened here."

"And the existence that can erase my power proves that the opponent's strength is not weak."

While the two were discussing the clues at the scene, Clark's cell phone rang in his pocket.

The older boy took out his cell phone and answered the call.

"Huh? I'm Clark."

"you say."

"What!? Lana is missing?"

Clark held up his cell phone dully and looked at Keno with a blank expression.

After hanging up the phone, his thick eyebrows and big eyes showed a hint of sadness that could not be eliminated.

"Kino, this is a call from Lana's boyfriend. He said Lana is missing."

"Do you know the address?"

Jino sighed, and the familiar feeling appeared in his heart again, like an invisible web sweeping over him like a conspiracy.

Clark nodded and said:

"I know, it's at Lane 16, East Street."

Lane 16, East Street, is not far from Diana's apartment.

"Let's go over and take a look."

Gino opened the door and led Clark out of the apartment.

Walking on the streets of London, England, I don't see the so-called customs and customs, but there are quite a few criminals with non-white skin colors.

Robbery and theft abound.

However, these little bandits turned into good, law-abiding citizens the moment they saw Jino appear.

When many people saw the two, they immediately took out their mobile phones and wanted to take a photo.

"I kind of understand."

Clark pushed through the crowd with difficulty and followed Gino. The biological force field raised by the boy blocked all citizens who wanted to get close to the two of them.

"Okay, let's run over there."

Gino spread his legs and his figure flashed across the road like a bolt of lightning, followed closely by Clark.

In just a moment, when the two stopped walking, they were already standing in front of an apartment door.

Looking at the "401" house number written on the apartment, Clark swallowed and reached out to knock on the door.

"Da da da~"

There was a knock on the door.


The original door opened, and a brown-haired young man stood inside the door, rubbing his hair.

"You are?"

His eyes moved away from Clark's face and landed on Geno's face. His face suddenly filled with joy: "Geno Luther!"

The young man let out a high-pitched scream. He immediately turned around and took out the marker from the table, his voice trembling: "I am your fan!"

"Oh." Gino shrugged and wrote his name on the man's white shirt with a marker. The boy patted Clark on the shoulder and said, "This is Clark, who is also Lana's friend."

"Can you tell us the details?"

"Of course!" The man nodded and stepped aside: "Please follow me."

The furniture in this apartment was neatly arranged, but the messy underwear left on the sofa still made Clark look a little pale.

Although he said he didn't care, in his mind Bai Yueguang was living with someone else.

This fact still made Clark feel jealous.

Gino was in no mood to comfort Clark.

He listened to Lana's boyfriend tell what happened.

"So you are saying that she went into the bathroom to take a shower and then disappeared."

The man nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, that's right."

"That's it."

In the huge living room, Jino lowered his head and looked at the flash of magic energy in his hand.

As before in Diana's room, the retrospect magic does not work in this room.


Clark moved his steps and walked to the boy. He had just started thinking and decided to ask his friend:

"What do we do next?"

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