Chapter 400 Still want to get organs?

“The patient is on the verge of death, and should he take his organs?” Stephen said as he threw the information in his hand at the patient’s feet.

West was full of apologies, “Do you want me to help?”

“Doctor Palmer will help me.” Stephen doesn’t have much hostility towards West. This kind of person has spent his entire life on medical treatment. His misdiagnosis was only because of his poor ability, but he was already on the path of medicine. After walking for a decade or two, he didn’t need to ruin the other party’s job.

Any medical staff of an umbrella company, they have been studying in a prestigious school for several years before they formally go to work. The most basic doctor is a master’s degree and has undergone clinical studies for two years or more before they can be the chief surgeon.

Before the main sword, if it is an ordinary person, it would take until the age of thirty-five or even forty to be promoted to the main sword.

Every doctor who is not bad-hearted and law-abiding is a precious resource for the entire society. After all, the training cost of every doctor is too high.

Stephen does not have this idle time to report a misdiagnosis to a doctor in his early forties. With this kind of thing, he will most likely not perform diagnosis work in the future. Such doctors with misdiagnosis experience will generally be transferred to the second line to help new doctors. 02 Conduct basic medical training.

Sterilization and sterilization use brand-new medical tools. Stephen and Dr. Palmer have already put on them and started a series of monitoring of patients in the operating room.

Dr. Palmer also has a wealth of clinical experience, and this time she is mainly working as an assistant to Dr. Stephen. After all, the two have a relatively tacit cooperation experience, so the current work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Sterilize, disinfect, remove the hair near the wound, designate the cutting area, clean the wound, deliver surgical tools, and prepare a disposable medical kit.

Dr. West finally came in. This time he just stood far away, observing Dr. Stephen’s tactics. He didn’t dare to get too close, worrying about an accident.

Stephen’s hands are on the table, and his feet have already stepped on the ground instruments. His ability to control the body is surprisingly adept.

With a slight stepping, Stephen can accurately grasp the output power of the instrument.

The output power of the electrosurgical knife can be very smoothly maintained at 75,000 revolutions per minute under Stephen’s footsteps. This extremely fast speed will cause a wide range of wounds if the hand shakes a little, not only difficult to heal, but also It may cause heavy bleeding or even cut to extremely troublesome bones.

Stephen has finally completed the basic craniotomy. This file size is already the limit for him. No matter how small he is, he can’t perform surgery.

Palmer breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no major bleeding from the craniotomy, but it was not over yet, the next step was just beginning. “Immediately proceed with image navigation.

“I don’t see any time.” Stephen glanced at the screen of the device beside him, and he had already figured out the patient’s condition.

He has been delayed too long due to misdiagnosis, and now he can only take risks.

“You can’t get started directly.”

Stephen shook his head, “I definitely can get started directly, after all, I’m fighting for time with Death God.”

West also feels that Steven is too risky. Craniotomy is a very difficult task. If it is performed directly by hand without using an instrument, it may directly cause hemorrhage in the brain and even cause irreparable damage to the brain.

“Stephen, you are too risky.”

“Who declared that he was dead ten minutes ago?”

There was something wrong with the atmosphere in the operating room. Palmer had no choice but to skillfully turn on the various projection equipment, and then helped Steven put on the surgical glasses.

Stephen originally had good eyesight, and he is now wearing a double lens that can magnify the target. This can help him see the wound site more clearly.

“The intracranial nerves are intact.” Stephen finished speaking with a pair of pliers that Palmer had handed over.

This kind of pliers has a diameter of about three millimeters in two lanes, the body of the pliers is bent at ninety degrees, and the length is about twenty centimeters. This kind of pliers is used to hold the bullets and is Stephen’s best choice at the moment.

He should observe the location of the wound according to his hand while observing the location of the wound with the instrument on his side.

This kind of work can only be carried out in depth according to the caliber of the wound with clamps. Once the position is deviated, his clamp pierces the patient’s brain. Not to mention play, it may directly lead to the death of the patient.

Stephen stopped at this time, “Doctor West, your watch is too loud.”

West was a little nervous, he quickly used his left hand to cover the mechanical watch on his right wrist.

Although this kind of mechanical watch is fashionable, every beating can be heard very clearly in this quiet environment.

Stephen’s clamp went deeper. Because of the large-scale shadows in the next screen, he could only judge according to his own hand.

Then he felt that his clamp seemed to be heavier, which was a few more grams. Feeling this subtle change, Stephen knew that his clamp had caught the bullet. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to draw slowly toward the outside of the wound.

On the instrument next to him 930, the bullet in the shadow was just sucked out by the clamp.

It is said to be sucking, but it is actually the mouth of the clamp biting the groove at the tail of the bullet. Normal bullets are emitted from a firearm, and the gunpowder in the groove of the tail will be excited by the firing pin, and the tail is flat when viewed from the side.

But looking from the back of the bullet, you will find that the tail of the bullet has become empty. This is the case with the gunpowder bullet. The impact produced by the bullet’s tail is used to cause the gunpowder inside the bullet to explode to generate propelling force.

Stephen took out the bullet with the clamp in his hand, and his heart was full of accomplishment. He took Palmer and the two to quickly complete the subsequent stitching work.

Since his suboccipital craniotomy is very perfect, he can glue the excised skull fragments with only medical glue in the follow-up. You only need to let the patient rest quietly for three to four months, and the incision on the suboccipital skull will be complete. heal.

Stephen and Palmer’s explanation made the family members of the patients waiting in the hospital weep with joy. They thought that their family was going to die, but finally they knew that it was not over yet and their family could still be reunited with them.

“It seems we have accomplished another good deed.” Palmer was a little proud.

Stephen, who was leaving with Palmer, nodded. “After work, I also like to help patients more within the scope of Ability.”.

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