Chapter 399 It’s really saved, no kidding

Stephen Strange can feel the admiration of those peers outside the observation window, and he himself enjoys this feeling of admiration very much.

May I ask which outstanding genius does not enjoy this kind of high-profile feeling?

So it’s the same with him. While examining the wound of the patient in front of him, he called his assistant Billy. “Here is a difficult one, Billy.

Billy is a staff member who is sitting in front of the computer desk with his back on the operating table to monitor the equipment. During the operation, he needs to keep an eye on whether the various equipment can be used normally, so he only needs to have enough patience to stare at the computer screen. The screen will do.

Billy glanced at the screen, the surgical equipment on it and the various monitoring in the operating room were in good condition, and then he switched songs to his mobile phone.

Stephen is a little bit “nine and twenty-seven”, he still heard the song after listening to it for a few seconds. “Billy, stop kidding me.

“No kidding.

“Just like a spring breeze’ Chuckmangioni, Nian, to be honest, Billy has a hard time.”

“Haha, it’s the year.” “Billy turned around, showing a pure black screen behind him, as well as white letters jumping on the black screen.

Stephen is very confident in his memory, which is also his pride as a surgical operation. If a surgeon doesn’t even believe in himself, then how can he do a challenging operation?” “Definitely not. Although “Ru Mu Chun Feng” is on the charts of the year, the album is released every month and year. . ”

Proportion is still preparing to explain, but Stephen still insists on his own point of view.

The doctor on the side was also a little helpless at this time, “Why do you have so many useless things in your mind?”

“Nothing, this buddy made it into the top ten with a trumpet. Have you checked it out? Billy.”

Billy checked it a few more times at the end and found it to be the case. “Well, it is indeed 1977.

Under Stephen’s operation, the parts of the patient that need to be treated have been properly handled. At this time, a doctor was waving his hand at the window outside the operating table.

Stephen is very familiar with her personality, knowing that there is definitely something urgent to find him.

“Well, your work is complete, and I can leave the rest to me.” The doctor on the side also noticed what was outside the window, so he also took the other’s tools.

The rest of the work is very simple, just disinfection, and re-suturing.

Compared with the resection of the lesion, and avoiding massive bleeding in the cavity, it can be regarded as a very easy task.

“Ok, thanks.”

Stephen left the operating room quickly. He took off the doctor’s apron and mask he had used.

“What’s the situation?” Stephen said as he saw the tablet in front of him, where it showed the patient’s skull and a light scan of the whole body. “Are you still alive in this situation?”

“It should be a gunshot wound. Roar was suspended. The brainstem examination and Roar inhalation test failed.” Palmer is a very young and beautiful doctor. In addition to the responsibilities that doctors have to care for patients, her medical skills It is only slightly weaker than Stephen on the front line.

Stephen looked at the tablet in his hand, and then he saw an object with a length of about one centimeter and a diameter of about three or four millimeters, with a sharp front end and a flat rear end appearing at the position of the skull in the patient’s scan.

When he saw this place, he guessed it must be a bullet. “I know what the problem is, Dr. Palmer. One more bullet has not been taken out.”

“Thank you, the medulla oblongata may have been injured here. I need an expert, Nick diagnosed his brain death. But I really don’t think it’s right.”

“Then we need to hurry up.”

Stephen felt the urgency of time. After all, there are always a few doctors in the world who really possess cutting-edge medical skills, and there are so many injuries and diseases that patients face life-threatening diseases that are too many to count.

This kind of complicated situation is very complicated for every doctor, even a doctor with decades of rich surgical experience can hardly guarantee that he will not make mistakes.

Even if today’s medicine has been classified in a very detailed manner, even so, there are still countless patients who are difficult to be rescued by medical treatment in hospitals all over the world.

Stephen and Palmer trot at extreme speeds in the hospital.This kind of running speed is already at the limit in the hospital.No matter how fast the speed is, it is likely to directly collide with the patient in the bed that may appear from the corner. .

“Doctor West, what are you doing.”

“Take the organ, he is the donor.” Dr. West is leading his assistant here, pushing the patient with the hanging needle towards the distance. The patient who has been diagnosed as dead should get a good organ as soon as possible. Excise and save.

After all, the patient who died next to him was a donor, and this type of donor is very common at the tip of rice grains.

This is a great act that can benefit their family or the entire country. If it is a free donation, then their country will remember this citizen. If it is a paid donation, then patients who have donated organs at the national level will give this donation. A generous compensation from the family.

Dr. Palmer stood in front of Dr. West, and her height did not have the advantage when facing Dr. West. But in order to save the patient’s life, she must fight for reasons. “Hold on, I haven’t agreed to this kind of thing.”

“You don’t need your consent, I have confirmed that he is brain dead.”

Stephen’s hand also grabbed the corner of the hospital bed. His palm only held the railing of the hospital bed, preventing Dr. West from retreating the hospital bed and the patient on the bed. “The conclusion is too early, we are going to prepare him for a 4.3 craniotomy under the head.”

Dr. West also held a piece of medical data in his hand, “I won’t let you operate on a Deadman.

“Look at this, this is a bullet, a complete bullet, a bullet reinforced, reinforced by metallic lead and metallic antimony, it is a toxic alloy, when its toxicity enters the cerebrospinal fluid directly.”

“Acute onset, the central nervous system stops reflexes.” West’s forehead has been startled with cold sweats. If someone knows that his misdiagnosis caused the death of a patient, then there is definitely a risk of suspension.

If the patient’s family members are still unforgiving, he is likely to go to jail.

Palmer took the small flashlight in her hand and illuminated the patient’s pupils. After confirming that the pupils were not dilated, she breathed a sigh of relief. “Let’s go, hurry up.”

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