Chapter 364 The unknown battle

“Boss, if we make such a big movement, it won’t have any effect on us, right”

“Hehe, Shadow Watch, as the name suggests, is… to guard in the shadows. Although our actions are during the day, our public relations have solved all the worries of the future! You can rest assured and do it boldly!”

“Come on! Then I’m not welcome! Yesterday’s game was really not addictive! Playing with these guys today, I have to have a good time!”

Rogers’ words, Ino wanted to laugh.

There are so many knots, he is still worried about the fishing boat.

If this kind of thing is not arranged in advance, how can Ino casually launch such a big war? Shadow Watch is not like the previous S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. It is an organization that is publicly available.

He who exists in the shadows, often uses the most concealed means to complete various tasks.

The scene in front of you is completely ino’s last resort.

After being killed by someone of one of his own bases, and not completely fighting back, how can he calm the emotions of many Shadow Watch soldiers and agents.

For this battle, Ino even spent more than one billion yuan to carry out a series of preparatory activities such as evacuation of people at the place where the battle took place.

Their battle was carried out completely without the people’s knowledge.

……..At this time, the injured Yamamoto Musashi and several super elders of the hand confederation held a very solemn ceremony.

In the center of the ninety-nine tall pillars, they splashed their blood on the ground, and then poured countless magical energy to connect with a certain strange world.

This ritual is called the Necro Summoning Ceremony.

It’s a super big move for Shouhehui.

Those summoned back are actually not all undead.

This group of resurrected members are all members who died before the Shouhehui, as well as many guys with strong combat power.

Such a resurrection cannot restore the consciousness of the dead to the previous state like their conventional resurrection methods.

These… the resurrected guys will become puppets with no thoughts, and they will be completely used by the senior leaders of the association.

In this way, the hand union that controls the magical power has survived again and again in battles, and continues to this day.

It’s a pity that this time, they ran into Ino and the Shadow Watch he led.

At this time, most of the members of the Hand-Held Association had already been wiped out by the Shadow Watch warriors.

Very few guys are still using the advantages and familiarity of the terrain to fight Shadow Watch.

Ino floated high in the air, the golden light dazzling like a scorching sun.

There are gods here to hold the ground, and those…the warriors of Shadow Watch are also full of enthusiasm.(Read more @

“Cut, it will be wiped out so quickly! It’s boring”

Tony in the mask said to himself arrogantly.

His Iron Legion, in a short period of time, relied on powerful firepower to suppress and wiped out a small number of the members of the gang.

I thought it would be a grand battle, but in the end it was just a casual pastime.

Faced with this situation, Tony was obviously disappointed.

Also disappointed is Ino himself.

Originally, he wanted to fight Yamamoto Musashi, but he was slipped away by that guy.

“Search the underground! Don’t have any slippery fish!”

The warriors of Shadow Watch began to explore the underground.

After all, these guys seem to be… bugs that can’t see the sun, and they always like to drill in dark corners like underground or treetops.

Just when everyone was aggressive and wanted to rush into the underground to fight again, the originally silent underground suddenly heard bursts of roars.

The roar was full of coldness and anger, and the listener trembled.

“Sure enough, there is still something!”

Ino felt this strange feeling for the first time, and he snapped his fingers to the surface of the Shouhehui headquarters.

He quietly listened to the voice of the underground, judging the enemy’s situation.


Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded behind him.

A body two meters high broke through layers of brick walls and jumped up from the ground.

“Be careful! Everyone, be careful of your feet!”

At that moment, Ino felt the crisis for the first time.

This worry is not for him, but for all the Shadow Watch fighters present.

The guy who sprang out from the ground just now is not something to provoke at first glance.

On his body, there is also a powerful force beyond the understanding of natural science to support him.

“Da da da-da da da -”

Shadow Watch’s firepower was madly output on that guy, but there was no sign of his injury.

With a tall figure, almost every time he shot, a soldier of the Shadow Watch was injured.

The situation was critical, and Ino couldn’t care about the face of a god, and directly struck the monster with a lightning strike.

Sure enough, this shocking thunder directly blasted him into pieces and scattered them everywhere.

“Retreat first! Retreat first! Don’t go head-to-head with them!”

Ino shouted loudly, continuously destroying the undead legions that sprang from the ground.

These guys are shrouded in gray magical energy, their eyes are hollow, they don’t have any thoughts, only the instinct of endless killing.

In the face of such unnatural struggles, Ino certainly won’t let his people die in vain.

In this case, it is better to leave it to them with extraordinary strength.

“Hahahahaha! Undead army! Destroy them all for me! Combine hands to dominate the earth! Hahahaha!”

The arrogant laughter suddenly sounded from the ground.

The owner of this laughter is the chairman of the hand-to-hand association, Yamamoto Musashi.

He successfully awakened the undead army.Although he lost the last few senior elders of the hand union, he got a group of undead army that was not afraid of death.

With such an army, if you want to fight Shadow Watch, wouldn’t it be easy, at least Yamamoto Musashi thought.

As for whether the specific situation can meet his expectations, it depends on Ino’s meaning.

“Tony! Protect everyone from retreating! Give these guys here to me and Wanda!”

“I’ll help you too!”

At the critical moment, Gaia pulled out from the battle on the side and flew directly to Ino’s side.

As an extraordinary powerhouse created by Ino, Gaia also has good combat abilities.

The task of dealing with the crisis of the undead army was all handed over to the three of them.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend, and share!,

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