Chapter 363 Shadow Watch and the Dispute of Shouhehui

“Boss, our missiles are basically empty! Other places are almost the same.”

“Hehe, don’t rush in first, they must have left a hand underground! Unlock the permission of the latest gopher missile, and teach this group of magic ninjas a good lesson!”


Max smiled, and conveyed his order for Ino again.

Gopher missile, as the name implies, is… a ground-to-ground missile with a ground penetration function.

As early as the early days of Stark Industry, such missiles have been used in the military of major countries.

It’s just that the degree of their penetration at that time was not comparable to those of Shadow Watch now…

Soon, a dozen gopher missiles rose into the sky from the launch pads of fighter planes and ships, and flew again toward the headquarters where the association began.

At this time, Yamamoto Musashi didn’t know what a terrifying offensive they were facing.

“call out…!”

There was a sharp howling first, and the gopher missile slammed down the ground from the air.

Immediately afterwards, a strange white eye rose from the ruins.

Just as everyone was looking forward to what will happen next, the headquarters of the Shouhehui once again lifted up a cloud of dust.

A dull sound came quietly from the ground.

The terrible roars and screams constantly echoed in everyone’s minds.

The members of Yamamoto Musashi’s hand-in-hand association were killed and injured by this sudden ground penetrating missile.

“Damn it! God! I have to show you today! What is power…!!!”

Seeing the bombed stumps of his subordinates flying around, Yamamoto Musashi yelled and rose into the sky like a shooting star.

Black and red magical energy surrounds his body.

Wanda’s pupils suddenly shrank at the moment he saw him.

Sure enough, the magic absorption array that day still absorbed some of Wanda’s chaotic magic.

Whether Yamamoto Musashi possesses chaos magic, whether Wanda is his opponent has become an unknown.

“Everyone, kill me: Hehui’s lair, completely wipe them from the earth! This guy, leave it to me!”

A sly smile suddenly appeared on Ino’s face.

Divine Wings suddenly inflamed from behind him, his whole body exuding golden light, and he slowly flew out from the hatch of the fighter plane.(Read more @

“God! I’ve got my hands together, I’ve never provoke you, why are you aiming at us like this”

“Because you have mastered terrifying technology. If you don’t erase those things from your hands, sooner or later it will cause disaster!”

“Humph! Nonsense! We are all hands-on and law-abiding…”

“Hammer, Yamamoto Musashi, if you are really a qualified boss, hurry up and fight with me! Look at your little brothers, you can’t die again!”

“Huh, god, don’t be too conceited!”

Yamamoto Musashi chuckled, and threw out the purple ninja suit he was wearing.

His body is completely different from that of a normal person.

On the dark purple skin, countless stitching lines are all over the body, and the whole person does not look a little bloody.

At that moment, Ino finally understood the meaning of a word.

Living dead! This Yamamoto Musashi is probably the masterpiece of their resurrection.

“Our hands are joined together, we have powerful magical powers, and want to head-to-head with us, you Shadow Watch, still tender!”

Yamamoto Musashi sneered, squeezed out two magic spheres with both hands, and threw them straight toward Ino.

Feeling the terrifying power in the air, Ino didn’t panic at all.

With his right hand, the giant sword quietly condensed out of his body, and his left hand also controlled the power of thunder and lightning.

The two energy balls were directly bombarded by the same powerful thunder and lightning.

Two soaring water jets were raised on the sea.

If that kind of power really acts on Ino’s body, I’m afraid he will be a little bit too much.

Yamamoto Musashi doesn’t have the cool wings like Ino, but he can still fly freely in the air.

This alone is something that even Ino admires.

The two fought fiercely in the air, and Ino’s huge sword kept slashing at Yamamoto Musashi, but it was always blocked by the red chaotic magical energy.

He, who has mastered magic power for many years, is not as easy to deal with as his…little brothers.

“Tenjin, it’s nothing more than that! If I can change a piece of skin, can I be called a deity too”

“Hehe, of course not! You dead trash!”

Ino sneered, and at the same time the giant sword shot, the power of thunder and lightning followed.

The double blow immediately disrupted Yamamoto Musashi’s defense, and was directly hit by Ino and plunged into the sea.

The ground battlefield not far away was filled with gunfire and various magic lights everywhere.

Stark’s Iron Legion and Ino’s Biomechanical Lady, frantically solve the ninjas who are starting to meet.

Although they are in control of magic, they have a certain effect on the physical body, but for the machines without fear, they are actually of little use.

Tens of thousands of members of the Union were killed by the first round of artillery fire at the beginning.

Later gopher missiles directly reduced their number by nearly 30%.

The remaining members of the Shouhehui basically only have less than 80% of the fighting power left.

In addition to the fact that Shadow Watch has a lot of combat power and advanced weapons, this group of guys who are good at magic have fallen into a disadvantage.

Except for… the situation in the headquarters is like this, the other places where the hands-on meetings gather are also facing the same serious problems.

The Shadow Watch team has rushed to the inside of their gathering place, aggressively attacking, determined to eliminate this group of parasites on the earth in this battle.

The end of the Shouhehui has already reached their heads under Ino’s guidance.

“Damn it! Get me ready for the army of the undead!!!”

“President, let’s withdraw first! In a word of Huaguo, if you leave the green hills, you don’t have to worry about not having firewood!”

“Fuck off! Prepare an army of undead for me! I will join hands together, and today I will be famous and be famous!!!”

Yamamoto Musashi, who fell into the water, did not know when he returned to his headquarters.

Many ninjas in blue ninja costumes have discouraged him.

It’s a pity that Yamamoto Musashi’s character is not the kind of…

Today, he will do his best to fight Ino and his Shadow Watch! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel!,

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