Chapter 324 . Squeeze Ultron, the short second sun

Looking at his palmless wrist and the broken buttons on the ground.

Ultron first turned to look at the nuclear bomb that was about to explode, and then raised his head to look at Ino.

Its mechanical face smiled with a twisted smile.

No matter what, my goal was achieved.

From the day it was trapped by Gaia on the Internet, it knew that it had no complete chance of winning.

But as long as the earth can be biologically extinct.

This is certainly a victory.


Five second-generation biomechanical ladies and Ino on the top of the five-pointed star cave, plus more than 40 Tony’s steel legions are floating in the air.

But the difference is this moment.

The biomechanical lady was expressionless.

And Ino is also indifferent.

Only Tony looked sad at this moment.

But he didn’t have the thought of turning around and leaving.In a moment, he turned his head to look at Ino.

Because he knows that only Ino can solve this situation now.

Escape is useless.

The screen turns back.

From the corner of his eye, I saw Tony turning his head.

Ino smiled calmly and then shook his head.

Then in Ultron’s stunned metal expression.

Ino reached out and lifted both hands in the void.


The countless nuclear bombs in the ground floated along Ino’s gesture.

Because of the first batch of attacks by the biomechanical lady, the road was blocked.

These…the nuclear bombs just happened to be blocked here.


They followed Ino’s gesture and floated up from a kilometer deep underground and then floated up to the sky.


It’s time to explode.

The overall detonation time of the nuclear bomb was designed by Ultron only a few seconds.

At this moment.

Ino lined up all the nuclear bombs.

At this time, although the outside world is not strange.

But their internal activation devices have already started.

Ultron’s face looked a little like a successful smile.

Although it was not exploded underground.

But in terms of this explosion radius.

The distance of up and down kilometers is not very serious.

but.(Read more @

In this moment.

Ino, holding his hands, fiercely joined the countless nuclear bombs gathered in the sky and disappeared instantly.

!!! Tony’s eyes stared in the armor.

Next he looked around, and then turned around to take a look.

But no matter how he looked for it, he couldn’t see where the pile of nuclear bombs was just now.

Ultron’s expressionless face was also blank.

“Where did you go?”

Tony looked at Ino who had let go of his hands and asked.

Faced with this problem, Ino reminded Tony: “Don’t look at the above, your naked eyes can’t stand it.”

The voice just fell.

With Ino as the center, the entire state he is in is like being illuminated by the holy light.

Even people in the entire hemisphere in other countries can see the sky, no, it is the second sun in space.

With the “Holy Light”

Sprinkle on Tony’s head and shoulders.

The second “sun” in the state where Ino is located

But I don’t know how many times it is brighter than the first sun.

And that… center.

It can definitely brighten the eyes of the blind.

“I think it would be a shame not to shoot this scene.”

Tony, who didn’t dare to look up, turned his head to look at Ino.

But the current Ino looked up at the second sun.

Because of the explosion in space.

It was more than 300 kilometers away from the current ground.

So no sound will be heard at all.

There will only be holy light.

And with Ino’s physical strength.

He can look directly at this light.

“Watfak! You just watched it!”

Tony looked at Ino’s chin in surprise and said, “I will feel dazzling when I look at the upper half of your face now.”

Tony just wanted to see Ino’s face.

As a result, the eyes and head are slightly faint, and the dazzling light is like an oppressive fire to stop your behavior.

At this time Jarvis also said: “Sir, I’m sorry I can’t broadcast it for you right now. All electronic equipment will be damaged by direct exposure to the sun. Even if it is recorded for an instant, there will be only one photo at most.”

“Then record one! A photo is fine too!”

Tony lowered his head slightly and ordered.

With Tony’s order.

A battle armor behind him raised his head and looked at the sun.

Then…then the electronic eyes were ruined.

The battle armor with blue smoke eyes lowered his head.

Although it ruined something, it also took the most precious photos.

At this moment Ultron raised his mechanical head and looked at the sky.

It is the same as that battle armor.

Its electronic eyes have also been burned.

But it still “watches”

The plan has failed.

He has no hope either at night or in reality.

Tony looked down at Ultron and his legion, who were no longer moving, and asked: “Destroyed.”

Turning back and looking at the second “sun”


Then, without even looking at Ultron, he raised his hand and pinched it into the void.

Kacha Ultron’s mechanical head also shrank.

Click, click! With Ino’s fist closed.

Ultron’s entire mechanical body has become a ball.

Tony looked back at his Iron Legion.

If they seem to face each other together, the treatment will not be much worse.

Come back to my senses.

Because there was no bomb, Tony raised one hand and waved forward.

The dozens of battle armors behind him stretched out their hands and back weapons.

Da Da Da boom boom next.

It’s… Tony’s firepower coverage time.

Commonly known as the destruction of corpses.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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