Chapter 323 .Energy design, Ultron launches the nuclear bomb

A few days passed quietly.

With the driving of 5 second-generation biomechanical ladies, Ultron brought enough equivalent to the underground and got closer and closer to an active volcano in the center of the U.S. city.

Finally, in the last few days, Ultron reached his destination.

Under the ground of this active volcano.

Ultron is directing ordinary robots to transport enough bombs.

Because this volcano is active all year round.

And it emits thick smoke from time to time.

It even erupted in a small amount of magma decades ago.

The locals have all come to see it.

Many scientists also came to collect samples.

More specialized laboratories are set up nearby to do research.

So when these 5 second biomechanical ladies flew over the crater.

The citizens of this town walked out after informing each other from house to house.

They gathered under the delegates of the second-generation biomechanical ladies to discuss their opinions.

But most people know that the second-generation lady is here to investigate dangerous situations and still choose to watch.

Only a few people choose to evacuate when they know the danger.

But it’s actually useless for them to evacuate.

Because the volcano was really blown up by Ultron.

Half of the United States will suffer.

It is too late to run, and the ones that will not be affected will never be affected.

So when the earth began to tremble.

These talents realized how dangerous the reason for dispatching the second-generation biomechanical lady to investigate.

For a moment.

All the talents reacted and ran away.

The wallet holder takes the wallet.

Pack your luggage.

Of course, there is also a no-carrying one.

Whoever releases the throttle and who is the dog.

The screen turns back.

The rumbling shook with the earth and the mountains.

Start at the volcano location.

The land of this small town actually started to crack.


Ultron was now commanding the robot to control the bomb to explode the last shell of the active volcano.

Then let the explosion explode the deeper crust.

The earth is still: trembling.

Ultron’s shield machine runs to its maximum horsepower.

After the echo was shared through the vision of these 5 raw machines.

Suddenly control these 5 first-generation creatures to spread out to fix their positions.

[Gather energy laser] The ladies’ hands of the table machine are aligned side by side.

The two thumbs and index fingers touch the middle of the handle to form a triangle.(Read more @

A burst of blue energy converges in this triangle.

1 second.

After the energy is collected.

Toot when 5 dull voices came up.

The 5 color lasers are fired early.


Move with the gestures of 5 biomechanics.

The five-color laser began to draw the five-pointed star.

All the places where these blue energies passed were penetrated.

6 seconds.

A large piece of land is cut open in a five-pointed star cutting method.

And the rumbling sound is… the 100-meter underground passage that Ultron dug was directly shot through.

Ultron, who was far underground, raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

Just after 5 blue lasses came down.

Dozens of robots are directly cut open here.

Look around.

Those…the cut robot openings are extremely smooth.

It’s almost like being cut off by nature.


Then Ultron analyzed the situation at this moment in an instant.

It yelled to control the robot and then control the transportation to accelerate the transportation of the bomb.

Dudududu finished with Ultron.

The five biomechanical ladies in the sky stretched out their fingers and immediately began to shoot the underground robots and bomb transport vehicles.

At the same time, they accurately avoided the bombs that were the size of a whole person: similar to nuclear bombs.

With the firing of blue energy.

Although robots and transportation vehicles are stopping.

But Ultron has produced too many robots at this time.

Rumble at this time.

There was a sonic boom in the distance of the sky.

Dozens of red and yellow armors flew towards this side.

Tony’s Iron Legion arrived.

After a while.

When Tony just flew here.

One of the biomechanical ladies turned her head to Tony and said: “Mr. Stark, there are countless explosives comparable to nuclear bombs below.”

“So your attack method can’t… attack here.”

“Even if it is a physical bullet, if it shoots metal or a corpse, it may ricochet.”

Katoni opened his visor when he heard the words.

He looked at the transportation legion one hundred meters underground.

Suddenly frowned and asked, “Ino, what should you do now, is your ability to transport so many nuclear bombs?”

At this time, Jarvis also reminded Tony of these… the consequences of an equivalent nuclear bomb exploding under an active volcano.

But with the continuous shooting of the biomechanical lady.

The nuclear bombs ahead will not be shipped.

The nuclear bombs piled up again.

Ultron is even thinking about what to do.

Do you want to directly detonate here?

A blue door appeared next to Tony.

Ino calmly walked out of it.

But the moment Ultron saw Ino.

He immediately ordered the decision to detonate the nuclear bomb on the spot.

If you don’t…detonate.

I guess there will be no chance later.

So Ultron directly took out a controller.

And pressed one of the buttons.

The nuclear bomb wants to detonate.

A device in the center must be activated.

After Tony saw this situation.

His face changed, and the shoulder body bullet on the battle armor immediately bounced out and shot.

It drips and bangs quickly, and the bullet smashes through the air.

Button sound.

The sound of items being smashed.

Tony’s face changed completely.

Before he designed it.

Ultron has already pressed the button.

Although Tony Bullet broke the machine, it was too late.

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