Chapter 279 .Ms. Biomechanical No. 1 Machine: Echo [1]

Ino said helplessly to the phone: “Here, here comes.”

Tony replied decisively: “I closed my eyes and waited for you for 5 seconds. When I opened my eyes, you must be right in front of me.”

Ino just hangs up without speaking.

Then he turned his head and said to the echo beside him: “You also know Tony’s information. Just take you to meet outsiders and face them normally.”

Echo nodded gently and said: “Echo knows.”

Snap Ino’s fingers.

Then he teleported behind Tony with an echo.

“”” Tony finished the countdown.

He opened his eyes and looked around: “Ino is not here”



Ino kicked Tony on Tony’s ass behind him and knocked him down on the sofa.

Tony clutched his ass, turned and sat on the sofa and said, “You should wait for me to put on the armor and kick, so I don’t feel at all.”

Hmm! Suddenly, Tony saw the echo behind Ino.

The hand he stretched out to the table was stagnant and wondered: “Could it be… the biomechanical lady you used to talk about!”

Ino nodded and walked to sit on the sofa next to Tony.

And Echo saw Ino nodded and said, “Hello, Mr. Stark, my name is Echo. It is the first biomechanical lady machine 01 made by the owner.”

After speaking, she slowly floated behind the sofa where Ino was sitting.

And Ino had already taken out a bottle of whiskey from the ice box that Tony had prepared and said, “Echo, I forgot to tell you, just call me by my name in the future.”


Echo nodded and agreed.

Tony doesn’t even care about iced whiskey at this time.

He turned half of his body, put one leg on the sofa, and put his left hand on the back of the sofa to watch the echo carefully.

A purely biomechanical body with a snow-white exterior color.

It looks a bit like a human, but Tony also knows that it is not a human at all.

The most delicate face among them.

It’s simply… the appearance of top females refined with biomechanical materials.

And the echo floating behind Ino’s fingers, palms covering the back of the other hand, looks very gentle.

His steel armor is completely two extremes.

But Tony is absolutely impossible to see through her by looking at her appearance.

At this moment, Echo turned his head to watch Tony’s behavior.”

“Although my body is a biological machine.

But I have a complete intelligent system.(Read more @

Although it was echoed, Tony didn’t care about it at all.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Ino and asked excitedly: “What is her ability? Your echo is absolutely impossible to just look at the appearance.”

Ino held the whiskey bottle and looked at Tony with a smile: “I said she was the top fighter in the war, believe it or not”

Tony’s expression was obviously taken aback.

An uncomfortable expression of believing and unbelief appeared on his face. “You said such a beautiful woman is a warrior! I can’t see her offensive ability!”

After taking a sip of wine, Ino turned to look at Tony and smiled: “Would you like to test your armor first and say it’s good or bad?”

Tony was taken aback again: “I think it can.”


On the balcony of a sea view villa.

Tony’s old Mark 42 stood there with his back to the sea.

Because this armor is an old version, Tony didn’t even repair it.

Look at this battle armor.

Ino leaned on the fence with his arms around and looked at Tony and asked, “A few hits.”

Tony hugged one hand and put the other hand on his chin, thinking for a while and then replied: “Let’s hit it first.”

Looking at Tony cautious.

Ino smiled and nodded to the echo.

Echo understood the thumb, index finger, and middle finger after raising his arm in Tony’s shocked eyes, and retracted the ring finger and little finger.

[Energy Attack: Energy Bomb] After a beep.

Three waves of blue appeared on Tony’s armor.

Then Echo put his arm away.

Tony looked at Echo’s arm and then at his armor.


Putting down his arm, Tony walked to the battle armor and looked at Mark 42’s chest, where the appearance of the inner armor could be seen.

no doubt.

Do it again if it echoes.

His armor is absolutely penetrated.

In other words, an area of ​​a battle armor can withstand at most one blow.

Tony took a breath and stroked his palms from his forehead to his chin.

Then he turned his head to look at Ino and said, “This is definitely not her strongest attack method, right”

Ino laughed without saying a word, and didn’t answer.

It is the default.


Tony sighed: “Then you don’t have to try, I know how big the gap is.”

Ino smiled and shook his head: “Not all biomechanics have such a powerful echo.”

“Her birth is a coincidence, and for a long time, I have at most one Echo.”

“And instead of… saying that Echo is a biological machine, it is better to say that she is a person who can evolve.”

Tony nodded.

You can see it when you look at it.

Echo’s metal that can divert such a powerful energy is definitely not a big deal.

If it’s any current, Tony doesn’t think it’s a big deal.

But the key is energy.

It’s the same truth with your own energy hand cannon.

But the energy output of others can control the size of the energy output.

And through the arm, the finger can be launched.

It is not the same as your own energy pipeline.


Tony sighed and looked at the sea with sad eyes: “It seems that I have to work hard too. I have to make the Nano Battle Armor quickly.”

Ino nodded: “After making the Nano Armor, your Iron Legion will have a qualitative improvement.”

“Moreover, nanomaterials can be mass-produced. Unlike Echo, I don’t know how long it will take to have a second one.”

Tony scratched his head helplessly: “This may be…the only way to comfort me, then the echo will not produce energy.”


As soon as Tony finished speaking, he looked up at Ino and asked, “Since the three-finger shooting just now is not the strongest attack method of Echo.”

“But ordinary biomechanical ladies are not equipped with this attack method, right!”

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