Chapter 278 .The secret of Helen, Gaia and Angela join forces [4]

After arranging Jason.

Echo first studied and became familiar with the overall structure of the Umbrella Island Building.

And Gaia, Angela, Helen, and Ino will first take them back to the sea view villa home.

After they had soaked in the bath, they lay together on the sofa.

Helen just asked: “Is the future biomechanical lady the batch produced in a week?”


Ino shook his head: “I plan to use vibrato for the war style.”

“I don’t do any crowded tactics, I only want elite fighters among the elite.”

The biomechanical girl created by Zhenjin can continuously release focused rays.

Although there is no echo, the damage is high.

But if the enemy encountered is a human tactic.

With a wave of their hand, they can kill all enemies one after another.

It can be said that both single and group combat at the same time.

At this time, Angela also took out the watermelon sliced ​​into 4 hemispheres from the kitchen and said: “The 50 units produced a week later are… used for the security and daily work of the umbrella, right?”


Ino reached out and took the watermelon that Angela handed over.

There is also a small spoon inserted in it for digging watermelon.

How troublesome to cut into slices to eat.

It is still the most comfortable to dig and eat half a watermelon.

Then Angela gave everyone half a watermelon.

Everyone was eating and talking.

Helen asked Ino curiously: “Can Echo finally grow into a complete person?”

For this question, the ability of echo gives the answer.

So Ino chewed on the tender, juicy and sweet watermelon and nodded: “Yes.”

“Echo’s system has an ability called personality evolution. She will collect all humanity records for analysis and then learn.”

“Then after screening through a stronger system, Echo can evolve personality once.”

“But how many times and exactly where will it evolve.”

“I am not sure as well.”

Going through a stronger system of screening means… through Ino’s brood consciousness screening.

Echo will screen out what is useful and beneficial to Ino to choose personality evolution.

Until the end, becoming a real personality is certain.

Then Helen asked other questions.

Ino was also talking while eating watermelon.

Angela watched TV and ate and didn’t know what she was thinking for a while.

Then she took a peek at Ino and Helen.

He got up and walked elsewhere and beckoned to Gaia behind Ino.

Gaia lay in the air holding the watermelon and ate bite by bite.(Read more @

But seeing Angela thinking about beckoning herself.

She looked at Ino reflexively.

Hush, see Gaia, see Ino.

Angela immediately put her index finger in front of her lips.

Gaia thought for a while, hugged the watermelon and floated away.

See Gaia coming.

Angela whispered in Gaia’s ear: “You didn’t mean Helen in the afternoon…”

After speaking, Angela made a few gestures towards Gaia.

Gaia nodded with interest immediately after reading it.

Then Angela said in her ear again: “That way, let’s go first, and I will send a text message to Ino in a while, and then we are peeking.”

“I asked Ino to use what Helen herself thinks to deal with Helen herself.”

“How about it”

Heard Angela’s “good idea”

Gaia nodded in agreement with starlight in both eyes.

After deciding.

They left the living room surreptitiously.

Ino, who was chatting with Helen, flicked his ears and felt them leave sneakily.

But after thinking about it, Ino didn’t care what they were doing.

After a while.

A text message came from Ino’s phone.

Ino took it out and took a look.

Angela: Well, use Helen’s dream to satisfy her, you see how much knowledge is in her little head…The unknown number of words is omitted below.

Ino: …checked the text message on the phone.

Ino looked at Helen again.

Then he twisted and looked at the living room.

Angela and Gaia have run away.

At this moment.

Suddenly a light screen unfolded in front of Helen and Ino.

Without even thinking about it, this must be Gaia’s masterpiece.


The video starts to play on the light screen.

What’s playing in the video is…: Helen Duck sits on his bed hugging a pillow.

Gaia was lying in the air at the same time as if playing something.

Then Helen began to say, “Say OK first, you can’t tell Ino after I tell you this secret.”

Gaia turned in the air and lay in the air and replied, “As long as it is not harmful to Ino or I am not dangerous, I won’t say it.”

Helen obviously thought about it in the video.

Then after deciding that it is feasible, he said: “I hope Ino can be like a domineering president…”

“Then I wore that…”

“Gaia!!! The video hasn’t finished yet.

Seeing this, Helen bounced off the sofa and wanted to cover the light screen with her body.

At the same time she was still: yelling to Gaia: “You said that you didn’t inform others, you are a lie!”

At this time Gaia’s voice came from the air: “Then you find Sister Angela, she led me to play like this”

“Gaia, you sell me!”

The moment Gaia finished speaking, another Angela’s voice came out.

Ino: … Angela doesn’t say he also knows that it must be Angela’s “credit”


Helen just felt that the shielded light screen suddenly magnified 10 times.

So that the entire light screen covers the living room.

Helen looked at Guang Ping and was stunned.

Covering his face with both hands, he rushed into his bedroom.

As long as I don’t know, then I won’t be embarrassed.

And Ino smiled and stood up and stretched after watching this video.

“Since my “employee”

If I have such a big wish, then I can’t help but realize it.”

Make your little head think about melon seeds.

Today I am going to realize everything you think about in you!…in a few days.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for Tony to launch the Veronica satellite.

Now there is still one day before the batch of biomechanical materials.

First bring Angela and Helen to the Umbrella Island Building.

Ino is going to pass with echo this time.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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