Chapter 274 .Wakanda metal on an abandoned ship [4]

Hear Gaia’s answer.

Ino smiled happily in relief.

Gaia does not use cold data to judge products that could have raised prices without raising prices.

This is a choice of human nature.

Take the report of the sales department and the data display to see it.

Umbrella products can indeed increase prices.

But from another point of view, after raising the price, both parties have no interest.

And the long-term benefits that are not promoted are also greater.

So Ino rubbed Gaia’s black and beautiful hair and smiled: “It’s pretty good. If you think about it, it means that you have made a lot of progress. Please send me an email back to the department.”


Gaia happily responded to the decision.

For: Ino’s praise this time is a step up to her progress.

After this matter is handled.

Ino sits on the boss chair and slides to the floor-to-ceiling windows to watch the scenery.

Don’t open Gaia, drifting behind him every day when there is no one.

But she has been dealing with company affairs in her consciousness.

So Ino also became a little boring.

I thought about it.

Ino got up from the chair and said, “Forget it, I’ll go to Crow’s place in advance to bring the vibrating gold back.”

“After I get my hand, I can start making the biomechanical lady.”

After speaking.

Ino’s figure flashed and went directly to the coordinates Gaia found.

A certain steamship point on the coastline of Africa.

Here are all scrapped ships.

And Krau’s is…in one of the more complete ships.

After Ino came here, he went directly into the ship.

And what you can see is… dirty and messy.

The light is dim and there are a bunch of international punks.

They are holding weapons, some are patrolling, some are bragging, and some are moving things.

Ino was walking directly on the highest corridor of the ship.

The clank of flip-flops, jingle bells, rusty shelves, and the sound of Ino’s footsteps are mixed.


In an instant, there were a few dark boys holding 4 and pointing to Ino.

Ino didn’t even look at them.

After waving his hand directly, he walked straight to the control room.

Crow is there.

Several dark boys on the lower level looked at each other and immediately said on the intercom: “There is an intruder with different clothes. He walked to the central control room.”

“Shoot, what are you doing in a daze!”

The upper level immediately replied.(Read more @

Different clothes can only be an intruder.

Their ship is in such a deviated place.

It is impossible for a friendly party to come over.

Get the order.

The black men raised the trigger in their hands.

But these people had a meal: after gnashing their teeth.

“Hey! Why is my trigger stuck! Press: Don’t move!”

The person next to him immediately asked in surprise: “You too! I also press: Don’t move!”

Several people glanced at each other, and suddenly passed a steel bar from the side and inserted it into the trigger.

But it was a long time.

The trigger still didn’t move.

A few people look at me, and I look at you, they don’t know what happened to this trigger today.

But they looked at Ino at the same time.

Ino walked slowly to the control room early.

Come to the door of the control room.

Ino looked at Crow, who was dressed in sloppy clothes and had a tattoo on the side of his neck, said lightly: “With my billions of dollars, I never thought about dressing better and living in a better place.”

Boom! Jingle bells!!!! Crowe, with his back to Ino, heard Ino’s words and immediately snapped the alarm bell without turning his head back.

This alarm bell is equivalent to telling everyone that there is an intruder.

After taking the alarm bell.

Kerla suddenly turned around again and drew the dagger from her shorts in order to counterattack.

But halfway through his hand, he stopped suddenly.

Do not misunderstand.

This is not where Ino is stagnating with space gems.

This was taken by Crow himself.

At this time, when Crow saw the figure behind him clearly, he suddenly rubbed his eyes.

Then he regretted sounding the alarm bell.

This Nima, why is the god standing behind him.

But it was too late.

Papa! Papa! Papa!…Dozens of footsteps came from outside.

After a while, dozens of men with 4s were holding guns at Ino.

Crowe immediately reacted and turned around and slapped!

Kraton turned on with the searchlights of the entire ship.

These dozens of people have seen Ino’s face.

Papa! Papa! Papa! In an instant.

Dozens of guns: The sound of falling on the steel frame sounded.

There was also the sound of a dagger in Jingling.

Ino turned half to look at these dark men.

Needless to say, these are all natives of Africa.

They raised their hands at this moment.

Looking at Ino with horror.

Because what they did was smuggling, they thought that Ino was here to punish them.

Seeing Ino turning half of his body.

A few of these people knelt down on the spot.

But this immediately took the lead.

The rest of the people also knelt down.

Finally, Crowe next to Ino took a look and knelt down on one leg.

Seeing their response, Ino nodded in satisfaction and said: “Get up, I’m not happy to bow down to this set, where is the vanadium metal, take me there.”

I just learned that the buyer is…Ino’s Crowe immediately stood up.

As he walked out, he said, “In the storage room, we are all packed and put together, and can be taken away at any time.”

With that said, he took Ino down the stairs.

Originally, those who were kneeling…look at me. After I look at you, I stand up and walk over.

But the guns that fell on the ground: no one dared to pick it up.

After a while.

Ino followed Crow to an apparently well-kept and clean room.

Inside, the white floor and a load-bearing board are filled with bottles of vanadium metal.

These…the bottles are each about 20 cm long, and the diameter is about the same as the wrist.

Inside are all vibrating gold after mining.

Crowe took out one of the goods and handed it to Ino, “I can use my life to guarantee that none of these goods have any problems.”

Ino held it in his hand and threw it back and then said casually: “Of course, I bet it’s not real, but do you dare?”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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