Chapter 273 .Strongly buy vanadium metal, Gaia’s humanity advances [3]

Hear Ino’s words.

The stars flickered in Gaia’s eyes.

After a while, she said to Ino: “The latitude and longitude coordinates are 512 east longitude.

127 north latitude.”

“They have just obtained the vanadium metal and are preparing to sell it, but they are worried about how to contact the buyer and whom to sell to.”

Ino nodded, “They should be worried about who they are selling to is safer, that is, they are safer.”

Speaking of this, Ino waved his hand: “Find his virtual account and pay directly according to the market price, and then directly use the control panel to call.”

He wants to buy this vanadium metal, but if Crow sells it, he has to sell it, or if he doesn’t sell it, he has to sell it.

After Gaia is done.

The control panel in front of Ino opens.

It was directly linked to the phone number of African Crowe at this time.

At this time the coast of Africa.

Crowe was in the ship’s central control room commanding personnel to put all the metal in.

At this moment.

The phone next to him just rang.

Crow turned his head and glanced.

Caller ID: It’s really all asterisks.

Not a single number.

Crowe was obviously hesitant and at a loss.

But after thinking about it, he connected the phone and put it in his ear silently, waiting for the answer from the unknown person inside.

After a while.

Ino said directly: “Put the vanadium metal together and pack it. I will come and get it tomorrow night or at this time.”

After speaking, Ino hung up.

Crow stared blankly at the call that had entered the busy tone.

He picked up the phone and checked the time.

2: Titer at this time.

The transfer information of billions of dollars suddenly popped up.

Crowe didn’t have to think about it.

It must be the phone number of the person just now.

But who on earth was that man after thinking about it, Crow still let his men prepare the vanadium metal.

Then, by the way, the guns, weapons and ammunition were also prepared.

No matter who comes, you must prepare.

But the result might surprise him.

The screen returns to Ino’s side.

After hanging up the phone.

Gaia reminded Ino: “Although they do have vanadium metal, they also prepared weapons.”

Ino waved his hand indifferently.(Read more @

If I receive this kind of call, I will keep a hand.

After a while.

Angela and Helen walked out of the bathroom in their pajamas.

They walked to the sofa next to Ino and sat down:.

Then Angela just brought 3 apples.

Helen sat on the sofa and opened the control panel and began to organize the data.

Ino smiled when he saw it, “Are you redeeming the loss during the day?”

Helen crossed her legs and pressed her two little feet together, then took the apple that Angela handed her and nodded: “If you don’t do anything, it feels like a waste today.”

After listening, Ino took the apple that Angela handed over and said helplessly: “Can’t you take a good rest for a day? Look at Angela and listen to me. Take a good rest.”

Hearing Ino’s boasting, Angela had just eaten the apple, and then ate it casually.

At the same time, she thought to herself: I hope Helen will not say anything.


“No ah.”

Helen looked at Angela and smiled: “Sister Angela was tidying up when she was taking a bath in the bathroom just now, but she didn’t want to be seen by you when she came out.”

This statement came out.

I haven’t waited for Ino to react.


Angela “Stern”

With a sound, he immediately got up from the sofa and rushed over.

Facing this little traitor, he must be punished severely! “Ah, I was wrong.”

Helen reacted instantly.

Turn off the control panel with a bang and ran towards Ino.

Only Ino can protect her, otherwise Angela will catch her from scratching her.

Looking at the two people whispering and turning around.

Ino grabbed them one by one and walked towards the bedroom with his shoulders.

From his point of view, it all had to be played again.

…The next day.

Ino, who was bored at the company, received a message reported by Hill and Ava.

That is, they have already searched for a former Hydra site.

But there are no traces of Hydra left.

Now they are heading to their next destination.

At that time, each destination will report once.

After reading this message, Ino nodded and replied: “Safety is the priority.”

Then reply to the closed message.

At this moment.

Gaia asked next to Ino: “The sales department thinks that the umbrella market is selling well. Do you need to increase the price of the product.”

The reason Gaia will ask this question is that Ino has already handed over the company’s affairs to Gaia.

Except for…the questions that Ino must answer or solve in person.

All other matters are resolved by Gaia.

It can be said.

Gaia now accounts for 99% of the company’s task processing.

And the remaining 1% is…Ino just decides.

Face this problem.

Ino smiled and asked Gaia: “What do you think if it were you, what would you do?”

This question involves practical and human functions.

The specific reason Ino wanted to see how Gaia handled it.

This is useful for her.

After a flash of stars in Gaia’s eyes, he closed his eyes and thought for a while and said: “If we follow the sales department’s words, after the product price increases, the umbrella sales are expected to increase by 10%:.”

“Moreover, there will be no complaints or dissatisfaction across the country. It is a good choice.”

Ino smiled and continued to ask: “What else do you think?”

Gaia looked at Ino, hesitated for a moment and then replied: “I don’t think it is necessary…”


Now Ino asked with interest: “Tell me.”

Gaia saw that Ino did not reveal a disappointed expression.

Suddenly he replied a lot with ease: “Because Ino said that money is of no use to Ino now, it’s just a bunch of numbers.”

“And if you want more numbers, Gaia just needs to move it casually.”

“Then I calculated it again. Even if the price of umbrella products only increased by 10%, there will still be people who are more difficult or even dead because of this reason.”

“So even if the overall benefit of raising prices looks good.”

“But it’s not good for anyone in detail.”

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