Chapter 250 . Devouring reality gems, etheric particles! 【4】

Fury looked at Ino and picked up the satellite phone.

After some conversation.

Fury said to Ino, “Coelson told me, S.H.I.E.L.D..


…. I found a girl who can’t offend and touch her as long as she doesn’t get her consent.”

“Her body will burst out with a red wave of energy, and everyone will be knocked off.”

“And this girl you and Coleson have both met, her name is Jane Foster.”

Jane has already been to Reality Gem. Reality Gem is… in an abandoned factory, there is a space-time passage leading there.

Real gems are also called ether particles.

It can distort reality and turn false into true.

All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless in front of it.

It is almost the most powerful of all gems1, but it is also the most difficult to use.

You can even use it as a wishing machine.

With it, creating something out of thin air is not a difficult task.

This gem must be obtained directly.

Thinking of this, Ino shrugged at Fury and said, “What about then”

“They are in the suburbs at this time, and Coleson wants to take it to the Umbrella Headquarters Hospital.”

“But now they are all there and dare not move, for fear that this girl will come again a few times.”

Ino nodded lightly: “Let Coleson tell Jane that Ino can solve this problem.”

Ferry told Coleson in this way.

The screen shifts to outside an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

A crowd of police and fire station people surrounded here.

The core position of the encirclement is that Coleson is alone in it.

Because the girl named Jane burst out with a red energy shock wave just now.

That outbreak knocked everyone into the air.

So for Jane to stop breaking out.

Coleson asked them to go out and stay here alone.

Now Coleson closed the phone that had just turned on the speakerphone and looked at Jian, “You heard it too. The chief said that Ino, the god of heaven, can solve your problem personally.”

“He is the god Ino, he will not deceive, and you know that at that meeting, he also let go of your equipment.”

Jane was also holding her chest in shock now.

She didn’t think why this happened.

But she knew that if she didn’t solve it, she would have a lot of trouble in the future.

So Jane nodded and said, “Okay, let’s go to the god Ino right away.”

Hear what Jane said.

Coulson let out a sigh of relief: “Then let’s go.”

From beginning to end, even Coleson dared not approach her.

The burst of red energy was too powerful.

After a while.

When Coleson drove Jane in the back row to the top office of the Umbrella Building.

He looked at Fury sitting on the sofa eating an apple with some surprise and said, “Sir.”

Fry nibbled the apple and nodded: “Come over and chat with Ino. Now that the chat is over, leave Jane here and let’s go.”

Coulson nodded blankly.

Although he knew how Fury could have free time to come over and chat.(Read more @

But he still followed Fury and left first.

As for Jane.

It is safer to throw it at the gods than to put it anywhere.

Jane watched with a blank face as Frey-like walked away with Coleson who had just sent him.

She looked outside the door, then looked back at Ino who was sitting at the desk.

Suddenly, there was a little nervousness in the environment of these two people.

But it is actually three 3.

Because Ava was invisible just now.

Ino waved to the air.

Ava understood and walked out.

After Ava was gone, Ino looked at Jane who was standing next to the sofa nervously and smiled: “Am I that scary?”

Jane’s current appearance is comparable to that of Ava who just joined herself.

“No, no.”

Jane stammered back.

“You stuttered, haven’t you.”

Ino reached out his hand and motioned to the sofa and said, “Sit down, talk about your experience just now, maybe I can solve it.”

In fact, it can definitely be solved.

Speaking of the situation just now.

Jane suddenly realized what she was here for.

Then she began to talk about her experience.

After a while.

After listening to Jane’s explanation, Ino said, “In other words, you went to a strange place, and then you came back to become like this.”


Jane nodded.

Hearing this, after seeing that Jane has relaxed and adjusted to the surrounding environment.

Ino got up from the chair and walked to Jane and said, “Extend your hand and let me take a look.”

Jane looked at Ino blankly and stretched out her hand to him.

Regardless, the gods definitely refer to trust.

Otherwise, a stranger said to stretch out his hand and take a look, and Jane would call him insane.

Take Jane’s hand.

Ino looked around and asked, “If it doesn’t hurt, it’s okay to cut a little skin tissue.”


Before Jane finished speaking, Ino’s thumb immediately cut Jane’s 2mm gap like a scalpel.

This process is too fast.

Jane didn’t feel anything.

She didn’t react until it bleeds.

Then, Jane felt that there was an energy in her body about to explode.

But it hasn’t waited for her to remind.

Ino put his finger on Jane’s wound.

[Gene Swallowing System] [Successfully swallows real gem etheric particles] for an instant.

The red energy that Jane was about to explode from her body dissipated at once.

Jane blinked blindly.

The situation here is easy to explain.

Because the real gem is also the fusion of etheric particles and Jane.

So Ino can swallow it through her blood.

Jane is now equivalent to a contact media.

After swallowing gems.

Ino simply uses the power of gems.

[Repair Jane’s wound] With this thought.

Ino felt that as the energy disappeared from his body, Jane’s wound healed.

Jane also looked at her wound at this time.

The blood doesn’t stay, and the wound is healed.

This…Faced with this problem, Ino has let go of her hand and returned to her seat.

Ino looked at Jane and said, “You are fine. You can understand that power as a curse or a weapon you can’t control.”

“I have taken it out of your body, and now you can live a normal life.”

Speaking of which.

Ino thought for a while and said, “This is Angela’s call. You can ask her to apply for an umbrella talent training fund later.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Jane opened her eyes immediately.

In the three sentences Ino just said.

The first two sentences are not important to her at all.

It is equivalent to condolences.

But the last sentence felt important to her.

Umbrella talent training funds.

At this time, all the research teams of Mr. Wang hope to get funding.

The umbrella will allocate funds to them to get at least not losing shares.

But the funding is considerable.

Simplified enough, this 4 has been used for a long, long time.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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