Chapter 249 .Fury was shocked by the follow-up plan! 【3】

Then Fury looked at Ava warily with both eyes.

If Ino weren’t here, Fury would have done it a long time ago.

Ava takes back her badge.

Reached out and opened his full-wrapped face mask, Fry took a look at it, and then closed it.

Then she went back to Ino and stood like a bodyguard.

Fury frowned and looked at Ino: “What do you mean?”

He didn’t mean that Ino was…hydra.

It’s impossible for Ino to be a Hydra with his ass.

He just doesn’t understand.

Ino looked at Fury and smiled: “Do you know her?”

Fury was stunned, and shook his head: “No.”

“She is also your SHIELD.


…. Oh.”

Ino continued, “It’s just that you are in SHIELD.


….Ming, she is S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. dark.”

“After understanding, this is your SHIELD.


…The secret organization, this is the badge.”

After hearing Ino’s words, Fury’s eyes gradually widened.

He couldn’t imagine that Ava was actually a S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. people.

The result is still the secret department of Hydra.

Fury sat on the sofa, clenched his fists with both hands, resting his two thumbs on his chin in thought.

After a while, he raised his head and asked, “Is there any other evidence? I don’t mean I don’t believe you, I need some clues.”

Ino nodded: “Not long ago, I also found a fun place.”

“In the ruins of an important intelligence agency, suddenly there was an ordnance and ammunition depot there.”

“I asked Ava to go in and take a look. There is a large honest computer there.”

“But it’s not important, the important thing is that there is the consciousness of a person named Zola in the computer.”

“Do you know Zola?”

Zola…Fry thought for a while, and instantly recalled this important figure of Hydra in World War II.

“But didn’t he die of cancer?”

Ferry said in a puzzled way: “It says so on confidential information.”

“Yes, it’s written.”

Ino repeated it.

Since it is written.

Who wrote that? Fury also realized what Ino meant.

Then Ino continued: “After understanding, this Zola transferred his consciousness into the computer before he died, and it was a computer during World War II.”

“Next, he executed the paperclip project in the computer, which is your SHIELD.


…. The traitor plan.”

Fury went on to say directly: “That is to say, the paperclip project has been in SHIELD since World War II.

…..(Read more @

…. Hidden internally so far!”

Ino didn’t speak, nodded directly.


After getting the answer, Fury directly exploded. This is the first time Ino has seen him explode.

clam down.

Fury asked Ino, “S.H.I.E.L.D..


…. How many Hydra agents are there”

Ino raised his hand with one hand, indicating that I didn’t know.

Fury asked again: “Then how many do you know”

This time Ino smiled and said, “Ava, and your boss.”

“Alexander Pierce!”

Fury was shocked again.

He didn’t expect this to recommend himself as S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D.


…The director’s person actually knows the Hydra person.

Alexander Pierce was the previous SHIELD.


…. Director.

And also the current minister of the World Security Council.

“Yes, Ava didn’t even know that he was working for Hydra at first.”

Ino explained: “At first he only knew that he was in a mysterious department, and that… department has been lying to her.”

“In the end, she met me and she didn’t know the truth until after passing the vice president.”


Ferry was thinking.

Accompanied by Kirian being wiped out.

All the information in his base has been checked out.

Although the data of Extremis virus is missing.

But they also gained evidence that Kylian actually conspired to assassinate the president.

So he was arrested with the vice president.

They also thought it was over.

Unexpectedly, there are bigger things above that I don’t know.

Fury nodded and watched Ino sort out what he knew: “That is to say, SHIELD.


…. It has been invaded from within during the Second World War.”

“And now S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


I don’t know who the Hydra is left besides… Pierce.”

“Next, they have more plans to be implemented”

“It is already being implemented.”

Ino smiled and said, “Remember that I gave the scepter to you for safekeeping”

!!!Fry’s eyes stared.

He suddenly understood something.

In the beginning, when Natasha brought the scepter over.

Fury was also curious why Ino would let himself keep the scepter.Isn’t that nonsense? How can I put Ino safe?

As a result, as soon as Ino said it, he understood it instantly.

Then Ino continued: “After you go back, you can ask where the scepter is, or how is the scepter, or you can try to transfer the scepter back.”

“I guess you have lost the right to mobilize it now.”

Fury pursed his lips.

I haven’t received a report from the scepter for so long.

That 8 is the same as Ino said.

Thinking of this, Fury began to think about countermeasures.

He asked Ino for paper and pen.

I wrote down the plan one by one.

Finally, he showed it to Ino after it was written.

1: As if not knowing to conceal any statement of normal development.

2: The aircraft carrier plan will not be able to take off.

3: After the Hydra owner takes action, he will counterattack and seduce all the information of the Hydra personnel.

4 plans are only known to Yi, Fury, Hill, Natasha, Coleson, and Steve.

5: Afraid of SHIELD.


…. Beng, also want to destroy the Hydra.

When Ino read this plan.

Suddenly asked a little curiously: “S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. The only person you trust is 4”

Fury nodded seriously: “Only these 4, and they will know this plan very late.”

Then he asked: “How about this plan?”

“No problem.”

Ino returned the paper to Fury and said, “Anyway… if you wait passively for the Hydra to strike, you have the highest chance of being first.”

“Don’t even get killed before the umbrella headquarters hospital arrives. Then I can do nothing.”

Fury tore off the paper of his plan and said, “Then we need a message that I am dead to see what they will do.”

I wrote it just now just to clarify my thoughts.

Of course you can tear it down now.

At this moment, Fury’s agent phone rang suddenly.

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