Chapter 196 .Sub-health drug technology is mature [5]

Angela gave Ino a helpless look.

Then he stretched out his hand to tidy up the neckline that had been tossed by the wind with them just now.

Walk into the lobby of the house.

Three people 3 walked to the sofa and sat down.

As a result, I just sat down.

Helen seemed to remember something suddenly.

She stood up and trotted to the bag that she had just put back.

Then in Angela’s smile, she sat next to Ino and said, “We’re going out this time on a “tour”.

It’s also extraordinary.”

After speaking, she shook the information she took out of her bag.

Ino didn’t look at it, and curiously guessed: “Sub-health drugs have broken through.”

“Do not.”

Helen shook her head and said with anticipation: “It’s because the technology has matured.”

“Mature so fast”

Ino exclaimed.

Then he took over the technical information from Helen and looked through it.

The information and various data inside are displayed.

This technology is close to maturity.

Helen was happily praised by Ino: “That’s why I said this “tour”

It has been a great harvest. Sister Angela and I suddenly completed this technology last night.”

“You are also a tourist…”

Ino said silently, “Then you can travel every day.”

“No, no, no, no.”

Angela and Helen waved their hands when they heard Ino’s words.

Their technological breakthrough is because they already have the original data.

Really want to carry out research in the international hotel.

There is nothing there.

As the sky gets darker and darker.

Ino took a look at the time.

It’s already past 11 o’clock in the evening.

Angela and Helen also went to the bath together after seeing them.

Ino went to the wine bar to get a bottle of ice wine and went back to the balcony on the second floor to see the scenery.

After Angela fell asleep for a while.

It is… the time to directly absorb the space gem.


This is the first time Ino has used and obtained gems.

After thinking about it, Ino is also a little looking forward to it.

But after a while.

Click, click, click.

The footsteps of slippers came from behind Ino.

Ino looked back and curiously looked at Angela who was only wearing a bath towel and asked, “Why did you wash it so soon today?”

Even so, Ino is looking at what Angela wants to do.

Only wear bath towels and do not wear light gauze pajamas.


This time it was so short.(Read more @


There is a mysterious smile on his face.


Facing Ino’s problem.

Angela walked to the side of Ino with a smile and said in her arms: “I found a reason to come out first, but I told Helen I will return later.”

“come out”

Ino asked: “What are you doing here?”

Angela smiled mysteriously.

Then he leaned into Ino’s ear and said softly, “Substitute.”

Silk Ino took a breath and looked at Angela and said, “I’m still kidding.”

“of course it’s true.”

Angela turned white. Ino said, “You don’t know Helen’s expression when she saw you furious a few hours ago.”

“If there is no star in her eyes, she can be like the anime.”

“And she has long been your little fan girl, don’t wait for this time, how long do you want to delay”

“You let me hang Natasha, don’t you want to hang Helen by yourself.”

Ino immediately waved his hand and said, “How come.”

The behavior of hanging is too bad.

What he did was… a scumbag.

But not like Helen is just not ready.

As a result, Angela’s arrangement was a bit sudden this time.

“Don’t worry, although she doesn’t know, she can’t wait.”

Angela patted her full chest and said: “Go, go, I will listen at the door, not going in.”

Ino: …You also said that I have a bad taste! Obviously you have it, but Ino is just thinking about it, being pulled up by Angela and pushed to the bathroom on the first floor.

The two came to the bathroom door.

Angela knocked on the door.

Helen’s voice came from inside: “Sister Angela, you just came here to paint my back: I can’t reach.”

Angela agreed: “Okay, I’m here.”

After speaking, she stood on tiptoe and talked in Ino’s ear while pushing: “Hurry up, hurry up.”

Then Ino was pushed into the bathroom by Angela half-pushing half-resistance.


I resisted.

But Angela is too strong.

It’s definitely not something I want to go in.

…I don’t know how long it took.

When Ino came out of the bathroom wearing a scarf.

Angela was sitting on the sofa with a ruddy face in a scarf, drinking milk and watching TV.

It’s as if she doesn’t know anything.

Seeing Ino coming over.

Angela suddenly asked in a low voice curiously: “How is it?”

“Ask it knowingly.”

Ino took a finger and nodded Angela’s forehead fiercely and said, “I fell asleep in the bathtub.”

Angela thought for a while and then asked: “Then has her ability upgraded?”


Ino replied helplessly.

What if you don’t upgrade.

People have changed from employees to bosses.

However, Ino only upgraded her a few abilities.

Among them are: [Physical fitness base becomes stronger] [Underwater breathing] [Immunity to soul, spirit, and soul strike] [Never get sick] [Break limb regeneration] [Copy and transform clothing] [Vacuum survival] and the last two wings these 8 ability permissions.


Either daily ability or…survivability.

No other abilities.

They just want this ability.

Nothing else is necessary.

So even if Helen slipped into the bathtub.

There will be nothing.

Angela nodded when she heard it, and then pretended to continue watching the video.

Ino looked at her and smiled.

“Didn’t you plan to arrange it to be very happy”


Angela moved aside.

She heard a bad feeling from Ino’s breath.

The consequences of this premonition are generally that you can’t get out of bed.

Angela put her hands together and said intermittently: “This… this can’t be said to be completely arranged by me, in fact, it was planned by me and Helen together.”

“So I am not the main responsibility, Helen herself is also involved.”

Ino:……. Dare you guys, this is something planned by a partnership, ah.

Ino stepped forward and hugged Princess Angela and said, “I don’t care about it…

, But the conspirators must be punished.”

“Don’t don’t don’t…”

Angela grabbed Ino’s arms tightly and said, “Is that a shorter time, I want to sleep tonight.”


Ino has a “dangerous smile” on his face

Looked at Angela and said, “Guess.”

Angela: It’s over… Feilu reminds you: Three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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