Chapter 195 . Highlights of the war, I want to build an island! 【4】

Ino shook his hand indifferently.

That was all he had nothing to do for fun.

That is to train Helen and Angela to master some basic skills.

Hear what Natasha said.

Tony reluctantly pointed at the black charcoal Rocky lying on the ground and said, “The atmosphere is active, after all, the black charcoal looks to affect the mood.”

Black Charcoal Rocky: …At this moment.

Hulk crouched beside him and suddenly made a strange noise.

After everyone turned around.

Benner, who has changed from Hulk back to human, asked with his pants in his hand, “Do you still have coats?”

Steve looked around: “No.”

“That’s a pity.”

Banner came over with his pants because he didn’t have a belt, “I didn’t do anything stupid because of what you said.”

After talking, Banner looked around the city full of gunpowder and soldiers’ corpses and muttered, “My God, it’s all like this.”

“Fortunately, you just punched me when you didn’t hit enough.”

Sol touched his shoulder.

Those who were hammered by Hulk there are hurting now.

“I’m very sorry.”

Banner apologized first.

“No, it’s nothing.”

Sol also waved his hand: “You can fight with me again when you have time.”

“Forget it then.”

Banner waved his hand and refused.


Steve told Banner about the barbecue.

Banner nodded in agreement.

After all this is almost the same.

Ino looked at the firefighters who had all been dispatched in the city and said: “Let’s go, let’s go, remember to eat barbecue at 4 pm the day after tomorrow.”


Everyone glanced at each other.

They all walked off the roof of Tony’s house first.

“What about this?”

Natasha held the psychic scepter and asked Ino, “This is what you brought from Lokkina.”

Ino waved his hand and said, “Help me keep it for a period of time, and then I will pick it up again.”

Natasha was taken aback.

This scepter is now Ino’s.

Why give it to S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. Keeping it in your own hands is no better than S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. S.H.I.E.L.D. is much safer.


…. The safety factor is comparable to that of Ino, but it is magnanimous in the face of Ino.

Natasha thought it was Ino who took the Rubik’s Cube, so she compensated them with this.

All smiled and took the scepter for safekeeping.

Little did they know that Ino was stolen by them.

In this way, there is not only SHIELD.

…..(Read more @

…. to take the favor.

Later, he can take advantage of the majesty of the savior God after the disaster.

The key is to ensure the direction of the plot and the stability of the timeline.

Everything that Ino does now will generate thousands of new plots.

Although it will not pose any threat to himself.

But take what he knows and is the most stable to engage in new plot emergencies.

Isn’t easy and salty fish bad?

Wait until everyone is gone.

Ino alone transformed [Light Feather Wing] without becoming a god, and flew directly towards the umbrella building.

After all, his identity will be exposed soon.

At that time, the umbrella building may have to build a new area.

Only the area around this building less than a thousand square meters belongs to the umbrella territory.

It will be too uncomfortable if you surround yourself with enthusiastic fans.

It is necessary to find a country to approve an area.

But the point is that Harmanton doesn’t seem to have such a large area.

Do you want to change the place? Think of this.

Ino shook his head and flew to the top of the current umbrella building.

At this moment, his gaze happened to look at the position of the seascape.

He had an inspiration.

“The fart area, I want to build the island!”

Isn’t this the seascape? The material uses biomechanical organization, a technology that can exist in all states at the same time.

What happened to building an island.

that’s it.

Ino decided directly.

Any country that doesn’t approve or approve it will demolish that…white palace.

Take back the light feather wings.

Ino turned and walked off the roof.

At the same time, he also took out his mobile phone to make video calls to Angela and Helen.

After one second is connected.

Angela and Helen’s surprise voices spread all over: “We saw you through the broadcast, are you okay!”

Ino went back to the office and sat down and said, “How could something happen?

,Where are you”

“We just came back.”

Angela and Helen spoke and turned the camera.

They also just got off the plane.

It was already night.

Ino almost missed the dark night shot by the camera.

“Then you just wait for me there.”

After speaking, Ino got up from his chair.

Then back to the top of the building.

The separate wings were transformed and flew directly towards the New York Airport.

After arriving in a while.

Amidst the surprise of the airport crowd, Ino hugged a girlfriend in the square and flew away.

The overall speed was so fast that the crowd only saw one light fall and then flew away.

One of them couldn’t help asking: “Is that…Is that…Tenjin?”

“how is this possible.”

The person next to him immediately denied, saying: “The god is more than two meters high, and he has armor all over his body, that…it doesn’t look like it doesn’t look okay.”


Regardless of….

The space agency did not report to the police.

Or can’t find Ino.

Anyway… the identity was revealed in a few days.

It’s better to have a wave.

After taking Angela and Helen to the sea view villa.

Ino told them about the idea of ​​a new umbrella island.

But Angela kissed his face and said: “You just didn’t care about the alien civilization. Outside and on the Internet, the gods are called the savior.”


Helen also looked at Ino admiringly.

When Ino thundered in front of the gate of time and space.

The scene like the arrival of the Thunder or Thor became the only point in everyone’s mind in this event.

And second only to this bright spot.

It’s… the video of Ino rushing towards the gate of time and space with a nuclear bomb in his hand.

It was like desperate popularity that flew into the gate of time and space.

At that time, I didn’t know how many people were afraid that the gods would not come back.

But when that… the meteor flew back.

He carries hope again.

In other words.

The gods not only take away despair, he also brings hope.

Seeing the puzzlement of the two.

Ino nodded as if thinking about it seriously, and said, “We may have to play many times in the future, just get used to it, and they are still so good.”

Many civilizations in the universe have gone.

Later, he wouldn’t be able to wait for Thanos on the earth, right now the earth is his own base.

It can also be said to be my own home.

How could it be possible for Thanos to fight in his own home.

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