Chapter 150 . Sol, who can’t learn but is confident [4]

Ino looked at Saul and asked, “Where do you want to try?”

Sol looked around, and finally looked up at the top of the building and said, “The tallest place in this building.”

Take Sol to the roof of the umbrella building.

Although the wind is not strong today, it is still quite fierce on the roof of such a high building.

Sol looked at Ino and said, “I watched a lot of war history in this world yesterday. There were a lot of wars at Blue Star, but now they are relatively peaceful.”

“This is what your father is doing now. It’s a bit similar between the two.”

Ino said, “But your father’s approach is not entirely right.”

Sol’s mind was still thinking continuously.

After thinking for a long time, he directly stretched his hand in the direction of New Mexico, which is the hammer.

He closed his eyes, feeling the feeling between himself and the hammer.

But after a while.

Saul put down his hands in discouragement and opened his eyes.

He shook his head and said, “It still doesn’t work.”

Ino: “That’s because you didn’t think about how to be qualified to be its owner.”

“Do you make a hammer?”

Sol looked at his hand and asked.

“Of course, you are the master of the hammer, not the hammer is your master.”

Ino looked into the distance and said, “The Thor’s Hammer is just to allow you to better control the power, not to bring you power.”

“You can only pick it up if you get its recognition with your original strength.”

“In other words, at least…you need to know what is the most basic quality of being a king.”

Hearing this, Thor fell into thinking again.

But Ino didn’t accompany him to blow the cold wind and said: “Go back first, I don’t want to accompany you to blow the cold wind.”

Go back with a pensive Thor.

As soon as he arrived below, Sol hurried back to his hotel.

It seems that he suddenly thought of reading a book to learn more about the history of the supreme leader.

Within the next few days.

Tony didn’t know what he was up to.

But through Tony’s statement, Director Fury seemed to have suddenly discovered something.

And he suddenly withdrew most of the agents in New Mexico.

Then they all sent to the Arctic Ocean.

And Thor…he raises his hand on the roof of the umbrella building every morning to summon Thor’s hammer.

But there is no doubt that.

Every day is useless.

Inside the top office.

Saul held his head and looked at the floor.(Read more @

He didn’t know what else he could do.

He watched every leader in the history of the country.

What they did, what they did, and what they turned out to be written there.

But after reading and understanding, he still couldn’t summon Thor’s Hammer.

Ino looked down at Saul and said, “You still don’t know what to do.”

Sol let go and looked at Ino sitting in front of him and asked, “What else can I do?”

“You just watched it, but didn’t understand it.”

Ino shook his head and said: “Let me ask you a question, how did most of every leader in developed and developing countries after World War II took office”

Sol thought for a while: “Election.”

“You also know it’s an election.”

Ino turned the pen in his hand and said, “Although there are elements of secret manipulation there.”

“But after removing that part, how did they get elected”

Although Ino asked deeper questions.

But this time Sol confidently said: “Father passed or subordinates support.”

Ino: …The feelings you really are…see.

Then I didn’t understand.

I really took it.

Ino held his forehead and shook his hand at Saul: “Go back and find out what the word means, and then study the deeper meaning before you come back and tell me.”

I heard Ino say that he was wrong.

Saul was stunned and didn’t expect that his most confident answer was wrong.

But Ino asked him to go back and take a look again, so Sol could only go back and take a look again.

Time arrived at noon.

Angela and Helen came out of the laboratory for a break.

When Ino told them that Saul still thinks that when the king only needs the approval of his father or the support of his subordinates.

Helen couldn’t help laughing softly: “It turns out that God’s Domain still pays attention to this. It is only in a country that is so backward that Blue Star chooses this method.”

“No, no, it’s still a bit different from what you said.”

Ino interrupted: “Sol is indeed the father rotor over there.”

“Because of genes and the huge God’s Domain, they cannot be passed on to outsiders, but.”

“If it is passed to the Waste King, then this God’s Domain can be instantly destroyed.”

“So Odin would rather continue to hone Thor than pass it to him now.”

“But… the throne is always there: that.”

“It depends on whether he is…qualified.”

Helen thought for a while and nodded agreeing to say casually: “That’s right, just like Ino’s umbrella company can’t be passed on to others.”


Speaking of which.

Helen suddenly reacted to the words that he had just arbitrarily said out of his head.

It is not passed on to outsiders, and there is no need to give it to them.

Doesn’t that mean waiting to be passed on to their children, but…Who is a bit particular about this question?

Angela looked at Helen’s appearance, and suddenly she leaned into Helen’s ear and didn’t know what she had said.

Then Helen’s face turned red.

I just went to get a cup and prepared to make milk tea to hide myself.

After a period of time.

Helen was still sitting on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone and looked at Ino from time to time.

And Angela leaned in to chat next to Ino.

“Ino, our biomechanical technology has reached this point, will we make artificial humans in the future?”

Angela asked curiously.

Biomechanics are so powerful, now apart from the…energy problem, human technology can already be developed.

And the artificial humans created are the same as ordinary people.

But Ino shook his head and said, “Don’t do it.”

The tone is very firm.

But in the next moment, Ino said again: “Biomechanical humanoids are okay, but artificial humans like humans can’t.”

The former is a bit like the meaning of Tony’s battle armor.

The latter is equivalent to a complete person.

As soon as Ino finished speaking, Angela took a sip of Ino in front of Helen.

She hugged Ino sitting on a chair in the form of a brain cushion behind her and said: “As I thought, if we make a complete person, then we still have any need for existence.”

“I discussed this taboo with Helen, and I think it’s best not to touch it, but I still want to listen to your opinions first.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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