Chapter 149 .Even Tony doubts who the god is [3]

Tony himself went to the refrigerator and took a bottle of wine out of it.

Then he took out two more glasses and poured one for Ino.

Ino took the cup pushed by Tony.

Ino: “Although it’s a bit late, congratulations to your genius for not failing and keeping your name.”

Tony immediately shook his hand and said, “I don’t care about this anymore, anyway…I am a genius, and now I think family and friends are the most important.”

Ino nodded.

Then I touched the glass that Tony stretched over.


Tony suddenly said to Ino, “You know SHIELD.


…. How did Natasha analyze me?”

“She actually said Iron Man can join the Avengers.”

“But Tony Stark can’t.”

“You said I was narcissistic, and I would recognize it, but why did she accept my identity and not myself”

Hearing Tony’s complaint, Ino couldn’t help but laugh.

Ino said honestly: “She may think you are unreliable and you are crazy.”

Tony had a meal with the wine glass in his hand: “I was dying at that time, and I fell asleep without going crazy anyway.”

Although that is the case.

But Tony still has some doubts.

Why did Jarvis say that he fell asleep after waking up because he was hit by a coma.

I was wearing battle armor at the time.

How could it be hit on a comatose nerve.

Although this incident was considered by Tony to be an error of Jarvis’ judgment.

But there is one more thing that makes Tony curious.

Thinking of this, Tony glanced at Ino’s right index finger without leaving a trace.

The high-energy beam laser is supposed to have high temperatures even if it is not cut to the surrounding area.

At the very least, Ino’s fingers were scorched.

But why was it just missing the nails and Mark 4 didn’t have this skill at the time.

At this time, Ino looked at the Ark’s reaction furnace on Tony’s chest and said, “Aren’t you going to take it out?”

Tony’s thoughts in his head are interrupted by Ino.

He looked at his chest and said, “It is one with me, there is no need for surgery to take it out.”

Hearing this, Ino shook his head naturally and took a sip of the wine in the glass.

Oneness does not mean that one has to be one.

Tony still didn’t understand this…

At this moment, Tony’s phone rang suddenly.

He picked it up and looked: “Pepper called.”

After connecting, Tony talked to the other person a few times and then hung up the phone.

Then he looked at Ino and said, “Well, I’m going back now, Pepper has something to find me.”

Ino nodded: “Go slowly.”(Read more @

Tony stood up.

I took the whole bottle of wine that I had only drunk a little, “Quick the thirst on the road.”

Ino shook his head helplessly.

The umbrella is not far from Stark.


Tony returns to his laboratory.

He looked at a palm armor with his fingers cut off on his work desk.

That’s right.

Tony sent it to Ino.

Only the Ark reactor and palm have been changed.

Everything else is normal.

And this palm with his fingertips cut off is on his desk.

Tony picked it up.

Look closely at the internal structure inside.

The incision has melted.

The inner structure of the incision also has high temperature burning.

Then why Ino’s fingers were not burned inside but only their nails were cut off. At that time, he was only excited and happy.

I didn’t expect this at all.

Until now, he didn’t find out about this situation when he was repairing that day.

But I thought about it for a long time.

Tony’s Armored Finger in his hand turned around on the table and said, “Forget it, don’t worry.”

At this time, Pepper’s voice came: “Tony, are you down here?”

“Come now.”

Tony got up from his chair and walked out.

…And now S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. Headquarters: Sanqu Wing Building.

Fury listened to Coleson’s report in the office.

Then he asked Hill in the video call: “What do you think?”

Hill shook his head slightly.

“It’s amazing too, isn’t it”

Fury said in a weird tone: “When Ino went, I encountered a special neuropathy.”

“He knows the origin of the hammer, and he says he is a god.”

“But what’s the point.”

“He actually chased Ino and said he was also a god.”

Coleson as S.H.I.E.L.D..


The agents of …, of course, except for the ones that were not heard in the silent room, they all reported to Fury.

“But he probably has a brain problem.”

Hill said, “Agent Colson thought his brain was abnormal.”

“But Ino took him back to the umbrella.”

Fury reminded Hill: “Ino is not a fool, so why should he bring his neuropathy back”

Hill shook his head gently again.

Regarding…Fry’s guess that Ino is…the god, Hill remained neutral.

Neither thinks nor opposes.

Seeing Hill not speaking, Fury spread his hands and said: “Although we can only think now, we lack the main evidence, unless we have a video of Ino turning into a god.”

“Or, we have evidence that Ino can definitely point out that Ino is… a god.”

Hearing this, Hill couldn’t help asking: “Are you going to put Ino on the watch list?”

“No, no, no.”

Fury shook his hand and said, “The hammer is not over yet. I won’t think about it until it’s over.”

“But now, Ino’s actions and actions are really too suspicious.”

“If it hadn’t been for the sudden disappearance of Ino at the Expo a few days ago, I wouldn’t have such a big suspicion of Ino.”

“Without him by the sea, without him for the umbrella, the gods flew away, and he returned after Vanke’s death.”

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t doubt Ino just because of a temperament problem.”

When Hill heard this, he nodded in agreement.

There is no way, the fact is there, and Hill has also confirmed it.

After that, Fury checked the time and ended the meeting.

After all, this sudden video meeting was for Coleson’s report.

……..The next day.

Several people from Ino came to the umbrella building.

Once there, Thor smiled in the hall and waited for Ino to arrive.

Seeing Ino, he walked over eagerly and said: “I want to try if I can summon a hammer.”

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