Chapter 145 .What is the experience of being asked for help by Sol [4]

Coleson took a peek at Sol.

But Sol has been looking at him with a smile through the window.

The half-blonde hair and the Nordic face.

The more I look, the more I look like Sol.

Colson looked at Ino again and said, “Then what should I do now”

“Take it, it’s really crazy and send him… he goes to a mental hospital.”

Ino closed his eyes again and said, “Tell him we are going to a crashed hammer.”

“Look at his reaction, and then arrange for him to go to another car.”

Coulson nodded, opened the door and got out of the car again to look at Saul.

He said: “We now want to take you to a place where the hammer crashed. If you want to go, then you have to make another…car.”

“Hammer! My hammer!”

When Saul heard this, he was immediately happy and said, “No problem, but can’t you ride in a car with your god? We have something to do.

To talk.”


Coleson resolutely said.

If Saul’s figure suddenly goes crazy and threatens what to do with Mr. Ino, he must be arranged in another car.

“Well, I’ll take the car you mentioned and go to my hammer.”

Sol had no choice but to agree.

Coulson nodded.

Arrange for a SHIELD.


…. The vehicle lets Sol sit in.

Then he returned to Ino’s car and proceeded to the hammer’s fall.

After driving for more than half an hour.



…The team came to an area with a big hole.

There are iron fences around here.

And there are many agents on patrol.

The Thor’s hammer in the inner heart is even more penetrated by several white pipes extending in all directions.

After getting out of the car.

Sol saw the local situation and exclaimed in excitement: “This is my hammer! I see my hammer!”

Speaking of Thor, he wanted to play Thor’s Hammer and ran away.

But the moment he got out of the car, he was surrounded by agents.

Coulson glanced at Ino, and Ino nodded to let Thor pass.

Coleson waved his hand to let the agents let go… Thor.

Seeing the agents leave, Sol looked at Ino and said, “Thank you.”

Then he walked towards Thor’s hammer.

It’s just that a few agents followed him to prevent him from making trouble.(Read more @

At this time, Coleson said to Ino: “There is another person I need to introduce to you. He is also our SHIELD.


….’S special agent.”


Regardless of….

After Sol.

Ino followed Coleson to the white house next to him.

As soon as he entered the door, Ino saw a man with his arms in a vest.

There is also a quiver hanging behind him.

There is also a compound bow in the hand.

Coulson stretched out his hand to motion him to introduce to Ino: “This is Clint Barton, codenamed Hawkeye.”

“this is…….”

“I know, this is an umbrella, Mr. Ino.”

Before Coleson could finish, Hawkeye took the initiative to shake hands with Ino.

It seems that even in Hawkeye’s eyes, he still has a basic liking for Ino.

After shaking hands with Hawkeye, Ino looked at the surroundings and said, “You have found out these few days.”

Coleson replied: “In a few days, only a week or so, the researchers here are helpless with this hammer. They don’t understand it at all.”

Only if you can study and understand it is a ghost.

With Bluestar’s current technology, it is impossible to even see the fur.

“Then now we can only wait for Sol will surprise us.”

Ino shrugged and said, “The umbrella is not too powerful. You can’t find it out, and I am almost the same.”

“No, the difference is still a bit far away.”

Coleson said: “At least…the umbrella is leading the world in biological research.”

Ino smiled and accepted Coleson’s compliment.

Wow ah ah ah ah!!!!! Suddenly.

There was a long and terrible sound.

It contains deep despair.

Coulson jerked his head back to look at the location of Thor’s hammer.

That was Saul’s voice, he knew it.

Hawkeye also quickly picked up his compound bow.

“Go and see.”

Ino said, and walked directly to Thor’s hammer.

It didn’t take long after seven turns and eight turns.

Ino followed Colson to the position of Thor’s Hammer.

Thor was kneeling before Thor’s hammer at this time.

There is also a group of agents and scientific researchers nearby.

Coleson stepped forward and asked: “What’s the matter?”

One of the agents came over and said, “This man looked like this after he tried his best to pick up the hammer and failed.”

Coulson nodded, then looked back at Ino and waited for the next move.

Ino looked at Sol, who was already a little broken, and said, “Take him to the lounge for a night, and then I will ask myself tomorrow.”

Raise the watch to check time 10: “This is already considered overtime, now I should go back to the hotel.”

Coulson nodded and ordered the other agents to take Sol away.

Then he drove the car and sent the irritable to the hotel.

When he arrived at the hotel, Coleson looked at this so-so hotel and said: “It’s relatively remote, so the hotel is already the best.”

Ino nodded, “It’s good to be able to sleep. In a few days, it may be clear to you tomorrow.”

Coleson smiled and said, “I hope so.”

The next day.

Ino followed Coleson for more than half an hour’s drive and then returned to the Institute of improvisation.

This is where Thor’s hammer falls.

Sol was arranged in the lounge here yesterday.

Follow Coleson to Sol’s lounge.

As soon as Saul saw Ino, he stood up abruptly.

All of a sudden, Coleson and Hawkeye took a step forward and protected Ino behind them.

Ino waved his hand: “You can go out, he won’t be reckless.”

After speaking, Ino looked at Thor and said, “If you want to talk, just sit back on the bed honestly.”

Hear what Ino said.

Sol managed to endure anxiously and sat back on the bed.

Coulson and Hawkeye looked at each other after seeing Thor like this, and then walked out at the same time without saying a word.

Wait until both of them have gone out and closed the door.

In this soundproof room, Sol immediately said eagerly: “My brother Rocky came last night. He said that my father died because of me, and my mother did not allow me to return to Asgard.”

“The conditions for the truce with Jotunheim are… to banish me forever and deprive me of my divine power and hammer ability.”

“I regret very much, I regret very much, you are also a god, although I don’t know which god domain you are in, but can you help me?”

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